

单词 weight gain
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔USELESS〕Numerous studies show that dieting is useless and may even cause weight gain. 许多研究表明,节食没有用,甚至可能会增加体重。朗文写作活用〔conspicuous〕He was uncomfortable about his conspicuous weight gain.他对自己体重明显增加感到不安。韦氏高阶〔gain〕Eating too many fatty goods could cause weight gain .过多食用高脂食物会造成体重增加。朗文当代〔gain〕Excessive weight gain doesn't do you any good.体重过度增加对你没有任何好处。柯林斯高阶〔gain〕Excessive weight gain doesn't do you any good.体重过度增加不会对你有任何好处。外研社新世纪〔gain〕Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain.经常锻炼有助于防止体重增加。牛津高阶〔gain〕She was upset by her recent weight gain.她因最近体重增加而烦恼。牛津搭配〔gain〕Side effects of the drugs may include tiredness, headaches, or weight gain.这些药物的副作用可能包括疲乏、头痛或体重增加。剑桥高阶〔gain〕The baby's weight gain during the first six months was normal.这个婴儿在头6个月体重增长正常。麦克米伦高阶〔gain〕The medication can cause nausea and weight gain.这种药物可能会引起呕吐和体重增加。韦氏高阶〔libido〕Symptoms include weight gain, sleep disorders and loss of libido.症状包括体重增加、睡眠失调以及性欲消失。剑桥高阶〔postural〕Postural changes and weight gain cause some women to experience musculoskeletal pain during pregnancy.姿态变化和体重增加可能在一些妇女身上造成肌肉骨骼疼痛。剑桥高阶〔proclivity〕One can only inherit a proclivity to weight gain.人们只会继承易于发胖的倾向。外研社新世纪〔side-effect〕The treatment has a whole host of extremely unpleasant side-effects including weight gain, acne, skin rashes and headaches.这种疗法有许多令人非常不舒服的副作用,包括发胖、粉刺、皮疹和头痛。柯林斯高阶〔start〕A lot of people who lose weight gain it back over time, and end up back where they started.许多减了肥的人过一段时间又恢复了体重,结果是白费力气。朗文当代〔vicious circle〕Many people get caught/trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.很多人都陷入节食减肥而后又体重增加的恶性循环之中。剑桥高阶Many people get caught in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.许多人为节食和体重增加的恶性循环所困扰。剑桥国际Side effects of the drugs may include tiredness, headaches or weight gain.这些药物的副作用可能包括疲乏、头痛或者体重增加。剑桥国际




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