

单词 一项
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Augean〕an Augean task 一项非常棘手的工作英汉大词典〔accessible〕a programme making science more accessible to young people 一项使科学更容易为年轻人所了解的计划牛津高阶〔adamant〕be adamant in refusing to accede to a demand 固执地拒不答应一项要求英汉大词典〔adjudge〕adjudge a claim (to be) true 判定一项诉求可以成立英汉大词典〔campaign〕a crusade for improved social services; 一项改善社会服务的改革计划;美国传统〔canvass〕canvass support for a motion 请求支持一项动议英汉大词典〔carry〕carry a project through despite difficulties. 不顾困难地完成一项计划美国传统〔chief〕the chief engineer on the project 这一项目的总工程师韦氏高阶〔complexity〕a design of great complexity 一项非常复杂的设计朗文当代〔customer〕the results of a customer survey一项客户调查的结果外研社新世纪〔dallied〕to dally with a proposal不很认真地考虑一项提议21世纪英汉〔dangerous〕an exciting but highly dangerous sport 一项刺激但又高度危险的运动麦克米伦高阶〔dear〕a cause that was particularly dear to her heart她尤其热爱的一项事业外研社新世纪〔establish〕establish a claim 确立一项主张韦氏高阶〔give〕give a suggestion 提出一项建议英汉大词典〔in-home〕in-home shopping services; an in-home nursing program. 在家的购物服务;一项不离家的护理项目美国传统〔justice〕inquire into the justice of a claim 调查一项权利要求是否正当英汉大词典〔justiciable〕a justiciable charge. 应由法院受理的一项指控美国传统〔labor〕a proposal that is opposed by Labour 工党反对的一项提案韦氏高阶〔launch〕launch a business 着手一项业务韦氏高阶〔leadership〕a task calling for energy and leadership一项需要精力和领导才能的任务外研社新世纪〔limitation〕another potential limitation of the study 该研究的另一项潜在限制牛津搭配〔long-awaited〕the long-awaited signing of a peace agreement令人期待已久的一项和平协议的签署外研社新世纪〔lordly〕a lordly and charitable enterprise. 一项高贵的、仁慈的事业美国传统〔mechanical〕a study of the effects of mechanical forces on bones 有关机械力量对骨头作用力的一项研究剑桥高阶〔notifiable〕a notifiable offence一项需上报的罪行外研社新世纪〔number one〕item number one on the agenda 议程上的第一项朗文当代〔peg〕a peg on which to hang a theory 一项理论的依据 英汉大词典〔predetermine〕predetermine the cost of producing an article 预先核定生产一项产品的成本英汉大词典〔premier〕a premier product 一项主要产品英汉大词典〔prop〕prop up a cause 支持一项事业英汉大词典〔rebuilding〕a rebuilding programme一项重建计划外研社新世纪〔refuse〕refuse a request 拒绝一项要求文馨英汉〔repeal〕repeal a grant 取消一项补助金英汉大词典〔sanction〕sanction a law 批准一项法律英汉大词典〔set〕set a difficult job for oneself (或set oneself a difficult job) 派给自己一项艰巨的工作英汉大词典〔sign off on〕to sign off on a plan非正式同意一项计划21世纪英汉〔surrender〕surrender a contractual right. 放弃契约上规定的一项权利美国传统〔unimportant〕a relatively unimportant invention 一项相对说来不重要的发明英汉大词典〔write〕write out a request. 写出一项要求美国传统




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