

单词 warriors
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔armchair〕armchair warriors in the Pentagon; an armchair traveler.五角大楼里纸上谈兵的武装;足不出户的神游旅行者美国传统〔armour〕warriors in full armour 全身披挂盔甲的勇士牛津搭配〔assemble〕a hastily assembled force of warriors 紧急召集起来的一队勇士牛津搭配〔deed〕warriors who performed glorious deeds 立下赫赫战功的勇士牛津搭配〔dishonor〕warriors who choose death before dishonor 宁死不屈的斗士韦氏高阶〔fire〕warriors who were fired by patriotism.激起了爱国热情的战士们美国传统〔helmeted〕helmeted warriors 戴头盔的武士韦氏高阶〔peaceful〕warriors who killed or enslaved the peaceful farmers.杀害或奴役本分农民的武士柯林斯高阶〔road warrior〕a lightweight laptop computer that's perfect for road warriors 非常适合出差一族的轻型笔记本电脑韦氏高阶〔valiant〕valiant warriors 勇敢的武士牛津高阶〔warrior〕the armchair warriors at the Department of Defense 国防部里纸上谈兵的“战士”牛津搭配〔warrior〕the graves of the fallen warriors 阵亡勇士的坟墓牛津搭配〔warrior〕the last of the ancient warriors 最后一个古代勇士牛津搭配




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