

单词 the establishment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bernadette of Lourdes〕French peasant girl whose visions of the Virgin Mary led to the establishment of the shrine at Lourdes, France.卢尔德的贝尔纳黛特:法国一农家女,她在幻觉中见到圣母玛丽亚,因此在卢尔德建了一座教堂以做纪念美国传统〔Black Nationalist〕A member of a group of militant Black people who urge separatism from white people and the establishment of self-governing Black communities.黑人民族主义者:黑人好战团体成员之一,力主脱离白人的分离主义及确立黑人团体自治美国传统〔ESPECIALLY〕Freud, more than anyone, was responsible for the establishment of psychology as a science. 弗洛伊德对确立心理学为一门科学的贡献比任何人都大。朗文写作活用〔START〕The establishment of NATO in 1949 gave the US a leading role in the defence of Europe. 1949年北约的成立确立了美国在欧洲防御事务上的主导地位。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration. 和中国建立全面的外交关系是卡特政府的一项重大成就。朗文写作活用〔afield〕The establishment has drawn shoppers from the West End and further afield.这家商店吸引着西区以及更远地方的顾客。英汉大词典〔bear-lead〕The Establishment, bear-led by the Press, had decided that this turbulent man must go.在报界的压力下,当局已决定把这个作乱的人赶下台。英汉大词典〔bioethics〕The uproar led to the establishment of bioethics committees to oversee research.这场轩然大波导致了生物伦理学协会的建立,旨在对研究进行监管。剑桥高阶〔caprice〕Before the establishment of labor unions, a worker could be discharged at the caprice of any manager.在工会组织建立以前,一个工人可能因任何一个经理人员的一时兴起而被解雇。美国传统〔defeat〕The defeat of the army was followed by the establishment of constitutional government.军队战败后建立起了立宪政体。朗文当代〔establishment〕The establishment distrusted them.当局不信任他们。英汉大词典〔establishment〕The establishment of new areas of employment is a priority.创建新的就业领域是当务之急。剑桥高阶〔establishment〕The establishment of the factory took several years.那家工厂的兴建花了好几年。英汉大词典〔establishment〕The establishment of the regional government in 1980 did not end terrorism.1980年地区政府的成立并没有终结恐怖主义。外研社新世纪〔establishment〕Critics said judges were on the side of the establishment.持批评意见的人称法官们站在了权势集团的一边。剑桥高阶〔establishment〕Davis proposed the establishment of a committee with investigative powers.戴维斯提议设立具有调查权力的委员会。麦克米伦高阶〔establishment〕He accepted a boring job and became a member of the Establishment.他接受了一份无聊的工作,并且成了领导层中的一员。韦氏高阶〔establishment〕He marched down the passage, and the establishment ducked and smiled.他顺着过道走去,全体人员都点头弯腰并致以微笑。英汉大词典〔establishment〕His ideas influenced the establishment of National Portrait Galleries in London and Edinburgh.他的观念影响了伦敦和爱丁堡两所国家肖像艺术馆的建立。柯林斯高阶〔establishment〕Pearls were downgraded in past years for representing the tired chic of the establishment.珍珠在过去几年中因代表传统社会的陈腐时尚而被贬抑。英汉大词典〔establishment〕The commission is calling for the establishment of a national holiday.委员会呼吁设立一个全国性节日。牛津搭配〔establishment〕The months that followed saw the establishment of a strong military presence in the region.在后来的几个月中这个地区出现了大规模的驻军。牛津搭配〔establishment〕The nouvelle coiffure is beginning to affect the establishment hairdressers and customers.新的发式正开始影响传统的理发师和顾客。英汉大词典〔establishment〕The speaker announced the establishment of a new college.发言人宣布了新学院的成立。牛津高阶〔establishment〕They showed their anxiety for the establishment of their daughters.他们急于想使女儿们结婚成家。英汉大词典〔establishment〕This report led to the establishment of a special committee to investigate the matter.这个报道导致成立了一个特别委员会来调查这件事。牛津搭配〔establishment〕We spent our youth rebelling against the Establishment.我们把青春都奉献给了反抗当权派的斗争。韦氏高阶〔establishment〕We would like to encourage the establishment of new farm businesses.我们愿意鼓励建立新的农场企业。牛津搭配〔establishment〕With the establishment of major new markets, the economy is thriving.随着大型新市场的建立,经济越来越兴旺。牛津搭配〔establishment〕Young people are supposed to rebel against the Establishment.年轻人应该反抗当权者。朗文当代〔foundation〕The act of founding, especially the establishment of an institution with provisions for future maintenance.建立,设立,创办:建立,尤指建立一个机构并使之存在下去美国传统〔franchise〕The establishment of a corporation's existence.公司法则:公司赖以存在的法则美国传统〔imperialism〕The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations.帝国主义:通过夺取领土或建立经济、政治霸权而凌驾于别国之上的政策美国传统〔kick〕Katherine has an instinct for kicking against the establishment.凯瑟琳生性反叛权势。麦克米伦高阶〔lackey〕He was nothing but a spineless lackey of the establishment.他只不过是权贵们的一个没骨气的奴才。韦氏高阶〔proof〕Law The result or effect of evidence; the establishment or denial of a fact by evidence.【法律】 证据:证据的结果或效果;通过证据对事实的确认或否认美国传统〔rank〕When the establishment is attacked, it closes ranks (= unites to protect itself).当该机构受到攻击时,其员工们紧紧团结在一起。牛津搭配〔struggle〕For years she struggled with/against the establishment to get her theories accepted.她与传统势力抗争多年,力图使自己的学说得到认可。剑桥高阶〔watch〕The authorities maintained a careful watch over the establishment.当局密切监视该机构。牛津搭配The Establishment is trying to hide the truth. 当局想要掩盖真相。译典通The establishment of new areas of employment is a priority.建立新的就业区是当务之急。剑桥国际Critics said judges were on the side of the establishment.批评家们说法官站在统治集团一边。剑桥国际There exist two clearly defined political groupings in the country, the establishment and the dissidents.在这个国家存在着两个分明的政治派别,当权派和反对派。剑桥国际These events are a major setback to the establishment of a peaceful settlement of the conflict.这些事件成为确立和平解决这次冲突的主要障碍。剑桥国际They used their savings for the establishment of the business. 他们把积蓄化在创办生意上。译典通




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