

单词 一项任务
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕I admired Goldie, because she had succeeded at a task that had even defeated my mother. 我佩服戈尔迪,因为曾经连我母亲都感到为难的一项任务,她却完成了。朗文写作活用〔accomplish〕There are several different ways to accomplish the same task.完成同一项任务可以有好几种不同的方法。韦氏高阶〔assignment〕She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers.她在希腊为一家星期日报执行一项任务。牛津高阶〔diligence〕Earnest and persistent application to an undertaking; steady effort; assiduity.勤奋,用功:认真不懈地对待一项任务;勤勉;刻苦美国传统〔end〕Every task has a clear end in view .每一项任务都要有明确的目标。朗文当代〔failure〕The act or fact of failing to pass a course, a test, or an assignment.不及格:未能通过一门课程、一项考试或一项任务的行为或事实美国传统〔fence〕The first task was to fence the wood to exclude sheep.第一项任务就是把树林围起来不让羊进去。外研社新世纪〔fence〕The first task was to fence the wood to exclude sheep.第一项任务就是把树林围起来不让羊进去。柯林斯高阶〔involved〕The time and work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile.完成这样一项任务投入的时间和工作都是值得的。外研社新世纪〔one〕One must bring one's own talents to every single task.一个人应该在每一项任务中发挥自己的才能。麦克米伦高阶〔plow〕To undertake (a task, for example) with eagerness and vigor.冲劲十足地工作:迫切而干劲十足地着手(如一项任务)美国传统〔possibly〕This last task is possibly the most difficult.这最后一项任务也许是最难的。朗文当代〔prepare〕Green set himself the task of preparing a map of this remote area.格林给自己定下一项任务: 绘制一张这个偏远地区的地图。朗文当代〔project〕His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city.他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。外研社新世纪〔project〕His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city.他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。柯林斯高阶〔recce〕The first duty of a director is to recce his location.主管的第一项任务是熟悉所在地区的情况。柯林斯高阶〔self-satisfaction〕We all feel self-satisfaction after a job well done.在出色完成一项任务之后,我们都会喜上心头。英汉大词典〔stability〕The manager's first task is to bring some stability to the team.经理的第一项任务就是稳定这个团队麦克米伦高阶〔tick〕As you finish each task, tick it off.每完成一项任务,就打一个钩。朗文当代〔transcribe〕Transcribing the Ethiopian text into the English alphabet was their first task.把埃塞俄比亚原文转换成英文是他们的第一项任务。剑桥高阶〔turnaround〕The process of or time needed for performing a task, especially receiving, completing, and returning an assignment.周转时间:完成一项任务的过程或所需时间,尤指接受、完成并提交某一任务美国传统He approached every task with a boundless zest.他以无穷无尽的热情处理了每一项任务。剑桥国际Our next task is to perk up sales in Europe.我们的下一项任务就是增加在欧洲的销售额。牛津商务The first task following the disaster was the restoration of clean water supplies.灾难后的第一项任务是恢复净水的供应。剑桥国际We'll have to assign a role to our new trainee.我们需给新来的实习人员分配一项任务。剑桥国际




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