

单词 wrest
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔reckless〕One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijacker's hand.有一个人质莽撞地企图去夺劫机者手中的枪。美国传统〔rend〕To tear away forcibly; wrest.用力撕开;猛力扭转美国传统〔wrest from〕He wrested my words from their real meaning.他曲解了我的话的本意。21世纪英汉〔wrest from〕He wrested the knife from the murderer.他拼命从凶手手中夺下了刀。21世纪英汉〔wrest from〕Until now,many peasants have to work hard to wrest a living from the soil.迄今为止,仍有许多农民在地里辛苦劳作,靠土地谋生。21世纪英汉〔wrest〕For the past year he has been trying to wrest control from the central government.一年来,他一直试图从中央政府手中将控制权夺过来。柯林斯高阶〔wrest〕He wrested the gun from my grasp.他把枪从我手里抢走了。牛津高阶〔wrest〕He wrested the letter from my grasp.他从我手中夺走了那封信。剑桥高阶〔wrest〕He wrested the sense of my words.他曲解了我的意思。21世纪英汉〔wrest〕He wrested the suitcase from the chauffeur.他从司机手里抢走了手提箱。外研社新世纪〔wrest〕He wrested the suitcase from the chauffeur.他从司机手里抢过手提箱。柯林斯高阶〔wrest〕He has been trying to wrest control from the central government.他一直试图从中央政府手中夺取控制权。外研社新世纪〔wrest〕He tried to wrest control of the company from his uncle.他试图从他叔叔手中夺得公司控制权。韦氏高阶〔wrest〕He used all his strength to wrest the lid off.他使出全身力气把盖子拧下。英汉大词典〔wrest〕He was attacked by a security man who tried to wrest away a gas cartridge.他遭到一名保安的袭击,那保安想抢走一个气瓶。柯林斯高阶〔wrest〕I managed to wrest the photograph from his grasp.我从他紧握着的手中把照片夺了过来。朗文当代〔wrest〕Music A small tuning key for the wrest pins of a stringed instrument.【音乐】 调音键:弦乐上用于弦轴的调音键美国传统〔wrest〕Russia wrested control of the northern Caucasus in the 19th century.俄罗斯在19世纪强行控制了高加索北部。麦克米伦高阶〔wrest〕The act of wresting.夺取:夺取之动作美国传统〔wrest〕The chance had come and no one should wrest it from him now.机会来了,现在谁也抢不走他的这一机会了。英汉大词典〔wrest〕The men had returned to wrest back power.这些人已经回来以图重新夺取权力。柯林斯高阶〔wrest〕The shareholders are planning to wrest control of the company (away) from the current directors.股东们正在计划从现任董事们手中夺取公司的控制权。剑桥高阶〔wrest〕They are fighting to wrest control of the party from the old leaders.他们正极力从老一辈领导者手中夺取对党的控制权。朗文当代〔wrest〕They attempted to wrest control of the town from government forces.他们企图从政府军手中夺取对这个城镇的控制权。牛津高阶〔wriggle〕To wriggle is to wrest about like a worm.蠕动就是像虫子一样扭来扭去。21世纪英汉Central government has been trying to wrest power (away) from the local councils.中央政府一直在千方百计地试图从地方市政委员会手中夺走权力。剑桥国际For centuries, farmers have wrested a living from these barren hills.几个世纪以来,农民们已在这些贫瘠的小山上辛苦谋得了一条生路。剑桥国际He wrested it from her hands. 他从她手里夺到了它。译典通The policeman wrested the truth out of her. 那警察好不容易才从她那儿了解到真情。译典通The report wrests the facts out of their true meaning. 这篇报导歪曲了事实真相。译典通The shareholders are planning to wrest control of the company (away) from the current directors.股东们正在计划从现任董事手中夺走控制权。剑桥国际




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