

单词 worn
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CLOTHES〕special clothes worn by a group or profession 某一行业的特殊服装朗文写作活用〔Camorra〕perhaps from camorra [a kind of smock, said to have been worn by members of the society] 可能源自 camorra [一种罩衫,据说为该组织的成员所穿戴] 美国传统〔age〕records yellow and worn with age 因年长日久而发黄残破的案卷英汉大词典〔badge〕designer logos worn as badges of status穿在身上的作为地位象征的设计师标志外研社新世纪〔beat〕a well-beaten track(= one that has been worn hard by much use) 经过很多人踏出来的路牛津高阶〔brace〕a neck brace(= worn to support the neck after an injury) 矫治用的颈箍牛津高阶〔century〕a marble floor worn smooth over the centuries 经过几个世纪被磨得光滑的大理石地面牛津搭配〔chain〕the Mayor's chain of office (=a decoration worn by some British officials at ceremonies) 市长的链徽朗文当代〔charm〕a small gold horseshoe worn as a lucky charm 作为吉祥物的马蹄形金挂坠朗文当代〔clerical〕clericals Garments worn by the clergy. clericals 牧师服装,牧师法衣:神职人员所穿的外套美国传统〔detrition〕beach pebbles worn smooth by detrition.海岸上的砂砾被磨得非常光滑美国传统〔down〕worn down by worry.忧心忡忡美国传统〔dress〕a gentleman in evening dress (=formal clothes worn especially at important social events) 穿晚礼服的绅士朗文当代〔dress〕the costumes worn at the fancy-dress ball 在化装舞会上穿的服装牛津搭配〔fatigue〕fatigues Clothing worn by military personnel for labor or for field duty. fatigues 工作服:士兵服杂役时穿着的衣服美国传统〔feathered〕the ceremonial feathered hat worn by Hong Kong's governor.香港总督戴的饰有羽毛的礼帽柯林斯高阶〔feathered〕the ceremonial feathered hat worn by the governor总督戴的饰有羽毛的礼帽外研社新世纪〔fluorescent〕fluorescent armbands worn by cyclists 骑自行车者戴的发亮臂章牛津高阶〔goggle〕goggles A pair of tight-fitting eyeglasses, often tinted or having side shields, worn to protect the eyes from hazards such as dust, glare, or flying debris. goggles 护目镜:佩戴较紧的眼镜,通常有颜色和侧面防护,戴上以用来保护眼睛免受灰尘、强光或飞行物体的伤害美国传统〔gown〕a hospital gown [=a robe worn by a patient in a hospital] 病号服韦氏高阶〔hole〕marble steps with hollows worn by footsteps. Acavity is a hollow or hollow area within a solid body or object: 大理石阶梯有人走出的脚印。 Cavity 指固体或事物内部的凹洞: 美国传统〔lab〕a lab coat(= a white coat worn by scientists, etc. working in a laboratory) 实验室白袍牛津高阶〔limber〕the black silk stockings worn by the limber ballerinas灵巧的芭蕾舞女演员们穿着的黑丝长筒袜外研社新世纪〔novelty〕once the novelty had worn off一旦新奇感消失外研社新世纪〔overall〕overalls Loose-fitting trousers, usually of strong fabric, with a bib front and shoulder straps, often worn over regular clothing as protection from dirt. overalls 宽松的裤子,工装裤:常由坚固织物制成的宽松的裤子,前有围裙的上部分,肩有背带;常穿于普通衣服外面以挡尘土美国传统〔oversize〕the oversize white sweater she had worn at school.她在学校里穿的那件过大的白毛衣柯林斯高阶〔oversize〕the oversize white sweater she had worn at school她上学时穿过的超大号白色毛衣外研社新世纪〔pinky〕a pinky ring(= worn on the smallest finger) 戴在小指上的戒指牛津高阶〔print〕badly worn types print poorly残旧不堪的活字印得很差21世纪英汉〔rakish〕a beret worn at a rakish angle 潇洒地歪戴着的贝雷帽 英汉大词典〔reading〕reading glasses(= worn when reading) 读书用的眼镜牛津高阶〔replacement〕the replacement of worn car parts 汽车上旧零件的更换牛津高阶〔replace〕replace a worn carpet 更换破旧的地毯 英汉大词典〔replace〕to replace a worn tire更换旧轮胎21世纪英汉〔riot〕police wearing riot gear (=the special clothing and equipment worn by police officers during a riot) 身着防暴服装、带防暴装备的警察朗文当代〔romper〕rompers A loosely fitted, one-piece garment having short bloomers that is worn especially by small children for play. rompers 连衫裤:尤指小孩穿着玩耍的一种有短灯笼裤的宽松且上下身连在一起的外衣美国传统〔sable〕sables Black garments worn in mourning. sables 丧服:服丧时所穿的黑衣服美国传统〔salwar〕a salwar kameez(= a salwar worn with a kameez) 宽松裤克米兹套装牛津高阶〔scrap〕scrap out worn methods 抛弃陈旧的方法英汉大词典〔side〕a pair of shoes, one side worn 一双鞋子中一只磨破了英汉大词典〔sleeve〕feelings worn on the sleeve 毫无掩饰的感情英汉大词典〔sneaker〕a pair of worn canvas sneakers 一双旧帆布鞋牛津搭配〔trunk〕trunks Shorts worn for swimming or other athletics. trunks 男用运动裤:游泳或其他运动员穿的短裤美国传统〔vigil〕be worn out by vigils of many months 因好几个月夜不成寐而被拖垮英汉大词典〔wear〕as autumn worn into winter 时值秋去冬来 英汉大词典〔wear〕be worn out with domestic worry 被家里的烦恼事弄得疲惫不堪 英汉大词典〔wear〕be worn with travel 旅行得筋疲力尽英汉大词典〔wear〕rocks worn away by the sea; shoes worn down at the heels.被海水冲刷的岩石;跟部磨损的鞋子美国传统〔wear〕soldiers worn by the strain of war 在战争压力下疲惫不堪的士兵们韦氏高阶〔wear〕to be worn down with fatigue因劳累而疲乏不堪21世纪英汉〔wear〕wore the clothes to rags; pebbles worn smooth.衣服穿成了破布;磨光的卵石美国传统〔wing〕wings An outspread pair of stylized bird's wings worn as insignia by qualified pilots or air crew members. wings 空军飞行胸章:合格飞行员或机组人员佩带的一对展开的格式化了的鸟翅膀形的徽章美国传统〔worn out〕dirty worn out shoes 又脏又破的鞋子麦克米伦高阶〔worn out〕the car's worn out tyres.车子破损的轮胎柯林斯高阶〔worn〕a worn carpet 磨破了的地毯文馨英汉〔worn〕a worn patch on the carpet 地毯上一小块磨破的地方朗文当代〔worn〕a worn tyre 磨损的轮胎英汉大词典〔worn〕look thin and worn 显得消瘦而疲惫英汉大词典〔worn〕well worn stone steps 残破的石阶朗文当代〔wrong〕socks worn wrong side out.袜子穿反了美国传统




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