

单词 uptown
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAUTIFUL〕We first met him at an elegant hotel in the uptown district of Manhattan. 我们是在曼哈顿市郊一家高雅的酒店和他初次见面的。朗文写作活用〔come〕She lives uptown and rarely comes down to this part of the city.她住在市郊,很少到市里的这一带来。韦氏高阶〔express〕The quickest way to get here is to take the uptown express.来这儿最便捷的方法就是坐从市中心开出来的特快列车。剑桥高阶〔midtown〕A central portion of a city, between uptown and downtown.市中心区:一个城市的中心地区,位于住宅区和商业区之间美国传统〔subway〕We took the subway uptown to Yankee Stadium.我们乘地铁到城外的扬基体育场去。剑桥高阶〔tony〕We met in a tony restaurant uptown.我们在市郊一家豪华的饭店见面。朗文当代〔uptown〕He lives uptown.他住在市郊。韦氏高阶〔uptown〕He now lives in an apartment a little farther uptown.他现在住在一套离商业区较远的公寓里。朗文当代〔uptown〕He rode uptown and made his way to Bob's apartment.他乘车前往城外鲍勃的公寓。柯林斯高阶〔uptown〕He rode uptown and made his way to Bob's apartment.他骑车前往城外鲍勃的公寓。外研社新世纪〔uptown〕He walked uptown.他往城外走去。英汉大词典〔uptown〕I can get lunch in Chinatown for half of what it costs uptown.我可以在唐人街吃午饭,花费只需市郊餐馆的一半。剑桥高阶〔uptown〕Of, relating to, or located uptown.城镇非中心区的:城镇非中心区的,位于城镇非中心区的,和城镇非中心区有关的美国传统〔uptown〕She always met him at his apartment uptown.她总是在住宅区他的公寓里跟他会面。英汉大词典〔uptown〕She's living the organised life of a level-headed uptown girl.她过着头脑冷静的郊区女孩过的那种井井有条的生活。外研社新世纪〔uptown〕Susan continued to live uptown.苏珊继续住在市郊。外研社新世纪〔uptown〕Susan continued to live uptown.苏珊继续住在市郊。柯林斯高阶〔uptown〕There's a skating rink uptown.市郊有一个溜冰场。柯林斯高阶〔uptown〕They live in an apartment uptown.他们住在市郊的一套公寓。牛津高阶〔uptown〕They took a taxi from uptown to downtown.他们乘出租车从市郊到市中心。韦氏高阶〔uptown〕We could walk uptown or we could take the train.我们可以步行到城北,也可以坐火车去。剑桥高阶〔uptown〕We walked uptown a couple of blocks until we found a cab.我们向市郊走了好几条街才找到一辆出租车。牛津高阶〔uptown〕We walked uptown to his apartment.我们朝他在市郊的公寓走去。韦氏高阶Dey plays the part of an uptown Manhattan restaurateur.代伊扮演北曼哈顿一家餐馆老板的角色。剑桥国际He lived in a quiet section of uptown. 他住在住宅区的一个安静的地段。译典通He rented an apartment uptown. 他在住宅区租了一间公寓。译典通I can get lunch in Chinatown for half of what it costs uptown.我在唐人街吃午餐,饭钱比在城北便宜一半。剑桥国际She went to the uptown post office. 她去住宅区的邮局。译典通The quickest way to get here is to take the uptown express (= the fast train).来这里最快的办法是乘城市住宅区快车。剑桥国际We could walk uptown or we could take the train.我们可以走着到北区或者坐火车。剑桥国际We took the subway uptown to Yankee Stadium.我们乘地铁到市中心的扬基体育场。剑桥国际




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