

单词 tread
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔catlike〕with catlike tread (或on catlike feet) 蹑手蹑脚地英汉大词典〔light〕a light tread 轻盈的步态韦氏高阶〔measured〕walk with a measured tread 步伐整齐地行走英汉大词典〔mousy〕a mousy tread 悄莫声息的脚步英汉大词典〔new〕tread on new soil 踏上新土地英汉大词典〔nonskid〕a nonskid tread (轮胎的)防滑花纹英汉大词典〔remould〕remould the tread of a tyre 将车胎胎面翻新英汉大词典〔thorny〕tread a thorny path 走在长满荆棘的小道上英汉大词典〔tread down〕to tread down someone's feelings压制某人的感情21世纪英汉〔tread out〕to tread out the juice from grapes踩榨出葡萄汁21世纪英汉〔tread out〕to tread the fire out把火踩灭21世纪英汉〔tread〕tread a dozen hurried paces 急促地走十来步英汉大词典〔tread〕tread a measure.跳了一个舞步美国传统〔tread〕tread a path through the grass 在草丛中踩出一条路英汉大词典〔tread〕tread a path.踩出一条路美国传统〔tread〕tread a tango 跳探戈舞英汉大词典〔tread〕tread down flowers 踩踏花朵英汉大词典〔tread〕tread down sb.'s feelings 粗暴压制某人的感情英汉大词典〔tread〕tread mud into the carpet 把烂泥踩进地毯英汉大词典〔tread〕tread out the corn 踩脱谷粒英汉大词典〔tread〕tread out the juice of the grape 踩榨出葡萄汁英汉大词典〔tread〕tread sth. under 把某物踩在脚下英汉大词典〔tread〕tread the path of moderation 走中庸之道英汉大词典〔tread〕tread the streets looking for a job 穿街走巷寻找工作英汉大词典〔tread〕tread through the meadow 走过草地 英汉大词典〔tread〕a heavy tread on trade union rights 对工会权利的粗暴践踏英汉大词典〔tread〕a noisy tread 嘈杂的脚步声英汉大词典〔tread〕a stair with a 12-inch tread 踏步板宽12英寸的楼梯英汉大词典〔tread〕agree to tread lightly on these differences 同意小心处理这些分歧英汉大词典〔tread〕approach with cautious tread 小心翼翼地走近英汉大词典〔tread〕recognize sb.'s heavy tread 听出某人沉重的脚步声英汉大词典〔tread〕the tread of approaching feet.有人走近的脚步声。牛津同义词〔tread〕the tread of feet 双脚的踩踏英汉大词典〔tread〕to tread a measure合着拍子跳舞21世纪英汉〔tread〕to tread carefully.小心地走。牛津同义词




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