

单词 worms
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIG〕There were two fishermen on the beach digging for worms. 海滩边有两个渔民在挖蚯蚓。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Census questions about race are a pretty big can of worms. 涉及种族的人口普查问题会相当麻烦。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The government opened up a can of worms when it decided to reorganize the education system. 政府决定改革教育制度时突然发现有一大堆棘手的问题要处理。朗文写作活用〔Proterozoic〕Of, belonging to, or being the later of two divisions of Precambrian time, during which sponges, sea worms, and other forms of sea life appeared.原生代的,元古代的:前寒武纪两个时期中的后一个时期的,属于这个时期的,在这个时期的在这个时期海绵、海洋蠕虫和其它形式的海洋生命出现美国传统〔ROUND〕The bird uses its long curved bill to dig out worms and small insects. 这种鸟用长而弯曲的喙啄出蠕虫和其他小昆虫。朗文写作活用〔acarophobia〕An abnormal fear of mites, other small insects, or worms.恐螨症:一种对螨及其他小昆虫或虫不正常的恐惧美国传统〔anthelmintic〕Acting to expel or destroy parasitic intestinal worms.驱肠虫的,灭肠虫的:驱赶或消灭肠内寄生虫的美国传统〔anthelmintic〕An agent that destroys or causes the expulsion of parasitic intestinal worms.驱肠虫剂,灭肠虫剂:可消灭或驱除肠内寄生虫的药物美国传统〔attack〕Worms attacked the cabbage plants.害虫侵袭了卷心菜。英汉大词典〔bait〕They were digging up worms to use for bait.他们在挖虫子制作饵料。剑桥高阶〔bait〕We used worms as bait.我们用小虫子作诱饵。朗文当代〔can of worms〕Corruption is a serious problem, but nobody has yet been willing to open up that can of worms.腐败是很严重的问题,可是还没有人愿意触及这个难题。剑桥高阶〔can of worms〕Our boss is reluctant to change the policy now because she doesn't want to open a can of worms.我们老板现在不愿意改变政策,因为她不想惹上一堆麻烦。韦氏高阶〔can of worms〕We thought the project would be simple, but it turned out to be a real can of worms.我们原以为那个项目很简单,后来却发现很棘手。韦氏高阶〔can〕I just don't know what to do – every solution I can think of would just open up a whole new can of worms .我都不知道该怎么办 — 我能想到的每一个办法都会引出新的问题。朗文当代〔can〕Joe can't sit still for a minute — he is a can of worms.乔连一分钟也坐不住,他是个狂躁型的人。英汉大词典〔can〕They are worried that they might open a can of worms.他们担心可能会遇到大麻烦。外研社新世纪〔can〕When made chairman of that investigating committee, he was being handed a can of worms.选他担任调查委员会主席,正是叫他接手一个烂摊子。英汉大词典〔can〕You opened a real can of worms with that last question.你提出的最后一个问题很棘手。麦克米伦高阶〔chaetognath〕Any of various marine worms of the phylum Chaetognatha, which includes the arrow worms.毛颚类海虫:毛颚类动物门的一种海生虫,包括箭虫美国传统〔debris〕These worms feed on plant debris.这些虫子以植物残骸为食。牛津搭配〔dig〕The boys were digging for worms.挖寻某物麦克米伦高阶〔dig〕We dug worms for bait.我们掘蚯蚓做钓饵。英汉大词典〔eat off〕The worms have already eaten off some pages of that old book.那本古书有几页已被虫蛀坏了。21世纪英汉〔eelworm〕Any of various often parasitic nematode worms, such as the vinegar eel.鳗蛔虫:任一种寄生线虫,如醋鳗鲡美国传统〔gonopore〕A reproductive aperture or pore, especially of certain insects and worms.生殖孔:用于生殖的孔或细孔,特别是一些昆虫和虫子的美国传统〔grub up〕Out in the garden the little boys grubbed up worms.小男孩们在屋外花园里挖虫子。外研社新世纪〔have a horror of sth〕It may be childish but I have a horror of worms.这可能有些孩子气,可是我真是非常害怕虫子。剑桥高阶〔helminthiasis〕A disease caused by infestation with parasitic worms.蠕虫病,肠虫病:由于寄生蠕虫侵扰而引起的疾病美国传统〔helminthic〕Of or relating to worms, especially parasitic worms.蠕虫的:肠虫的或与其有关的,尤指寄生蠕虫的美国传统〔helminthology〕The scientific study of worms, especially parasitic worms.蠕虫学,肠虫学:研究蠕虫,尤指寄生蠕虫的学科美国传统〔hermaphrodite〕Worms are hermaphrodites.蠕虫是雌雄同体的动物。外研社新世纪〔invertebrate〕Worms are invertebrates.蠕虫是无脊椎动物。韦氏高阶〔invertebrate〕Invertebrates, such as worms, are the main diet of these water birds.蠕虫之类的无脊椎动物是这些水鸟的主要食物。剑桥高阶〔lifespan〕Worms have a lifespan of a few months.蠕虫的寿命为几个月。牛津高阶〔longevity〕The worms have a longevity of about two years.这些虫子大约能活两年。朗文当代〔lungworm〕Any of various nematode worms, especially of the family Metastrongylidae, that are parasitic in the lungs of mammals.后圆线虫,肺蠕虫:一种线虫,尤指后圆线虫科线虫,寄生在哺乳动物的肺里美国传统〔make your flesh crawl/creep〕I don't mind spiders but worms make my flesh crawl.我不怕蜘蛛,但是肉虫子让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。剑桥高阶〔mix your metaphors〕Mixing his metaphors, he described the problem by saying "We've opened up a can of worms here, and now we have to get the genie back in the bottle".他用混合隐喻形容面对的问题,“我们打开了一个‘虫罐子’,现在我们必须把妖怪放回瓶子里去”。剑桥高阶〔nakedness〕The worms cannot be seen by the naked eye.这些虫子用肉眼看不见。柯林斯高阶〔naked〕The worms cannot be seen by the naked eye.这些蠕虫用肉眼无法看到。外研社新世纪〔oligochaete〕Any of various annelid worms of the class Oligochaeta, including the earthworms and a few small freshwater forms.寡毛纲动物:任一寡毛纲环节软体虫,包括蚯蚓和一些小的淡水生物种类美国传统〔phobia〕I've got a phobia about/of worms.我很怕蠕虫。剑桥高阶〔picowave〕To irradiate (food) with gamma rays in order to kill insects or worms.用γ射线照射(食物)以杀死昆虫或寄生虫美国传统〔probe〕The bird uses its long beak to probe for worms.这只鸟用其长喙探寻虫子。牛津搭配〔proboscis〕The slender, tubular feeding and sucking organ of certain invertebrates, such as insects, worms, and mollusks.喙:某些无脊椎动物,如昆虫、蠕虫和软体动物细长的管状进食和吮吸器官美国传统〔proventriculus〕A similar digestive chamber in certain insects and worms.前胃:某些昆虫和蠕虫体内类似的消化器官美国传统〔scale〕At the other end of the scale are worms and the tiny sea creatures.这个等级范围的另一端是虫子和微小的海洋生物。麦克米伦高阶〔schizogamy〕Reproduction in which a sexual form is produced by fission from an asexual one, as in some annelid worms.无性生殖:无性生命体通过裂变产生有性生命体的生殖过程,如在一些环节虫类中美国传统〔scratch〕Sparrows were scratching about in the damp soil for worms.麻雀在湿地里到处扒寻小虫。英汉大词典〔shield〕The software provides a shield against hackers, worms and viruses.该软件能够防御电脑黑客、蠕虫和病毒的攻击。牛津搭配〔sporocyst〕A saclike larval stage in many trematode worms.幼虫期:一种许多吸虫都有的液状幼虫阶段美国传统〔strongyle〕Any of various nematode worms of the family Strongylidae, often parasitic in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals, especially horses.圆线虫:一种圆线虫科的线虫,经常寄生于哺乳动物的胃肠区,尤其是马的胃肠美国传统〔vermicide〕An agent used to kill worms.杀蠕虫剂:用来杀蠕虫的一种药剂美国传统〔vermicular〕Caused by or relating to worms.蠕虫的:由蠕虫引起的或关于蠕虫的美国传统〔vermifuge〕A medicine that expels intestinal worms.驱蠕虫药,驱肠虫药:一种驱逐肠内蠕虫的药美国传统〔vermivorous〕Feeding on worms or insect vermin. Used of a bird.食虫的:以蠕虫或有害昆虫为食的。用于指鸟美国传统〔vitellarium〕A group of glands that secrete yolk around the egg in those invertebrates, such as worms, whose eggs do not contain yolk.卵黄腺:一些脊椎动物中在卵周围分泌卵黄的一组腺,如其卵不包含卵黄的虫子美国传统〔worm lizard〕Any of various small, legless, burrowing lizards of the family Amphisbaenidae, resembling worms and found chiefly in tropical regions.蚓蜥:一种穴居无足小蜴蜥,属蚓蜥属,貌似蚯蚓,多见于热带地区美国传统〔worm round〕He always worms round the director.他总是讨好主任。21世纪英汉〔worm-eaten〕Bored through or gnawed by worms.被虫蛀的:被虫钻透或咬啮的美国传统〔wormy〕Infested with or damaged by worms.虫蛀的:有蛀虫寄生或被其侵害的美国传统〔worm〕Worms burrow down through the soil.蠕虫往土里钻。牛津搭配〔worm〕Worms enter the body when one eats food that is not clean.在吃不洁食品的时候寄生虫就会侵入人体。英汉大词典〔worm〕All apples had worms in them.所有的苹果都生了蛀虫。英汉大词典〔worm〕Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events.滥用药物是体育赛事中无人想要触及的棘手问题。柯林斯高阶〔worm〕I often see worms in the garden.我常在花园里见到蠕虫。韦氏高阶〔worm〕The dog has worms.这条狗体内有寄生虫。牛津高阶〔worm〕The kiwi bird eats worms, other invertebrates, and berries.奇翼鸟以蠕虫、其他无脊椎动物和浆果为食。剑桥高阶〔worm〕The lawns were crawling with worms.草地上爬着蚯蚓。英汉大词典〔worm〕The vet says our dog has worms.兽医说我们的狗体内有寄生虫。剑桥高阶〔worm〕The veterinarian told us that our dog has worms.兽医跟我们说我们的狗有寄生虫病。韦氏高阶〔worm〕This apple is full of worms.这个苹果生满了虫子。牛津高阶〔worm〕To cure of intestinal worms.治疗肠虫病美国传统〔worm〕We always used worms as bait for fishing.我们过去总用蠕虫做鱼饵。韦氏高阶〔worm〕You've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants.我认为你在此引发了一个极为棘手的全新问题,我们可能会就学生贷款和助学金展开一次大辩论。柯林斯高阶Worms are very simple creatures. 蠕虫是很简单的生物。译典通All the apples had worms in them. 这些苹果里都有蛀虫。译典通As worms move through soil they help to maintain its fertility.当蚯蚓在土壤中蠕动时,可帮助保持土壤的肥力。剑桥国际Corruption is a serious problem, but nobody has yet been willing to open up that can of worms.腐败是很严重的问题,但还没人愿意触及这个问题。剑桥国际I'm terrified of worms.我害怕蚯蚓。剑桥国际I've got a phobia about worms.我特别害怕虫子。剑桥国际Invertebrates, such as worms, are the main diet of these water birds.无脊椎动物,如软体虫,是这些水鸟的主要食物。剑桥国际Mixing his metaphors, he described the problem by saying “We've opened up a can of worms here, and now we have to get the genie back in the bottle”.他用混杂的比喻来描述那个问题:“我们在这儿打开了一罐虫子,而现在我们不得不把这妖怪放回瓶子中。”剑桥国际The boy had worms, but he is fine now. 这男孩曾患寄生虫病,但现在好了。译典通The vet says our dog has worms.兽医说我们的狗身上有寄生虫。剑桥国际They dug worms for bait. 他们掘蚯蚓做钓饵。译典通They showed the children a tub filled with writhing worms.他们给孩子们看了一个满是蠕动着的虫子的木桶。剑桥国际They were digging up worms to use for bait.他们正在挖蚯蚓作鱼饵。剑桥国际




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