

单词 viking
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕The Vikings attacked villages along the coast and set them on fire. 北欧海盗袭击了沿海的村庄后将其付之一炬。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕Archeologists found convincing proof that the Vikings had landed in North America. 考古学家发现了维京人在北美洲登陆的有力证据。朗文写作活用〔anticipatable〕Did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America?是北欧海盗在哥伦布之前就发现美洲的吗?21世纪英汉〔anticipate〕Columbus was probably anticipated by the Vikings in discovering America.北欧海盗也许在哥伦布之前就发现了美洲。英汉大词典〔colonize〕The area was colonized by the Vikings.这一地区曾沦为维京人的殖民地。牛津高阶〔conquer〕Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again conquered by the Vikings.11世纪早期,整个英格兰再次被北欧海盗征服。柯林斯高阶〔conquer〕Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again conquered by the Vikings.整个英格兰在11世纪初被维京人再次攻占。外研社新世纪〔descend〕The people here are descended from the Vikings.这里的人是维京人的后裔。朗文当代〔evil〕He suffered an evil fate at the hands of Vikings.他在北欧海盗的手里吃尽了苦头。外研社新世纪〔excavator〕Excavators uncovered the bones of a Viking warrior.考古发掘者发现了维金勇士的尸骨。外研社新世纪〔pillage〕The Vikings raped and pillaged all along the coast.北欧海盗沿着海岸大肆奸淫劫掠。21世纪英汉〔prey〕In those far-off times Viking pirates used to prey on the coasts of Europe.在那遥远的古代,北欧海盗经常掠夺欧洲海岸一带。英汉大词典〔raid〕The town suffered several raids by Vikings.这个城镇遭到了北欧海盗的数次袭击。牛津搭配〔relate〕Archaeologists hope to relate the discovery with the arrival of Vikings in the area in the tenth century.考古学家希望把这些发现与公元十世纪维京人的到来联系起来。剑桥高阶〔sea king〕A Viking pirate chief of the early Middle Ages.海贼王:中世纪早期的北欧海盗首领美国传统〔sign〕The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys.明尼苏达维京人队与达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔•沃克签约了。外研社新世纪〔sign〕The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys.明尼苏达维京人队签下了来自达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔·沃克。柯林斯高阶〔skald〕A medieval Scandinavian poet, especially one writing in the Viking age.吟唱诗人:中世纪斯堪的纳维亚诗人,尤指海盗盛行时期的创作诗人美国传统In late Anglo-Saxon times, England was under constant attack from the Vikings.在盎格鲁-撒克森时代后期,英格兰经常被北欧海盗袭击。剑桥国际Rookie (= new and without much experience) quarterback Harold Matthews led his side to a 20-17 win over the Minnesota Vikings last weekend.上周末初出茅庐的四分卫哈罗德·马修斯带领他的队以20比17胜了明尼苏达海盗队。剑桥国际The Vikings used to harry the English coast. 北欧海盗过去常常侵袭英国沿海地区。译典通The Vikings were cruel and bloodthirsty warriors.北欧海盗是残忍嗜血的好斗者。剑桥国际The Redskins were outplayed (= defeated) by the Minnesota Vikings.印第安人队被明尼苏达海盗队击败。剑桥国际The site where the Viking ship was found has been preserved for public viewing.发现北欧海盗船的地点已经受到保护,供公众参观。剑桥国际




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