

单词 一首
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEEL〕From the living room came the sound of a deep male voice singing a sentimental ballad. 起居室里传来低沉的男声唱着一首感伤的民歌。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕Then Gertie got up on the stage and delighted us all by singing a comic song. 然后格蒂走上舞台,唱了一首滑稽歌曲来逗我们开心。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Each Monday the teacher made us recite a poem which had to be word perfect . 每星期一老师都要求我们一字不差地背一首诗。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The congregation seemed to know all the hymns by heart. 会众似乎对每一首圣歌都很熟悉。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕This idea of creation is similarly expressed in a poem by Dylan Thomas. 这种创世观念和迪伦·托马斯的一首诗里所说的一样。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕It's difficult to know ahead of time whether an audience will like a new piece of music. 事先很难知道听众是否会喜欢一首新曲子。朗文写作活用〔apropos〕The ceremony concluded with the reading of an apropos poem.仪式在一首恰当的诗作的朗读中结束。韦氏高阶〔bow out with〕She bowed out with a song.最后她唱了一首歌就退场了。21世纪英汉〔canon〕Music A composition or passage in which the same melody is repeated by one or more voices, overlapping in time in the same or a related key.【音乐】 卡农,卡农曲:一首乐曲或乐段,其中同样的旋律被一个或多个声部重复,同一调或相关调彼此在时间上重合美国传统〔canticle〕Music A song or chant, especially a nonmetrical hymn with words taken from a biblical text.【音乐】 圣歌,赞美诗:一首歌或吟颂,尤指一段带有取自圣经的文字的赞美诗美国传统〔chisel〕An epitaph had been chiselled into the stone.一首墓志铭被刻在了石碑上。麦克米伦高阶〔close〕The service closed with a hymn.礼拜以一首赞美诗[歌]结束。文馨英汉〔commission〕She's been commissioned to write a symphony.她受人委托写一首交响乐曲。麦克米伦高阶〔cover〕I think more singers have covered "Yesterday" than any other song.我想翻唱《昨日》的歌手人数超过其他任何一首歌的翻唱人数。剑桥高阶〔cracker〕The guitarist played a cracker of a solo.吉他手弹奏了一首动听的独奏曲。韦氏高阶〔croon〕Later in the evening, Lewis began to croon another Springsteen song.夜深后, 刘易斯开始低声哼唱另一首斯普林斯廷的歌。外研社新世纪〔dash out〕She dashed out a poem.她即兴吟了一首诗。21世纪英汉〔deference〕Out of deference to my hostess, I sang a song.为尊重女主人,我唱了一首歌。文馨英汉〔deliver of〕Jack was delivered of a sonnet on the subject.杰克就这个题目作了一首十四行诗。21世纪英汉〔distill〕He has perfectly distilled the meaning of the holiday into a poem.他把假日的意义完美地升华为一首诗。韦氏高阶〔echo〕The book's title is an echo of a line from an old folk song.这本书的书名取自一首古老民歌的歌词。韦氏高阶〔encore〕For an encore he sang an unaccompanied folk song.应观众再唱一曲的要求,他清唱了一首民歌。牛津搭配〔end with〕He ended the concert with one of his new songs.他以一首新歌结束了这场演唱会。韦氏高阶〔end〕I'd like to end with a song from my first album.我想以我第一张专辑里的一首歌来结束演出。剑桥高阶〔entitle〕He read a poem entitled ‘Salt’.他朗诵一首题为《盐》的诗。牛津高阶〔essay〕Your assignment is to write a 500-word essay on one of Shakespeare's sonnets.你们的作业是,就莎士比亚任何一首十四行诗,写一篇500词的短文。韦氏高阶〔eulogy〕The song was a eulogy to the joys of travelling.这是一首赞颂旅行乐趣的歌曲。剑桥高阶〔fill-up〕The fill-up was a delicious Italian serenade.这档插入节目是一首优雅的意大利小夜曲。英汉大词典〔finish〕The party finished with a sing-song.聚会以一首合唱结束。朗文当代〔first〕First up is the Blues song 'Mississippi Lad'.第一首是蓝调歌曲《密西西比小伙》。朗文当代〔flaccid〕The programme included a lacklustre and flaccid performance of Berg's violin concerto.节目包括一首由伯格演奏的死气沉沉、毫不精彩的小提琴协奏曲。剑桥高阶〔flow〕The songs flow seamlessly into one another.这些歌曲自然流畅地从一首过渡到另一首。牛津搭配〔fluff〕The song is a corny piece of pop fluff.这是一首俗套肤浅的流行歌曲。外研社新世纪〔found poem〕The presentation of a borrowed text or found object as a poem or as part of a poem.撷取的诗文:引用文章呈现出来或是随手撷取一首诗或段落呈现美国传统〔give〕Give us a song! 给我们唱一首歌!文馨英汉〔great〕It's a great pity that none of his poems survive.非常遗憾,他的诗歌没有一首保存下来。朗文当代〔heartbeat〕The first track on the album begins with the sound of a heartbeat.专辑中的第一首歌是以心跳声开始的。牛津搭配〔hit off〕He was so excited that he hit off a piece of music for me.那时他兴奋极了,随即即席为我创作了一首乐曲。21世纪英汉〔hit〕He hit off a poem. 他即兴作了一首诗。英汉大词典〔hit〕This is an instant song hit (或 a hit song).这是一首一炮打响的流行歌曲。英汉大词典〔honour〕In honour of the occasion, Mozart was to write a short piece of music.莫扎特要为这一盛会作一首短曲。麦克米伦高阶〔immortalize〕The battle was immortalized in a famous poem.一首名诗让这场战役名垂千古。韦氏高阶〔kiss-off〕The song is a kiss-off to his ex-girlfriend.那是代表他甩掉前女友的一首歌。韦氏高阶〔knock ... down〕He knocked the artist down for a song.他指名要求该艺术家唱一首歌。21世纪英汉〔leitmotif〕The title of one of Dietrich's best-known songs could serve as the leitmotif for her life.黛德丽的一生可以用她一首名曲的歌名来概括。外研社新世纪〔live〕We'll be playing you a track from his new live album (=ALBUM that was recorded from a live performance) .我们将为你播放他现场版新专辑中的一首歌曲。朗文当代〔lowbrow〕And for lowbrows, there's a very neat duet of 'You Really Got Me'.对于那些什么也不懂的粗人, 倒是可以听听一首还不错的二重唱《你迷倒了我》。外研社新世纪〔make〕They made up a little poem and wrote it in the card.他们编了一首小诗写在卡片上。麦克米伦高阶〔malagueña〕Any of several Spanish folk tunes, especially one native to Málaga that is similar to the fandango.马拉加舞曲:一首西班牙民间舞曲,尤指与凡当戈舞曲相似的马拉加民间舞曲美国传统〔merry〕They sang a merry little song.他们唱了一首欢快、简短的歌。韦氏高阶〔metre〕They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre.他们必须每人作一首严格押头韵的诗。柯林斯高阶〔minuet〕The orchestra played a minuet.管弦乐队演奏了一首小步舞曲。韦氏高阶〔oblige〕She obliged the guests with a song.她为客人演唱了一首歌。外研社新世纪〔occasion〕At the wedding he sang a song specially written for the occasion.婚礼上,他演唱了一首专门为这次婚礼创作的歌曲。剑桥高阶〔oldie〕Something old, especially a song that was once popular.旧时的车:陈旧的东西,尤指一首曾风行一时的歌美国传统〔on〕He played a short piece on the piano.他用钢琴弹奏了一首短曲。朗文当代〔opener〕The album's opener is a slow love song.这张专辑的第一首歌是首舒缓的情歌。韦氏高阶〔openness〕She opened with an impressive version of 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'.她以一首优美动人的《我仍在寻找》开场。柯林斯高阶〔parody〕Throughout the Twenties, Lardner tried in vain to write a hit song, so at last he turned to parody.整个20年代,拉德纳尝试着想要写出一首走红歌曲,可是都失败了,于是最后转向戏仿他人的作品。柯林斯高阶〔pick ... out〕She tried to pick out the tune of a song she had heard on the radio.她试图凭借听觉记忆把从无线电台广播中听到的一首歌曲弹奏出来。21世纪英汉〔pipe〕The musician piped a tune.音乐家吹奏了一首曲子。韦氏高阶〔poetry〕The essence or characteristic quality of a poem.诗的特征,诗的意境:一首诗的精髓或特征性的品质美国传统〔proclaim〕He proclaimed his love for her in a poem.他在一首诗中表达了对她的爱慕之情。韦氏高阶〔quotation〕It's a quotation from a poem by Keats.这句话出自济慈的一首诗。牛津搭配〔rattle around〕An old song has been rattling around in my head all day.一首老歌在我脑海中回荡了一整天。韦氏高阶〔recite〕She recited a poem that she had learnt at school.她背诵了一首她在学校里学的诗。朗文当代〔repertory〕Her repertory was vast and to her it seemed that each song told some part of her life.她演唱的歌曲有很多,并且对于她来说似乎每一首歌都讲述了她的一部分生活。柯林斯高阶〔rhyme〕The children sang a nursery rhyme.孩子们唱了一首儿歌。牛津搭配〔rip-off〕The si ngle is a rip-off of a 70s hit.这首单曲是 70 年代的一首热门歌曲的翻版。牛津高阶〔scribble〕Among the scribbles in my travel notebook I find an attempt at a Zen poem.在我胡乱写下的游记里, 有一首仿禅诗。外研社新世纪〔segue〕The band smoothly segued from one song to the next.乐队平稳顺利地从一首歌过渡到了下一首。韦氏高阶〔sing along〕The radio station played a Billy Joel song, and I found myself singing along to it.电台在播放一首比利‧乔尔的歌,我发觉自己也跟着一起唱了起来。剑桥高阶〔sing〕They were all singing the same song.他们全都在唱同一首歌。柯林斯高阶〔sold out〕The premiere on Monday is sold out.周一首映式的门票已经全部售完。柯林斯高阶〔swipe〕Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes.吉妮西丝录制了一首歌来抨击那些买下并毁坏人们家园的贪婪的房地产开发商。柯林斯高阶〔tear into〕The band tore into the next song with a lot of energy.乐队立刻精神饱满地开始演唱下一首歌。韦氏高阶〔thanksgiving〕They sang a hymn of thanksgiving.他们唱了一首感恩赞歌。韦氏高阶〔thump〕He thumped out a tune on the piano.他在钢琴上重重地弹奏出一首曲子。21世纪英汉〔time〕If a song is in 3/4 time, that means that there are three beats per bar/measure and that each of those beats is a quarter note.如果一首歌使用3/4拍,那意味着以四分音符为一拍,每小节有三拍。韦氏高阶〔tootle〕McCann tootled a tune on the piano.麦卡恩在钢琴上弹奏了一首曲子。外研社新世纪〔treat〕I'll treat you all to a little piano speciality of my own.我要请你们大家听一首我特地自谱的钢琴曲。英汉大词典〔trill〕She trilled a song.她用颤音唱了一首歌。21世纪英汉〔tune〕She played us a tune on the piano.她用钢琴给我们弹奏了一首曲子。牛津搭配〔tune〕That's a very catchy tune (= easy to remember and pleasant).那是一首很容易上口的曲子。剑桥高阶〔unlisted〕There's an unlisted bonus track on the CD.*CD上有一首目录以外的附赠歌曲。韦氏高阶〔unrequited〕It's just another poem on the pain of unrequited love.这不过又是一首表现单相思之苦的诗。剑桥高阶〔weave〕The musicians wove together a beautiful and complex melody.音乐家们编了一首优美而复杂的曲子。韦氏高阶At the wedding he sang a song specially written for the occasion.婚礼上他唱了一首专为该场合而作的歌。剑桥国际He composed his first piece for the band, Variations on “Annie Laurie”, at the age of 12.他12岁时为乐队谱写了第一首曲子----“安妮·劳里变奏曲”。剑桥国际He sang Schubert's setting of a Goethe poem.他唱了一首歌德的诗为词由舒伯特谱曲的歌。剑桥国际He struck a tune on the piano. 他在钢琴上弹了一首曲子。译典通He thumped out a tune on the old piano. 他在那架旧钢琴上奏出了一首响亮的曲子。译典通I'm going to finish (=end) with a new song.我最后将献给大家一首新歌。剑桥国际She finished (=ended) the concert with a song from her first album.她用她第一张唱片上的一首歌结束音乐会。剑桥国际Somehow this avoids being just another silly pop song with anodyne lyrics about love and happiness.好歹这支歌避免了成为又一首充斥着关于爱和幸福的平庸乏味歌词的、无聊的流行歌曲。剑桥国际The audience cheered as the band walked onstage for another encore.当乐队走上舞台应听众的要求又一次再演一首时,听众们欢呼了起来。剑桥国际The band played an airy tune. 乐队演奏了一首轻快的曲子。译典通The novel is little more than a protracted expansion of a short medieval poem.这部小说不过是把中古时期的一首小诗作了拖长的扩充罢了。剑桥国际The orchestra played a Mozart symphony. 乐队演奏了一首莫札特的交响曲。译典通They are playing a waltz by Strauss. 他们在演奏一首斯特劳斯的圆舞曲。译典通




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