

单词 villa
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕At the end of the story, the villain is caught and punished. 在故事的结尾,那个坏蛋被抓起来并受到了惩罚。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕Wealthy nobles inhabited splendid villas in the surrounding countryside. 富有的贵族住在附近乡间华丽的庄园内。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕The holiday villas are spacious, airy, and close to the sea. 度假别墅濒临大海,既宽敞又通风。朗文写作活用〔CIRCLE〕The villa has a circular courtyard with rooms leading off it in all directions. 那幢别墅有个圆形的庭院,庭院周围连着几间房间。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕Aston Villa fell 3 places in the league after their defeat by Barnsley. 阿斯顿维拉队被巴恩斯利队击败后在联赛中的排名下降了三位。朗文写作活用〔GHOST〕The locals say the villas are haunted. 当地人说这些别墅里闹鬼。朗文写作活用〔Iberian〕We stayed in a villa on the Iberian coast.我们住在伊比利亚海岸的一座庄园里。剑桥高阶〔NEAR〕The price of villas varies considerably, according to their facilities and their nearness to the sea. 别墅的价格相差很大,要视乎设施和离海边的距离而定。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕They stayed in a villa once owned by the writer, Somerset Maugham. 他们住在一幢别墅里,以前这别墅为作家萨默塞特·毛姆所拥有。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕The town has purchased a site on Villa Avenue for the new library. 镇政府在别墅大道买下一块地建图书馆。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕The Villa Madama has a circular courtyard with rooms leading off it in all directions. 夫人别墅内有一个圆形庭院,与它周围的房间相连接。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕Palladio built the Villa Rotunda following a symmetrical plan. 帕拉迪奥的圆形别墅是照着一个对称的平面图建造的。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Investors were shocked by the disclosure that the company director had been spending millions on luxury yachts and villas. 这个公司董事把上百万的钱花在豪华游艇和别墅上一事被揭露后,投资者感到很震惊。朗文写作活用〔acquisitive〕His villa is filled with evidence of his acquisitiveness.他的别墅里满是他贪婪成性的证据。柯林斯高阶〔addition〕In addition to his apartment in Manhattan, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.除了在曼哈顿拥有一套公寓外,他在意大利还有一座乡间别墅,在苏格兰有一座城堡。剑桥高阶〔already〕Already, he has a luxurious villa in Formello.他已经在福尔梅洛拥有了一幢豪华别墅。柯林斯高阶〔and〕Football, and Aston Villa will reclaim their lead at the top of the English First Division.来看足球,阿斯顿维拉队将在英格兰甲级联赛重登榜首。柯林斯高阶〔anonymity〕It's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa.呆在家里比呆在单调乏味的度假别墅里要惬意得多。柯林斯高阶〔apart from〕Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.他们在伦敦有一座房子,此外在西班牙还有一座别墅。牛津高阶〔baddie〕One that is bad, especially a villain or criminal.坏人,尤指恶棍、歹徒、罪犯美国传统〔barbarism〕Building permits allowed the construction of barbarisms such as Basque villas on the Brittany coast.建筑许可证批准建造了一些有伤风雅的东西, 比如布列塔尼海岸上的巴斯克别墅群。外研社新世纪〔bath〕Roman villas and baths 罗马别墅和浴室牛津高阶〔before〕They drove through a tall iron gate and stopped before a large white villa.他们开车穿过一个大铁门,在一栋白色的大别墅前面停了下来。柯林斯高阶〔bliss〕Relaxing on the porch of our private villa was sheer bliss.在我们私家别墅的游廊上歇息纯粹是一种享受。韦氏高阶〔brag〕Julia used to brag that her family had a villa in Spain.朱莉娅以前老吹嘘她家在西班牙有一栋别墅。朗文当代〔bravo〕A villain, especially a hired killer.杀手:亡命之徒,尤指雇佣杀手美国传统〔but〕The villa is beautiful, but then, I expected nothing less.别墅很美,不过话得说回来,这也是意料中事。英汉大词典〔cast〕Clarke's trying to cast me in the role of villain here.克拉克在这里试图把我说成是恶棍。朗文当代〔cast〕He was cast as the villain.他扮演坏蛋。英汉大词典〔cast〕He was often cast as the villain.他经常演反面角色。剑桥高阶〔cast〕You always try to cast me as the villain.你总想把我说成坏人。外研社新世纪〔characterize〕The play characterizes Richard III as a villain.这个剧本把理查德三世描绘成一个坏蛋。牛津同义词〔clean〕The villa is cleaned twice a week.这栋别墅一周打扫两次。牛津高阶〔consideration〕They built themselves a large, ugly villa and became people of consideration.他们给自己造了一所大而难看的别墅,因而成为引人瞩目的人。英汉大词典〔dacha〕A Russian country house or villa.夏季别墅,乡间邸宅:俄国的乡间房屋或别墅美国传统〔dastardly〕My first part was Captain O'Hagarty, a dastardly villain in a children's play.我演的第一个角色是奥哈格蒂船长,一部儿童剧中的恶棍。牛津高阶〔detestable〕He is a detestable villain.他是一个令人厌恶的恶棍。韦氏高阶〔dig〕The dig revealed the site of a Roman villa.这次发掘发现了一座古罗马别墅的遗址。牛津搭配〔division〕Villa had just been relegated from the First Division.维拉队刚刚从甲级联赛中降级。柯林斯高阶〔division〕Villa had just been relegated from the First Division.维拉队刚刚从甲级联赛降级了。外研社新世纪〔down〕Now he's bought a villa down south.现在他在南部买下了一座别墅。朗文当代〔drawing〕He made a drawing of how the Roman villa must have looked.他画了一幅画,还原了当时罗马别墅的外观。牛津搭配〔draw〕Aston Villa have drawn a Czech team in the first round of the UEFA Cup.欧洲联盟杯首轮阿斯顿维拉队抽到了一支捷克球队。柯林斯高阶〔drive〕He pulled into a long drive leading up to a large villa.他将车开上了通往一幢大别墅的长车道。牛津搭配〔ensconce〕Most stars ensconce themselves in rented villas.大多数明星都租住别墅。外研社新世纪〔errand〕Frank drifted into running dodgy errands for a seedy local villain.弗兰克开始为当地一个下流的恶人跑腿做坏事。柯林斯高阶〔express〕It was his express wish that you (should) have his villa after his death.他明确的愿望是要你在他死后拥有他的别墅。文馨英汉〔flight〕The villa is fronted by a flight of stairs.别墅的正面是一段楼梯。牛津搭配〔furnished〕The villa was expensively furnished throughout.这幢别墅全部配上了昂贵的家具。牛津搭配〔gather〕Dozens of photographers were gathered outside Jagger's villa.好几十名摄影记者聚集在贾格尔的别墅外面。朗文当代〔gusto〕He played the role of the villain with gusto.他兴致极高地扮演了恶棍角色。韦氏高阶〔have down〕She had me down to her villa for two or three days.她请我到她的乡间别墅住几天。21世纪英汉〔heavy〕Slang A villain in a story or play.【俚语】 恶棍,无赖:故事或戏剧中的恶棍美国传统〔house〕Their villas housed army officers now.他们的别墅里现在住着军官。柯林斯高阶〔house〕Their villas housed army officers now.现在, 他们的别墅里住了军官。外研社新世纪〔inference〕He was portrayed as a hero and, by inference, Thompson as the villain.他被描写成英雄,由此推论,汤普森则成了恶棍。朗文当代〔inland〕Many of the hotels and villas are inland, in the area around Ronda.许多酒店和别墅都位于内地, 在龙达周边地区。外研社新世纪〔insinuate〕In the first act, the villain insinuates himself into the household of the man he intends to kill.在第一幕中,恶棍混进了他企图谋杀的男子的家庭。牛津高阶〔install〕Before her husband's death she had installed herself in a modern villa.丈夫去世之前, 她已经在一所现代化的别墅里安顿下来了。外研社新世纪〔install〕Before her husband's death she had installed herself in a modern villa.丈夫去世之前她已经在一所现代化别墅里安顿下来了。柯林斯高阶〔judge〕Readers are left to judge for themselves whether McCrombie is hero or villain.麦克罗比究竟是英雄还是无赖,读者可以自行判断。牛津搭配〔just〕We love watching the villain get his just deserts.我们乐见歹徒得到应得的惩罚。外研社新世纪〔kill〕The author kills the villain in the last chapter.作者在最后一章中让反面人物死去。英汉大词典〔lace〕The villain laced our food with poison.那个坏蛋在我们的食物里下了毒。英汉大词典〔lament〕He laments that people in Villa El Salvador are suspicious of the police.他哀叹埃尔萨尔瓦多镇的居民居然不信任警方。柯林斯高阶〔lament〕He laments that people in Villa El Salvador are suspicious of the police.埃尔萨尔瓦多镇的市民不信任警方, 他对此深感遗憾。外研社新世纪〔league〕Aston Villa are top of the league again.阿斯顿维拉队再次占据联赛榜首的位置。麦克米伦高阶〔level〕Villa drew level after 38 minutes when Young earned his side another penalty.38分钟后扬又为本队赢得一次点球, 维拉队将比分追平。外研社新世纪〔like〕Villas are all built to accomodate the likes of you.别墅都是为供你们这样的人居住而建造的。英汉大词典〔loan〕He had offered the loan of his small villa at Cap Ferrat.他愿意借出在费拉角的小别墅。柯林斯高阶〔loan〕He had offered the loan of his small villa at Cap Ferrat.他把自己在费拉角的小别墅借出去了。外研社新世纪〔lush〕The villa has lush gardens, a pool and tennis court.这座别墅里有几个花枝繁茂的园子、一个游泳池和一个网球场。外研社新世纪〔maid〕In the beach resort, the apartments and villas have daily maid service.海滩度假地的公寓和别墅里每天都有女佣打扫。剑桥高阶〔mansion〕The very best properties, however, the colonial mansions and villas, were reserved for the government.不过,最好的地产——也就是殖民时期的宅邸和别墅——都留给了政府。柯林斯高阶〔mention〕He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France.他在这个国家有两座大房子,更别提他在法国的别墅了。牛津高阶〔miscreant〕An evildoer; a villain.恶棍;无赖美国传统〔misnomer〕Villa is perhaps a misnomer for such a large house.把这么一所大房子叫成别墅也许不合适。麦克米伦高阶〔one-note〕Critics disliked his one-note performance as the movie's villain.评论家不喜欢他作为电影反派角色一成不变的表演。韦氏高阶〔onscreen〕Onscreen he's a villain.在银幕上,他演坏人。英汉大词典〔out-and-out〕He's an out-and-out villain.他是一个十足的恶棍。外研社新世纪〔overdraw〕The author has overdrawn the villain to the point of absurdity.作者把那个反面人物夸张到了荒谬的地步。英汉大词典〔ownership〕Ownership of a villa involves great expense.拥有别墅花费很大。文馨英汉〔perch〕The villa is perched on a cliff above Monte Carlo.别墅位于蒙特卡洛一处悬崖边缘。麦克米伦高阶〔performance〕The critics loved her performance as the villain.评论家喜欢她对恶人的演绎。韦氏高阶〔place〕The discussion took place in a famous villa on the lake's shore.商讨是在湖边一座著名的别墅内进行的。柯林斯高阶〔poison〕The villain in the play dies by drinking a vial of poison.戏中那个坏人喝了一小瓶毒药死了。韦氏高阶〔price〕The new type of villa is priced competitively.这种新型别墅定的价钱很有竞争力。21世纪英汉〔proceeds〕We sold the business and bought a villa in Spain with the proceeds.我们卖了公司,用所得的钱在西班牙买了一幢别墅。朗文当代〔relation〕You are given a map so that you can see where your villa is in relation to the swimming pool.你会拿到一张地图,这样你就能了解自己的别墅与游泳池的相对位置。柯林斯高阶〔relation〕You are given a map so that you can see where your villa is in relation to the swimming pool.你拿到了一张地图, 可以看到你的别墅相对于游泳池的位置。外研社新世纪〔rent〕Luxury villas for rent.豪华别墅招租。朗文当代〔rent〕My Dad has a villa that he rents (out) to tourists.我爸爸有一处乡间小屋出租给游客。剑桥高阶〔represent〕The king is represented as a villain in the play.剧中国王的形象是一个恶棍。牛津高阶〔retire〕My dream is to retire to a villa in France.我的梦想是退休后在法国住上一栋别墅。牛津高阶〔ritzy〕He is able to buy a still ritzier villa.他有能力购置一幢更加豪华的别墅。英汉大词典〔role〕He plays the role of the villain.他扮演一个反派角色。韦氏高阶〔root for〕It's one of those movies in which you're forced to root for the villain.这是那种让人不得不为坏人叫好的电影。柯林斯高阶〔run sb/sth through〕He drew his sword and ran the villain through.他拔出剑来,一下子刺进了那个恶棍的胸膛。剑桥高阶〔run〕Villa scored in the 15th minute against the run of play (= although the other team had seemed more likely to score).维拉队出人意料地在比赛进行到第 15 分钟时得分。牛津搭配〔run〕The hallway ran the length of the villa.走廊贯穿了整个别墅。柯林斯高阶〔score〕Villa always looked likely to score.维拉看起来总是要得分的样子。牛津搭配〔seediness〕Frank ran dodgy errands for a seedy local villain.弗兰克为当地一个臭名远扬的恶棍跑腿,干些骗人勾当。柯林斯高阶〔separateness〕Each villa has a separate sitting-room.每栋别墅都有一间独立的起居室。柯林斯高阶〔silky〕The villain leans over and speaks to her in a silky persuasive voice.那个恶棍斜倚过来用一种软绵绵、甘言劝诱的声调和她交谈。剑桥高阶〔sleep〕The villa sleeps 10 and costs £530 per person for two weeks.这个别墅可住10人, 如住两周每人收费530英镑。外研社新世纪〔sleep〕The villa sleeps 10 and costs £530 per person for two weeks.这座别墅可以住下 10 人,每人两周的费用是 530 英镑。柯林斯高阶〔sleep〕The villa sleeps four.这栋别墅可供四人住宿。朗文当代〔some〕He waited some 80 to 100 yards from the big pink villa.他在离粉色的大别墅80到100码远的地方等着。外研社新世纪〔some〕He waited some 80 to 100 yards from the big pink villa.他在距离那座粉红色的大别墅约 80 到 100 码的地方等候着。柯林斯高阶〔south〕They bought a villa in the South of France.他们在法国南部买了一座别墅。牛津高阶〔spruce〕The well-tended villas were as spruce as copper-plate book-keeping.这些经精心照管的别墅,其整洁漂亮犹如用工整的字体写成的簿记。英汉大词典〔stereotype〕He was stereotyped a villain.人们把他看成一个恶棍的成见已无法改变。21世纪英汉〔sun-drenched〕He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France.他坐在法国南部自家别墅的露台上, 沐浴在阳光里。外研社新世纪〔sun-drenched〕He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France.他坐在自己位于法国南部的阳光别墅的露天平台上。柯林斯高阶〔surround〕Shooting broke out after the guards surrounded a villa in the city.卫兵包围了该市的一所别墅后便发生了枪战。柯林斯高阶〔the villain of the piece〕The article makes the government out to be the villain. = It portrays the government as the villain of the piece.这篇文章把政府说成了罪魁祸首。韦氏高阶〔throw〕The play's villain throws away the news that the house has burned down.剧中的恶棍把房子被烧掉了的消息抛到了脑后美国传统〔together〕Together they went back inside the villa.他们一起回到了别墅里。朗文当代〔together〕Together with the Johnsons, there were 12 of us in the villa.包括约翰逊一家在内,别墅里总共有我们 12 个人。牛津高阶〔top half〕Villa could move into the top half if they win against Arsenal tonight.今晚如果维拉能战胜阿森纳的话,他们的联赛排名就能升到上半区了。剑桥高阶〔tug-of-war〕Chelsea and Aston Villa were involved in a tug of war for Liverpool's Ray Houghton last night.切尔西队与阿斯顿维拉队昨夜上演了一场夺人大战,争购利物浦的雷·霍顿。柯林斯高阶〔typecast〕He always gets typecast as the villain.他总是被分派演坏蛋。朗文当代〔typecast〕He's been typecast as a villain, so he's seldom offered challenging roles.他已经被定型为反面角色, 所以他很难得到具有挑战性的角色。外研社新世纪〔type〕He was typed as villain in the theater.他被分派扮演剧中的反派角色。21世纪英汉〔uneasy〕Old farmhouses and new villas stood together in uneasy proximity.破旧的农舍与崭新的别墅比肩而立,很不协调。牛津高阶〔unmask〕At the end of the play the villain is unmasked.反角的身份在剧终时曝光了。剑桥高阶〔variously〕He has been variously described as a hero and a villain.人们对他的描述千差万别,既有说他是英雄的,也有说他是恶棍的。韦氏高阶〔villain of the piece〕When the minister was forced to resign, the press was generally seen as the villain of the piece.那位部长被迫辞职,人们普遍认为新闻界是罪魁祸首。剑桥高阶〔villainess〕A woman who is a villain.女恶棍,女流氓美国传统〔villain〕Another villain in the problem is the government itself.这个问题的另一原因在于政府本身。英汉大词典〔villain〕Bert's just a small-time villain.伯特只是个小流氓。剑桥高阶〔villain〕Don't try to make me the villain. It's your own fault that you're having these problems.别想把我当成祸水,你遇到这些麻烦事是你自己的错。韦氏高阶〔villain〕He changed his story to make his wife appear the villain of the piece.他改变了说法,把他妻子说得像是事情的罪魁祸首。牛津搭配〔villain〕He doesn't fit the standard stereotype of a movie villain.他与电影中常见的反面人物不符。牛津搭配〔villain〕He often plays the part of the villain.他经常扮演反面人物。牛津高阶〔villain〕He plays the villain in most of his movies.他在出演的大多数影片中都扮演反面角色。韦氏高阶〔villain〕He was cast as the villain.他饰演大反派角色。外研社新世纪〔villain〕He wore a black cloak, like a pantomime villain.他身披黑色斗篷,活似童话剧中的坏蛋。牛津搭配〔villain〕He's either a hero or a villain, depending on your point of view.他要么是英雄,要么是恶棍,这取决于你如何看了。剑桥高阶〔villain〕He's just like the villain out of a James Bond film.他就像詹姆斯·邦德影片中的坏蛋。麦克米伦高阶〔villain〕If Mr Denny is indeed the villain of the piece, as the police claim he is, he should have been more carefully watched.如果丹尼先生真像警察说的那样是犯罪元凶,就应该对其进行更加严密的监视。柯林斯高阶〔villain〕If Mr Denny is indeed the villain of the piece, he should have been more carefully watched.如果丹尼先生真是犯罪元凶, 就应该对其进行更加严密的监视。外研社新世纪〔villain〕She describes her first husband as a villain who treated her terribly.她说她的第一任丈夫是一个坏蛋,对她很恶劣。韦氏高阶〔villain〕She seems to have cast me as the villain in her latest emotional upheaval.她最近一次大发雷霆时,似乎认定我是恶人。牛津搭配〔villain〕Some people believe that Richard III was not the villain he is generally thought to have been.有些人认为理查德三世不是通常人们认为的恶棍。剑桥高阶〔villain〕The police still haven't caught the villain.警方至今还没有抓住那个歹徒。牛津搭配〔villain〕We've always been told that cholesterol was a major cause of heart disease but, actually, saturated fat is the worst villain.我们一直被告知胆固醇是导致心脏病的主要原因,可实际上饱和脂肪才是罪魁祸首。剑桥高阶〔villa〕He invited Brad to stay in his Italian villa.他邀请布拉德到他的意大利式别墅小住。牛津搭配〔villa〕He lives in a secluded five-bedroom luxury villa.他住在一个位置偏远、有5个卧室的豪华乡间别墅里。柯林斯高阶〔villa〕He lives in a secluded five-bedroom luxury villa.他住在一座僻静的豪华乡间别墅里, 卧室就有五间。外研社新世纪〔villa〕They have a villa in Spain.他们在西班牙有一栋别墅。剑桥高阶〔villa〕They rented a seaside villa for two weeks.他们租了一处海滨别墅,租期为两周。韦氏高阶〔villa〕Victorian villas 维多利亚风格的房子朗文当代〔villa〕We rented a holiday villa in Spain.我们在西班牙租了一座假日别墅。牛津高阶〔well〕They own a house in France as well as a villa in Spain.他们在法国有一栋房子,在西班牙也有一座别墅。朗文当代〔winner〕The winner of this match will play Aston Villa in the semifinals.本场比赛的胜者将与阿斯顿维拉队在半决赛相遇。剑桥高阶〔worthy〕He described it as a villa worthy of a prince.他把它描述成一幢配得上王子的别墅。外研社新世纪〔wrinkle〕Here's the latest wrinkle in the story—we find out that the villain is actually the hero's father! 故事到此有了出人意料的情节——我们发现那个恶棍实际上就是主人公的父亲!韦氏高阶A screen of trees hides the villas from the beach. 这些别墅有树木遮掩从海滩上是看不见的。译典通Again, Superman overpowered the villain, Lex Luthor.超人又一次战胜了那个坏蛋----莱克斯·卢瑟。剑桥国际Bert's just a small-time villain (= criminal)--he'd never get involved in a major crime of this type.伯特只是个小流氓,他决不会卷入这种类型的大型犯罪。剑桥国际Great dance routines, lively songs, a classic villain and a happy ending--no wonder the show was an overnight sensation (= was very successful immediately).绝妙的舞蹈动作,活泼的歌曲,典型的反面角色,快乐的结局----难怪表演一夜之间取得成功。剑桥国际He has a villa by the lake. 他在湖畔有一所别墅。译典通He spared no expense in building a villa for himself. 他不惜工本为自己造了一幢别墅。译典通He was cast as the villain in the play. 他在戏里扮演反面角色。译典通He's either a hero or a villain, depending on your point of view.他是英雄还是恶棍,就在于你怎么看了。剑桥国际In addition to his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.除了伦敦的公寓,他还在意大利有一座乡间别墅,在苏格兰有一座城堡。剑桥国际In the beach resort, the apartments and villas have daily maid service (= a woman cleans, tidies beds, etc. every day).海滨度假区的公寓和别墅每天都有女佣打扫。剑桥国际Some people believe that Richard III did not murder his nephews and was not the villain he is generally thought to have been.一些人相信里查德三世没有谋杀他的那些侄儿,而且他也不是人们通常所认为的那种恶棍。剑桥国际The villa has a beautiful setting overlooking the sea.别墅的环境很美,正俯瞰着大海。剑桥国际The villain thumped me on the head. 那个恶棍在我头上重重一击。译典通The villas have a daily maid service.这些别墅有每日客房服务。牛津商务The film has been very popular among children, with its evil villain, big-hearted hero and exciting plot.这部电影有邪恶的恶棍,慷慨的英雄和动人的情节,很受孩子们的欢迎。剑桥国际The union has been cast as a villain standing in the way of progress.这个联盟被看作是一个阻挡着进步道路的流氓。剑桥国际They were looking for a villa that was classically Mediterranean, with white walls, shutters and orange trees in the garden.他们在物色一幢典型的地中海式的别墅,有白色的墙,有百叶窗,在花园里还有橘子树。剑桥国际We rented a villa in France for the summer holidays. 我们在法国租了一幢别墅消夏。译典通When the minister was forced to resign, the press was generally seen as the villain of the piece.那位部长被迫辞职,一般认为新闻界是“肇事的首恶”。剑桥国际




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