

单词 thrust out
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔extrude〕To push or thrust out.推出,掷出美国传统〔extrusion〕The act or process of pushing or thrusting out.推,掷:推出或掷出的行为或过程美国传统〔extrusive〕Tending to push or thrust out.挤出的:易于推出或掷出的美国传统〔reach〕The act or an instance of stretching or thrusting out.伸展:展开或延伸的行为或事例美国传统〔reach〕To thrust out or extend something.伸出:伸出或延展某物美国传统〔thrust out〕She was thrust out last week.她上星期被解雇了。21世纪英汉〔thrust out〕The beggar thrust out a hand for money.那个乞丐突然伸出一只手讨钱。21世纪英汉〔thrust〕Thrust out your chests, men!Look like soldiers! 士兵们,挺起胸膛!要像个军人的样子!英汉大词典〔thrust〕A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds.一缕阳光透过云层照射下来。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕He thrust out a hand for money.他突然伸出一只手来要钱。英汉大词典〔thrust〕One of our best workers has been thrust out to make way for the director's son.我们公司最优秀的职工之一为了让位给董事的儿子而被解雇。英汉大词典〔thrust〕She suddenly thrust out her arm.她突然伸出胳膊。牛津搭配〔thrust〕They were thrust out of their house.他们给赶出自己的房子。英汉大词典




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