

单词 unbearably
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOW OFF〕I found Susie unbearably pretentious. 我觉得苏茜很做作,让人受不了。朗文写作活用〔agonizingly〕Anger choked him and he was agonizingly, unbearably miserable.愤怒使他喘不过气来, 他陷入了难以忍受的巨大痛苦之中。外研社新世纪〔arrogant〕He was unbearably arrogant.他傲慢得让人难以忍受。朗文当代〔cruel〕Sometimes life seems unbearably cruel.有时候生活残酷得让人无法承受。朗文当代〔draw〕As Christmas draws nearer, the big stores start to get unbearably crowded.随着圣诞节的临近,商店开始变得拥挤不堪。剑桥高阶〔hot〕It was unbearably hot in the car.汽车里热得难以忍受。牛津搭配〔hot〕The office gets unbearably hot in summer.在夏天,办公室里热得让人受不了。朗文当代〔painful〕She found it unbearably painful to speak.她发现开口说话痛苦得令人难以承受。牛津搭配〔painful〕The loss of her husband to cancer was unbearably painful.丈夫患癌症去世使她痛苦万分,难以承受。麦克米伦高阶〔relief〕It was unbearably hot, but the cold drinks brought some relief.天气热得难以忍受, 不过喝冷饮后还是凉快了一些。外研社新世纪〔smug〕He's been unbearably smug since he gave up smoking.他戒烟之后,那个得意劲儿简直让人难以忍受。剑桥高阶〔unbearable〕By the evening it had become unbearably hot.到了傍晚时分,天气已经变得酷热难耐。柯林斯高阶〔unbearably〕An unbearably tense delay followed before the result was announced.宣布结果之前有一段延迟, 气氛极其紧张。外研社新世纪〔unbearably〕By the evening it had become unbearably hot.到了傍晚时分, 天气已经变得酷热难耐。外研社新世纪〔unbearably〕He's unbearably selfish.他令人无法忍受地自私。文馨英汉〔unbearably〕I find their songs almost unbearably poignant.我发现他们的歌曲辛酸得几乎让人受不了。外研社新世纪〔unbearably〕It was unbearably sad.这悲伤让人受不了。外研社新世纪〔unbearably〕The end of a love affair can be unbearably painful.一段风流韵事的结局可能让人痛苦难耐。外研社新世纪〔ventilation〕Her room had poor ventilation and in summer it became unbearably stuffy.她的房间通风非常不好,到了夏天就闷得要命。剑桥高阶As Christmas draws nearer the shops start to get unbearably crowded.随着圣诞节的渐渐来临,商店里开始变得拥挤起来,真是令人难以忍受。剑桥国际Cairo during/in August is unbearably hot and crowded.八月的开罗酷热似火、人流如潮。剑桥国际He's been unbearably smug since he gave up smoking.自从他戒烟以来,他那种自我标榜简直让人不能容忍。剑桥国际Her tiny attic room had poor ventilation and in summer it became unbearably stuffy.她那小阁楼通风不好,夏天里面闷热得让人无法忍受。剑桥国际I found him condescending and almost unbearably smug.我发现他很傲慢, 沾沾自喜得令人不能容忍。剑桥国际It was unbearably hot. 热得叫人受不了。译典通It's a very good film but it's unbearably sad.这影片很好, 但太悲惨了。剑桥国际One prisoner described the jail as“an unbearably filthy hellhole.” 一个囚犯把监狱描述成“难以忍受的可怕肮脏之地”。剑桥国际The sun was almost unbearably hot today and I spent most of the day in the water.今天太阳热得使人几乎难以忍受,我大部分时间泡在水里。剑桥国际




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