

单词 worldly goods
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OWN〕All her worldly goods were contained in four cardboard boxes. 她所有的东西都装在四个纸板箱里。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕Two old chairs, a broken jug, and half a candle: these were all his worldly goods. 两把旧椅子、一个破罐子和半根蜡烛一这是他的全部财产。朗文写作活用〔goods〕All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag.他的所有家当都装在一个干净的方格图案手提袋里。柯林斯高阶〔goods〕All his worldly goods were packed into a suitcase.他的全部家当都塞进了一只手提箱。外研社新世纪〔worldly〕For many of the refugees, the clothes they are wearing are all the worldly goods (= possessions) they have.对于这些难民中的很多人来说,身上穿的衣服就是他们在这世上拥有的全部财产。剑桥高阶Donna was aware that her deceased parents left little or no worldly goods. 唐娜知道她已故的父母没有留下任何物质上有价值的东西。译典通He made a will leaving all his worldly goods to his daughter. 他立了份遗嘱把他全部财产留给了他女儿。译典通He was affluent in worldly goods. 他拥有许多财产。译典通




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