

单词 what with
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(what) with one thing and another〕What with one thing and another, I have very little free time.事情太多了,我几乎没有空闲时间。韦氏高阶〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕This is a very busy area, what with the school, the bus station, and the new shopping mall. 这是个非常热闹的地区,因为有学校,有公共汽车站,还有新建的购物商场。朗文写作活用〔FED UP〕I tell you, I've just about had it up to here -- what with all the staffing problems and now the computer breaking down. I feel like quitting. 我告诉你,我实在烦透了—先是员工问题,现在又是电脑出了毛病。我想辞职了。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Susan's had a lot on her plate recently, what with the car accident and everything. 苏珊最近有许多事要操心,如车祸一事以及其他许多事。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕I just couldn't get to sleep, what with all the traffic and people in the street. 街道上车水马龙,人声嘈杂,我根本睡不着觉。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕Mimi's had a terrible run of bad luck this year, what with the car accident and her boyfriend leaving her. 米咪今年诸事不顺,既遇车祸,又被男友抛弃。朗文写作活用〔all〕What with the noise outside, the fire and all, we got hardly any sleep.因为外面的噪声、大火,以及其他状况,我们几乎一夜未眠。韦氏高阶〔and everything〕He has a lot on his mind, what with his health problems and everything.他的烦心事很多,有他的健康问题,还有其他诸如此类的事。韦氏高阶〔much〕What with George's funeral and her daughter's divorce, it had all been too much for poor Elizabeth.乔治的葬礼再加上女儿的离婚,这一切对可怜的伊丽莎白打击太大了。麦克米伦高阶〔rough〕He's had a rough time/month/year, what with the divorce and then his father dying.他刚离了婚,父亲又去世了,那一段时间/一个月/一年对他来说是太难熬了。剑桥高阶〔such〕I always feel so out of place, what with all this talk about computers and such.所有关于电脑以及诸如此类东西的谈论总让我觉得格格不入。麦克米伦高阶〔thing〕What with one thing and another, I didn't get home until after midnight.由于种种原因,我直到午夜过后才回家。麦克米伦高阶〔thing〕What with one thing and another, it was fairly late in the day when we got home.忙完这个又忙那个, 等我们回到家时, 天色已经很晚了。外研社新世纪〔thing〕What with one thing and another, it was fairly late in the day when we returned to Shrewsbury.忙完这个又忙那个,等到我们回到什鲁斯伯里的时候,天色已经很晚了。柯林斯高阶〔thing〕I completely forgot her birthday, what with one thing and another.因为忙得不可开交,我把她的生日忘得一干二净。牛津高阶〔thing〕I've been so busy these last few days, what with one thing and another.我最近几天忙这忙那地忙个不停。朗文当代〔wear〕What with his drinking and what with his jealousy, he wore himself out.一半因为酗酒,一半因为嫉妒,他把自己给毁了。英汉大词典〔what with one thing and another〕What with one thing and another, I forgot to call you yesterday.由于昨天事情一件接着一件,我忘了给你打电话。剑桥高阶〔what with〕What with school and sports, she's always busy.因为要学习和运动,她总是很忙。韦氏高阶〔what with〕What with the freezing temperatures, they nearly died.因为严寒,他们差点死了。韦氏高阶〔what with〕I'm very tired, what with travelling all day yesterday and having a disturbed night.我非常累,因为昨天旅行了一整天,而且晚上又被吵得没睡好。剑桥高阶〔what with〕Things have been difficult for him lately, what with his wife's illness and all.因为妻子生病等原因,他最近的处境一直很困难。韦氏高阶〔what〕What with continuous rain and (what with) a bad hotel, we didn't enjoy our holiday much.由于连续下雨,旅馆又蹩脚,我们的假日过得不怎么愉快。英汉大词典〔what〕What with one thing and another, it was fairly late in the day when we returned to Shrewsbury.由于这事那事,那天我们返回什鲁斯伯里时已经很晚了。柯林斯高阶〔what〕What with one thing and another, it was fairly late in the day when we returned to Shrewsbury.由于各种原因耽搁, 我们当天很晚的时候才返回什鲁斯伯里。外研社新世纪〔what〕What with the cold weather and my bad leg, I haven't been out for weeks.由于天气很冷,我的腿又不好,我已经好几个星期没有出门了。牛津高阶〔what〕Maybe they are tired, what with all the sleep they're losing staying up night after night.也许他们是太累了,考虑到他们成宿成宿地熬夜。柯林斯高阶〔what〕She couldn't get to sleep, what with all the shooting and shouting.枪声和喊声此起彼伏,她无法入睡。朗文当代〔what〕The house wasn't hard to find, what with all the flowers banked around it.那屋子四周都是鲜花,所以并不难找。英汉大词典〔what〕The police are having a difficult time, what with all the drugs and violence on our streets.所有的毒品和暴力事件都发生在我们的街道上,所以警察的日子不好过。麦克米伦高阶What with one thing and another (= Because I was so busy) I forgot to phone you yesterday.昨天一件事接着一件事,结果我忘了给你打电话。剑桥国际I'm very tired, what with travelling all day yesterday and having a disturbed night.我非常累,因为昨天旅行了一整天,而且晚上乱哄哄的,没睡好。剑桥国际




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