

单词 what is right
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔allowance〕We must make allowances for her. She's never been taught what is right.我们应当原谅她,她从未受过明辨是非的教育。英汉大词典〔alone〕You alone should determine what is right for you.只有你自己才能决定什么适合你。柯林斯高阶〔alone〕You alone should determine what is right for you.只有你自己才能决定什么适合你。外研社新世纪〔argue〕He's always willing to argue for what is right.他总是愿意为正义而辩。韦氏高阶〔exorbitance〕Behavior or an action that exceeds what is right or proper.过分行为:不正确或不适当的动作或行为美国传统〔improper〕These adjectives mean not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper.这些形容词的意思是和被接受的正确或合适的标准不符的。美国传统〔need〕What is right for us need not be right for others.对我们来说是对的东西,对别人来说未必正确。柯林斯高阶〔perverse〕Directed away from what is right or good; perverted.不正当的,堕落的:从正确或好的事物上偏离的;堕落的美国传统〔pervert〕To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; corrupt.使堕落,使走邪路:使远离正确的、合理的或好的事物;使堕落美国传统〔pound in〕Let the children themselves judge what is right and what is wrong; don't pound your view point in.让孩子们自己判断是非,不要向他们强行灌输你的观点。21世纪英汉〔presumptuous〕Going beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward.太过分的;放肆的美国传统〔right-minded〕Having ideas and views based on what is right or intended to be right.思想正直的,有正义感的:持有基于正直的或意图正确的观点或观念的美国传统〔stand〕He always stands for what is right.他对正确的事物总是支持的。英汉大词典〔time〕I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each album. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.我不觉得我一开始就特意为每张专辑设定了不同的曲风。然而,我确实知道当时想要的是什么感觉。柯林斯高阶〔unscrupulous〕Devoid of scruples; oblivious to or contemptuous of what is right or honorable.毫无顾忌的:全无顾忌的;忘了何为正确或光荣的或对正确的或光荣的事物轻蔑的美国传统〔wrong-headed〕Stubbornly defiant of what is right or reasonable; obstinately perverse in judgment or opinion.固执的:对于正确或有理的事物固执地藐视的;在判断或意见上执拗地坚持的美国传统〔wry〕Being at variance with what is right, proper, or suitable; perverse.邪恶的:与正确的、合适的、适宜的事不一致的;乖张的美国传统Some people have a very clear idea about what is right and wrong.有些人有很明确的是非概念。剑桥国际




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