

单词 to be built
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕The team is pushing for a new stadium to be built downtown. 该小组敦促在市中心建一座新的体育馆。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕A group of new houses is to be built on the old playing-field. 旧操场上将建造一组新房子。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Those who were in the know bought land where the railway was to be built, and made enormous profits. 知情的人买下了将建铁路的土地,获取了巨额利润。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕Everyone was saddened by the news that housing is to be built on the fields beside Cliff Lane. 有消息说莱恩山崖附近的田地上要建住房,大家都很难过。朗文写作活用〔SOON〕A new health club is to be built here in the not too distant future. 在不久的将来,这里会兴建一个新的健身俱乐部。朗文写作活用〔brownfield〕By 2005 he wants half of all new houses to be built on previously developed land: so-called brownfield sites.到2005年,他希望会有一半的新房子建在以前曾经开发过的所谓棕色地带上。柯林斯高阶〔conformity〕Houses have to be built in conformity with local codes.造房一定要遵从当地的法规。英汉大词典〔cost-plus〕All vessels were to be built on a cost-plus basis.所有的船只都将在成本加利润的基础上制造。柯林斯高阶〔cost-plus〕All vessels were to be built on a cost-plus basis.所有船舶都将在成本加成的基础上制造。外研社新世纪〔draftsman〕A man who draws plans or designs, as of structures to be built.制图员,绘图师:绘制计划或方案的人,如建筑结构美国传统〔draftswoman〕A woman who draws plans or designs, as of structures to be built.女制图员,女绘图师:绘制(如建筑结构的)计划或方案的女性美国传统〔engine〕The engine plant was the first one to be built.这是建造的第一座发动机厂。牛津搭配〔safeguard〕Appropriate safeguards would have to be built into the procedures to avoid abuses.必须在程序中设置适当的保障措施,防止滥用。牛津搭配〔slant〕The house seems to be built on a steep slant.这房子好像建在一个陡坡上。朗文当代〔support〕The pipeline is to be built with international support.这条管道将在国际援助下进行建设。牛津搭配〔village〕The village is/are campaigning for a by-pass to be built.全体村民正在积极呼吁,要求修建一条旁道。剑桥高阶A petrochemical complex is to be built here. 这儿将建造一个石油化学联合企业。译典通A prestige hotel (= an expensive and luxurious one) is to be built outside the town.城外要建一座豪华饭店。剑桥国际I can't imagine why that hulking great building was allowed to be built.我不能想象会批准建造如此巨大的建筑物。剑桥国际Local people are demonstrating for a road to be built taking traffic away from their village.当地人正在示威,要求筑路以使往来交通避开他们的村子。剑桥国际Official permission has been granted for huge office developments to be built near the river.已得到了官方许可在河附近建大型的办公区。剑桥国际Soon after the church was built buttresses had to be built along the south wall because it was beginning to collapse.教堂建好不久,就沿南面墙壁建造扶壁,因为那儿开始塌陷。剑桥国际South Carolina's legislature passed a law forbidding new houses to be built on its coast.南卡来罗那州的立法机构通过了一项禁止在其海岸边建造新的房屋的法律。剑桥国际The area of land on which the house was to be built was marked out with thick wooden stakes.将要造房子的地块用大木桩标出。剑桥国际The factory is to be built on waste ground outside the town.这座工厂将建在城外的一块荒地上。剑桥国际The news spread abroad that a new factory was going to be built in the county. 将在该县兴建一家新工厂的消息传开了。译典通The village is/are campaigning for a by-pass to be built.那个村的人/村民们在为争取修筑一条旁道而努力。剑桥国际Zoning laws/regulations/restrictions/rules/ordinances do not allow buildings over a certain height to be built in the city.分区规划法律/条例/限制规定/规定/法令不允许城市内建造超过一定高度的建筑物。剑桥国际




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