

单词 wit
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔account〕turn one's wit (time) to better account 更好地利用自己的机智(时间)英汉大词典〔acid〕an acid wit 尖刻的俏皮话牛津高阶〔acid〕an acid wit 机智英汉大词典〔adorn〕the people of learning and wit who adorned the salons of eighteenth-century Paris为18世纪巴黎沙龙增色的饱学风趣的人士外研社新世纪〔agile〕an agile wit 机智英汉大词典〔astringent〕her astringent wit 她那尖刻的诙谐剑桥高阶〔biting〕a biting wit 敏锐的机智剑桥高阶〔coruscate〕coruscating wit 敏捷的才思牛津高阶〔crabbed〕crabbed wit 挖苦人的机智英汉大词典〔devastating〕a writer known for his devastating wit 以聪明机智而闻名的作家韦氏高阶〔devoid〕a novel devoid of wit and inventiveness.一部缺乏创意和情趣的小说美国传统〔dexterity〕the wit and verbal dexterity of the script.剧本的风趣幽默和机敏的语言柯林斯高阶〔dexterity〕the wit and verbal dexterity of the script手稿中蕴含的机智和妙语外研社新世纪〔dollop〕large dollops of wit and humor 大量的智慧和幽默韦氏高阶〔edgy〕an edgy wit 敏锐的机智英汉大词典〔erudition〕a man of enormous wit and erudition一个机智而又博学多识的人外研社新世纪〔flash〕a rare flash of wit 难得的机智闪现牛津搭配〔flash〕flash one's wit 闪现出机智 英汉大词典〔folkish〕charmed us with his folkish wit and humor.他用民间妙语和幽默吸引了我们美国传统〔gag〕a mixture of wit and instant visual gags 机智风趣夹杂着即兴的视觉笑话牛津搭配〔interlocutory〕interlocutory wit 谈话中的机智文馨英汉〔intoxicating〕the intoxicating combination of her beauty and wit 美貌和智慧在她身上迷人的结合朗文当代〔knife-edged〕a knife-edged wit 犀利的机智英汉大词典〔lambent〕a writer known for her lambent wit 以机智著称的作家韦氏高阶〔leaven〕the leaven of wit in sb.'s writing 某人作品中蕴藏的巧妙才智英汉大词典〔mercurial〕a mercurial wit 富于机智的人文馨英汉〔mercurial〕her mercurial wit 她的机智朗文当代〔native〕his native wit 他与生俱来的才智。韦氏高阶〔native〕his native wit 他天生的智慧剑桥高阶〔oversharp〕an oversharp wit 过于敏锐的才智英汉大词典〔piquant〕a piquant wit 妙趣横生的巧语英汉大词典〔piquant〕piquant wit 妙趣横生的隽语麦克米伦高阶〔ply〕ply one's wit 开动脑筋英汉大词典〔poignant〕poignant wit 犀利的机智英汉大词典〔pointed〕a pointed wit 洞察一切的机智英汉大词典〔pyrotechnic〕pyrotechnic wit 令人目眩的机智英汉大词典〔rapier〕his rapier wit 他机智的头脑韦氏高阶〔razor-sharp〕razor-sharp wit 敏锐机智的人麦克米伦高阶〔readiness〕readiness of wit 机敏文馨英汉〔recount〕recount a story with real wit 妙趣横生地讲故事英汉大词典〔salty〕salty wit 妙趣横生的机智英汉大词典〔salt〕salt one's conversation with wit 使谈话妙趣横生英汉大词典〔satire〕her dry satiric/satirical wit 她不露声色的带有嘲讽意味的风趣韦氏高阶〔shaft〕a shaft of wit 机智的调侃牛津高阶〔shot〕be shot through with wit 充满着机智英汉大词典〔slow〕be slow of wit 头脑不灵敏英汉大词典〔sparkle〕a play that sparkles with wit 闪着智慧光芒的戏剧麦克米伦高阶〔tincture〕a writing tinctured with wit and wisdom 充满机智和睿智的文章英汉大词典〔trait〕a trait of wit 一点机智英汉大词典〔trenchant〕a writer with a trenchant wit 思维敏锐的作家韦氏高阶〔trenchant〕trenchant wit 机智英汉大词典〔trenchant〕trenchant wit 犀利的机智[批评]文馨英汉〔unconscious〕unconscious wit 突来的机智文馨英汉〔vex〕a problem to vex the keenest wit 一个令敏慧过人的智者也很伤脑筋的问题英汉大词典〔wealthy〕a wealthy supply of wit 不会枯竭的机智英汉大词典〔wit〕a book full of the wit and wisdom of his 30 years in politics 一本有关他 30 年政治生涯中才思与智慧的书牛津高阶〔wit〕a man of wit 风趣的人英汉大词典〔wit〕a woman of wit and intelligence 才思敏捷、聪颖的女子牛津高阶〔wit〕a woman of great wit and charm 说话风趣、风韵动人的女人朗文当代〔wit〕to have a quick/sharp/dry/ready wit 才思敏捷;敏锐机智;假装正经的诙谐;头脑机敏牛津高阶




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