

单词 upward
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔climb〕the upward climb of interest rates 利率的上升牛津搭配〔curve〕with both consumer confidence and consumer purchases on an upward curve once again 在消费者信心和消费者购买再次呈现上升趋势的情况下英汉大词典〔double〕hotels that range in price upward from $60 for a double 双人房间为60美元以上价格不等的一些宾馆英汉大词典〔flick〕a quick upward flick of the arm 手臂的迅速向上一挥英汉大词典〔lead〕marble columns that lead the eye upward 吸引你的目光往上看的大理石柱子朗文当代〔march〕with oil prices continuing their upward march随着油价的不断攀升外研社新世纪〔mobile〕upward mobile middle-class parents 社会地位上向流动的中产阶级家长英汉大词典〔mobility〕upward (downward) social mobility 社会地位方面的上向(下向)流动英汉大词典〔mobility〕jobs and opportunities for upward mobility 提升社会阶层的工作和机会朗文当代〔movement〕upward movement of temperature 温度的上升英汉大词典〔porjectable〕to project a vertical line from point A upward to B从A点向上画一条线到B21世纪英汉〔progression〕his steady upward progression within the company 他在公司内的稳步晋升牛津搭配〔revision〕an upward revision of government expenditure plans 政府开支计划的上调牛津搭配〔thrust〕an upward thrust in living standards 生活水准的上升英汉大词典〔thrust〕the upward thrust of the skyscrapers 摩天大楼的高耸入云英汉大词典〔trajectory〕a relentlessly upward career trajectory.扶摇直上的事业轨迹柯林斯高阶〔trend〕a downward/an upward trend in sales 销售额下滑╱上升的趋势牛津高阶〔trend〕an upward trend in prices.物价上涨的趋势。牛津同义词〔trend〕an upward trend of prices 物价上涨的趋势英汉大词典〔upward〕upward movement.向上的运动美国传统〔upward〕upward movement/flow 向上的运动/流动韦氏高阶〔upward〕upward pressure on bank interest rates 针对银行利率的越来越大的压力朗文当代〔upward〕a sharp upward movement in property prices 房价的飙升朗文当代〔upward〕a young executive moving upward fast.一位爬升得很快的年轻经理美国传统〔upward〕an upward curve 上升曲线韦氏高阶〔upward〕an upward gaze 举目凝望牛津高阶〔upward〕an upward glance 向上的一瞥 英汉大词典〔upward〕an upward movement in property prices 房地产价格的上升牛津高阶〔upward〕an upward path.向上的小径。牛津同义词〔upward〕an upward revision of the vote tally 选票上升记录的刷新韦氏高阶〔upward〕an upward trend in sales 销售的上升趋势朗文当代〔upward〕an upward trend of the economy 经济的上升趋势 英汉大词典〔upward〕children of twelve years and upward 12岁和12岁以上的儿童英汉大词典〔upward〕if prices continue their inexorably upward spiral.如果物价继续疯狂攀升的话柯林斯高阶〔upward〕if prices continue their inexorably upward spiral如果物价继续疯狂攀升外研社新世纪〔upward〕in an upward direction 向上方韦氏高阶〔upward〕moving upward in the corporate world 在企业界攀升韦氏高阶〔upward〕strong upward currents of air 向上的强大气流麦克米伦高阶〔upward〕the upward trend in the numbers avoiding military service逃兵役人数的上升趋势外研社新世纪〔upward〕the Army's concern that the upward trend in the numbers avoiding military service may continue.部队对逃避服兵役人数可能持续增多的担忧柯林斯高阶〔upward〕the inflationary upward spiral 螺旋形上升的通货膨胀英汉大词典〔upward〕the plant's upward growth 植物的向上生长韦氏高阶〔upward〕young lawyers moving upward 地位正在上升的青年律师 英汉大词典




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