

单词 thrust
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕She jumped out of her skin, as something cold and snakelike was thrust into her hand. 有个凉冰冰的像蛇一样的东西被塞进她手里,把她吓得魂飞魄散。朗文写作活用〔MAIN〕The whole thrust of the US policy was to isolate Cuba. 美国政策的整个重点是孤立古巴。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕It is difficult to argue with the thrust of Davidson's analysis of the situation. 戴维森对局势所做的分析的要点难以辩驳。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕The overall thrust of her argument was that women are still oppressed in all areas of life. 她论述的大致要点是妇女在生活的方方面面仍然受到压迫。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕The old woman thrust a picture of a plain-looking girl into Meryl's hand. ‘Your granddaughter? She's lovely,’ said Meryl with tact. 老太太把一张相貌平平的女孩的照片塞到梅里尔手里。“是你孙女吗?真可爱。”梅里尔乖巧地说道。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕Thrusting the gun back into its holster, the man grinned at the body lying on the floor. 那人把枪插入枪套,朝躺在地板上的尸体咧嘴狞笑。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Clark thrust a paper sack across the counter and demanded money. 克拉克把一只纸袋塞到柜台那一边,要求装钱。朗文写作活用〔afterburner〕A device for augmenting the thrust of a jet engine by burning additional fuel with the uncombined oxygen in the hot exhaust gases.加力燃烧室:通过燃烧热废气中所含的分离氧和附加燃料以增加喷气发动机推力的设备美国传统〔airfoil〕A part or surface, such as a wing, propeller blade, or rudder, whose shape and orientation control stability, direction, lift, thrust, or propulsion.翼剖面;机翼;翼面:一个部件或平面,如机翼、螺旋桨叶、方向舵等,其形状或方位控制稳定性、方向、抬升、冲击或驱动美国传统〔angular〕The dancers make thrusting, angular movements of hand and arm – the body taut.众舞者绷紧了身体, 做出各种僵硬的手臂伸展动作。外研社新世纪〔banderilla〕A decorated barbed dart that is thrust into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles by a banderillero in a bullfight.带有倒钩的短标枪:斗牛中斗牛士的助手用于刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的短扎枪,带有倒钩和装饰美国传统〔bayonet〕A bayonet had been thrust through his belly.一把刺刀刺穿了他的肚子。牛津搭配〔booster〕The primary stage of a multistage rocket that provides the main thrust for launch, liftoff, and initial flight.助推器:多级火箭的第一级,为发射、升空和最初飞行提供主要推力美国传统〔bosom〕She seized the letter and thrust it into her bosom.她一把夺过信来,塞进胸前衣襟。英汉大词典〔break〕She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest.她用肘猛击他的胸部,挣脱了出来。柯林斯高阶〔broadsword〕A sword with a wide, usually two-edged blade that is designed for slashing rather than thrusting.大砍刀:通常指双刃的宽刀,设计用于砍而非刺美国传统〔bump〕A forward thrust of the pelvis, as in a burlesque striptease.骨盆前突:脱衣舞中骨盆前突美国传统〔cant〕The tilt caused by such a thrust or motion.因此引起的倾倒:由这样突然的震动或移动引起的倾倒美国传统〔crackle〕He thrust his hand between a sheaf of loosened papers and crackled them.他把手插进一捆松散的纸张中,一把抓住而使发出窸窣之声。21世纪英汉〔cut and thrust〕He has always enjoyed the cut and thrust of politics.他一直很喜欢政界的那种唇枪舌剑的氛围。韦氏高阶〔dash〕To hurl, knock, or thrust with sudden violence.猛撞:用突然的暴力来猛掷、猛撞或猛推美国传统〔deep〕He thrust his hands deep in(to) his pockets.他把手深深地插进口袋里。剑桥高阶〔densely〕They thrust their way through the dense crowd.他们挤过密集的人群。柯林斯高阶〔drive〕Sports The act of hitting, knocking, or thrusting a ball very swiftly.【体育运动】 快速击球:迅速地击、敲或抽球的动作美国传统〔drive〕Sports The stroke or thrust by which a ball is driven.【体育运动】 击或抽球美国传统〔dub〕To make a thrust.进行一刺美国传统〔exsert〕Thrust outward or protruding, as stamens projecting beyond petals.突出的:突出的或伸出的,如突出花瓣的雄蕊美国传统〔extrude〕To push or thrust out.推出,掷出美国传统〔extrusion〕The act or process of pushing or thrusting out.推,掷:推出或掷出的行为或过程美国传统〔fanjet〕A jet engine that provides extra thrust by means of a ducted fan in its forward end that draws in extra air.涡轮风扇发动机:一种喷气发动机,前有一管道风扇吸入额外量的空气,这部分空气经压缩后提供额外推力美国传统〔fan〕The fans rotate inside the housing creating an air flow that generates thrust.风机在外壳内转动, 造成一股产生推力的气流。外研社新世纪〔fence〕To use tactics similar to the parry and thrust of fencing.运用躲闪或向外推挡的战术美国传统〔firewall〕To apply maximum acceleration or thrust. Used of motor vehicles or aircraft.提供最大的加速度或推力。用在机动交通工具或飞行器美国传统〔foin〕A thrust with a pointed weapon.刺穿:尖利武器的刺伤美国传统〔foin〕To thrust with a pointed weapon.用剑刺:以尖利的武器刺伤美国传统〔full nelson〕A wrestling hold in which both hands are thrust under the opponent's arms from behind and then pressed against the back of the opponent's neck.双肩下握颈:摔跤时两手从背后插入对手臂下以向下压对手的脖子美国传统〔gouge〕To thrust one's thumb into the eye of.用拇指插入…的眼睛美国传统〔ham up〕Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce, they ham it up like mad.他们全身心投入这部闹剧的表演中, 极尽夸张搞怪之能事。外研社新世纪〔ham〕Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce, they ham it up like mad.他们全力投入到这部闹剧中去,极尽搞怪之能事。柯林斯高阶〔higgledy-piggledy〕He thrust clothes higgledy-piggledy into plastic bags.他乱七八糟地将衣服塞进塑胶袋里。文馨英汉〔higgledy-piggledy〕He thrust clothes higgledy-piggledy into plastic bags.他把衣服乱七八糟地塞到了塑料袋里。外研社新世纪〔hunch〕He hunched his shoulders and thrust his hands deep into his pockets.他耸着肩,双手深深地插进衣袋。牛津高阶〔hunch〕To thrust oneself forward.向前冲美国传统〔impulsion〕An impelling force; a thrust.驱动力;推力美国传统〔intrude〕Geology To thrust (molten rock) into preexisting rock.【地质学】 侵入:(熔岩)侵入已经存在的岩石中美国传统〔jerk〕To give a sudden quick thrust, push, pull, or twist to.拉、推:给予…猛刺、急推、急扭或猛扭美国传统〔jet engine〕An engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products.喷气式发动机:一种用喷射流体来产生推进力的发动机,尤其指燃烧气体的喷气式发动机美国传统〔jetavator〕A control surface that may be moved into the propulsion stream of a rocket in order to change the direction of thrust.射流偏转舵:一种可被移进火箭推进气流中以改变其冲力方向的控制平面美国传统〔kick〕Sports The thrusting motion of the legs in swimming.【体育运动】 打水:游泳时蹬脚的动作美国传统〔lance〕A thrusting weapon with a long wooden shaft and a sharp metal head.长矛:一种投掷武器,由木制长杆和尖锐的金属头组成美国传统〔limelight〕Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.托尼现在有了一份引人瞩目的工作, 一下子成了公众的焦点。外研社新世纪〔lunge〕A sudden thrust or pass, as with a sword.刺,戳:突然的刺或冲,好象拿剑一样美国传统〔off〕Heredity had thrust our roles on us from the off.遗传性从我们呱呱坠地起就给我们在生活中所扮演的角色定了型。英汉大词典〔parry〕He parried the thrust of his opponent's sword.他挡开了对手刺向他的剑。韦氏高阶〔parry〕The deflecting or warding off of a thrust or blow, as in fencing.挡开:对于刺或击所采取的避开或挡开的动作,如击剑中的一挡美国传统〔passado〕A fencing maneuver in which the foil is thrust forward and one foot advanced at the same time.(击剑时的)向前交叉步:一种向前刺钝头剑的同时一腿向前迈的击剑术美国传统〔pluck〕He'd been plucked from obscurity and thrust into the national spotlight.原本默默无闻的他一下子变成了全国关注的对象。韦氏高阶〔plunger〕A machine part, such as a piston, that operates with a thrusting or plunging movement.撞针杆:一种带有猛烈的冲或扎运动来运作的机器部件,如撞针美国传统〔pocket〕He walked past with his collar turned up and his hands thrust into his pockets.他竖起领子,双手插在口袋里走了过去。牛津搭配〔pocket〕She thrust her hands deep in/into her pockets.她把双手深深插进口袋里。剑桥高阶〔poke〕A push, thrust, or jab.推,刺,戳美国传统〔poke〕To make thrusts or jabs, as with a stick or poker.刺或戳,如用棍子或拨火棒美国传统〔prime〕The first position of thrust and parry in fencing.第一姿势:击剑中出击和防御中的第一个姿势美国传统〔projectile〕Zoology Capable of being thrust outward; protrusile.【动物学】 (触角等)能伸出的:能够延伸出的,可伸出的美国传统〔propellant〕Something, such as an explosive charge or a rocket fuel, that propels or provides thrust.发射药,火箭燃料:推进或提供爆炸的物体,比如爆炸炸药或火箭燃料美国传统〔protrude〕To push or thrust outward.使突出或向外伸出美国传统〔pulsejet〕A jet engine in which air intake and combustion occur intermittently, producing rapid periodic bursts of thrusts.间歇喷气机:一种间歇性地进行气体吸入和燃烧并产生迅速的周期性猛推力的喷气式发动机美国传统〔quench〕To cool (hot metal) by thrusting into water or other liquid.将…淬火:将(烧热的金属)伸入水或其它液体中使冷却美国传统〔rapier〕A light, sharp-pointed sword lacking a cutting edge and used only for thrusting.无刃轻剑:一种轻型,尖剑头的剑,但不开刃,只是用于威胁美国传统〔reach〕The act or an instance of stretching or thrusting out.伸展:展开或延伸的行为或事例美国传统〔reach〕To thrust out or extend something.伸出:伸出或延展某物美国传统〔release〕Tibet is thrusting forward with a release of energy and initiative in those who were formerly terribly oppressed.西藏正在突飞猛进,那些从前受到残酷压迫的人们正发挥着力量和创造性。英汉大词典〔reverse〕The engine of the car began to howl in reverse thrust.汽车发动机轰鸣着开始逆推。英汉大词典〔riposte〕Sports A quick thrust given after parrying an opponent's lunge in fencing.【体育运动】 还击:在击剑中,在回避对手的弓箭步刺之后所刺出的迅捷的一刺美国传统〔riposte〕To make a return thrust.还击:作回报的一刺美国传统〔shield〕A broad piece of armor made of rigid material and strapped to the arm or carried in the hand for protection against hurled or thrusted weapons.盾:一块由坚硬金属制成的宽大的护甲,绑在手臂上或者拿在手中,用于防卫投掷武器或刺扎的兵器美国传统〔sidestroke〕A swimming stroke in which a person swims on one side and thrusts the arms forward and downward alternately while performing a scissors kick.侧泳:一种游泳姿势,游泳者侧身向前游,胳膊交替向前、向下划水,同时进行两腿交叉蹬出美国传统〔spearhead〕The leading forces in a military thrust.先头部队:军事冲锋中的领导力量美国传统〔spotlight〕She was suddenly thrust into the political spotlight.她突然成了政治焦点。牛津搭配〔stab〕A thrust with a pointed weapon or instrument.刺:用带尖的武器或工具进行的刺美国传统〔stamp〕To thrust the foot forcibly downward.跺脚:把脚用力向下跺美国传统〔stick〕To thrust or push (a pointed instrument) into or through another object.刺入,穿入:把(一个尖物体)刺进、刺穿或推入另一个物体美国传统〔stick〕To be or become fixed or embedded in place by having the point thrust in.插进:某物由于尖端插入而固定或保持其位置美国传统〔sword〕I thrust my sword into his chest.我把剑刺入了他的胸膛。牛津搭配〔talent〕The provinces are full of thrusting talents and it would take something extra to stand out.这些省有很多积极进取的人才, 所以要脱颖而出就得有自己的独到之处。外研社新世纪〔thp〕Thrust horsepower.螺旋桨推进马力美国传统〔throat〕Viewers continue to have programmes like this thrust down their throats every day.观众每天都被迫观看这种节目。麦克米伦高阶〔thrust aside〕He thrust aside all precautionary advice.他把一切警告抛到一边。21世纪英汉〔thrust aside〕Tom thrust me aside.汤姆把我猛推到一边。21世纪英汉〔thrust at〕He leaned over the table, thrusting at me with his cigar.他从桌子上面倾过身来, 用雪茄戳向我。外研社新世纪〔thrust out〕He thrust the employer out of his office.他把那个雇员推出办公室。21世纪英汉〔thrust out〕He opened the window and thrust his head out.他打开窗户, 探出脑袋。外研社新世纪〔thrust out〕Leonard grabbed him by his raincoat collar and thrust him out through the door.伦纳德揪着他的雨衣领子, 把他推出门去。外研社新世纪〔thrust out〕She was thrust out last week.她上星期被解雇了。21世纪英汉〔thrust out〕The beggar thrust out a hand for money.那个乞丐突然伸出一只手讨钱。21世纪英汉〔thrust sth on/upon sb〕Fatherhood had been thrust on him.他身不由己当了父亲。剑桥高阶〔thrust upon〕She had not wanted to be Queen, but the role was thrust upon her.她本来不想当女王的,但还是被迫接受了这一身份。柯林斯高阶〔thrust upon〕Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.有人生来伟大,有人成就伟大,有人被迫伟大。柯林斯高阶〔thrust up〕An aerial thrust up from the grass verge.一根天线立在草地边缘上。外研社新世纪〔thrusting〕The little town has expanded into a thrusting city with nearly 200,000 inhabitants.这小镇已发展成为一个有近20万居民的生气勃勃的城市。英汉大词典〔thrust〕Thrust out your chests, men!Look like soldiers! 士兵们,挺起胸膛!要像个军人的样子!英汉大词典〔thrust〕A church spire thrust upwards.教堂的尖顶向上高耸。麦克米伦高阶〔thrust〕A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds.一缕阳光透过云层照射下来。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕An aerial thrust up from the grass verge.一根天线在草地边上竖立着。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕Another research thrust is mariculture.另一项研究目标是海产养殖。英汉大词典〔thrust〕He thrust a microphone under her nose.他把麦克风塞到她面前。麦克米伦高阶〔thrust〕He thrust a piece of paper at me.他塞给我一张纸。牛津搭配〔thrust〕He thrust at me with a dagger.他用一把短剑刺我。21世纪英汉〔thrust〕He thrust at me with a knife.他拿刀向我刺来。牛津高阶〔thrust〕He thrust at me with his sword.他突然用剑刺向我。韦氏高阶〔thrust〕He thrust himself into a conversation between others.人家谈话时他硬插了进去。英汉大词典〔thrust〕He thrust his fist in front of my face.他把拳头伸到我脸前。21世纪英汉〔thrust〕He thrust his fist into the air.他向空中挥拳。韦氏高阶〔thrust〕He thrust his hands into his pockets.他把双手插进口袋。英汉大词典〔thrust〕He thrust his hands into his pockets.他猛地把手插进口袋里。韦氏高阶〔thrust〕He thrust his spade into the ground.他把铁锹插进地里。英汉大词典〔thrust〕He thrust his way through the crowd.他从人群中挤了过去。外研社新世纪〔thrust〕He thrust his way through the crowd.他从人群中挤过去。英汉大词典〔thrust〕He thrust his way through the crowd.他冲过人群。21世纪英汉〔thrust〕He thrust me roughly towards the door.他粗暴地把我推到门口。朗文当代〔thrust〕He thrust out a hand for money.他突然伸出一只手来要钱。英汉大词典〔thrust〕He thrust past me into the classroom.他从我身边挤进教室。21世纪英汉〔thrust〕He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off.他把婴儿往我怀里一塞就跑了。牛津高阶〔thrust〕He had marriage thrust upon him.他被迫结婚。朗文当代〔thrust〕He killed her with a thrust of the knife.他把她一刀刺死了。牛津高阶〔thrust〕He reached the garden gate and thrust his way through it.他来到花园门口,挤了进去。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕He skipped aside as his opponent thrust at him.对手向他刺来,他闪身躲向一边。朗文当代〔thrust〕He was thrust into a car.他被强行推进一辆车里。21世纪英汉〔thrust〕He was thrust into power.他是被强行推上掌权地位的。英汉大词典〔thrust〕Her best-selling book suddenly thrust her into the spotlight.她的畅销书使她一夜成名。韦氏高阶〔thrust〕It provides the thrust that makes the craft move forward.它提供了飞机前进所需的推力。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕John thrust himself dramatically into her life.约翰戏剧性地闯进了她的生活。英汉大词典〔thrust〕Mary has always hated parties, never being one to thrust herself forward.玛丽一向讨厌聚会,她从来都不是个想出头露面的人。英汉大词典〔thrust〕She thrust a letter into my hand.她把一封信往我手里一塞。朗文当代〔thrust〕She thrust her hands deep into her pockets.她把双手深深插进口袋里。牛津高阶〔thrust〕She thrust her way into the crowd.她一头扎进人群。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕She thrust her way through the dense undergrowth.她挤过茂密的下层灌木丛。牛津搭配〔thrust〕She thrust herself through the crowd. He was thrust into a position of awesome responsibility.她挤过了人群。他被推到了一个责任艰巨的职位上美国传统〔thrust〕She thrust past him angrily and left.她气呼呼地从他身旁挤过去走了。牛津高阶〔thrust〕She thrust the money into his hand.她把钱塞进他手中。剑桥高阶〔thrust〕She thrust the papers at me (= towards me).她把报纸塞给我。剑桥高阶〔thrust〕She explained the broad thrust of the party's policies.她解释了该党政策的总方针。牛津搭配〔thrust〕She grabs a stack of baby photos and thrusts them into my hands.她抓起一沓婴儿照片塞到我手里。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕She had more responsibility thrust upon her.她被迫完成更多的任务。麦克米伦高阶〔thrust〕She had not wanted to be Queen, but the role was thrust upon her.她原本也没有想当女王, 但女王的身份就强加到了她的身上。外研社新世纪〔thrust〕She hid the book behind the pillow with a quick thrust.她把书迅速往枕头后面一塞,藏了起来。英汉大词典〔thrust〕She never enjoyed the fame that was thrust upon her.对于强加给她的名声,她从未感到过开心过。朗文当代〔thrust〕She tried to thrust back the little stabs of homesickness.她努力排遣涌上心头的思乡之情。英汉大词典〔thrust〕She was thrust into fame.她突然出名。21世纪英汉〔thrust〕The thrust of his argument was that change was needed.他的论据要点是改革是必要的。牛津高阶〔thrust〕The Mongols thrust into Armenia and defeated an army of 60,000 Armenians and Georgians.蒙古人攻入亚美尼亚, 打败了亚美尼亚人和格鲁吉亚人的六万大军。外研社新世纪〔thrust〕The army made an aggressive thrust towards / toward the front line.军队朝前线发起攻击。牛津搭配〔thrust〕The bodyguards thrust past the crowd to get at the cameraman.保镖挤过人群直扑摄影师。剑桥高阶〔thrust〕The conductor brought home the full thrust of the work's emotional resolution.指挥将该作品情感上的毅然决然这一主旨充分表现了出来。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕The conquerors' religion was thrust upon the population by force.征服者用武力强使当地人接受他们的宗教信仰。英汉大词典〔thrust〕The cooperation between the two countries is in keeping with the thrust of history.两国之间的合作符合历史发展的趋势。英汉大词典〔thrust〕The direction of thrust is controlled by computer.推力的方向由计算机控制。外研社新世纪〔thrust〕The dramatic thrust of the movie centres around the conflict between the brothers.影片的剧情重点集中在兄弟之间的冲突。牛津搭配〔thrust〕The interceptor fighter needs a powerful thrust to achieve rapid climb and acceleration.歼击机需要强大的推力才能迅速爬升和加速。英汉大词典〔thrust〕The main thrust of robot research in the '80s has been towards improving vision techniques.80年代机器人研究的主要方向已是改进视觉技术。英汉大词典〔thrust〕The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.此项研究的核心是早期宇宙和银河系的形成。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe研究工作的重点将是对宇宙早期阶段的了解。外研社新世纪〔thrust〕The man thrust his hands into his pockets.那人把双手插进了口袋。麦克米伦高阶〔thrust〕The murderer thrust a dagger into her heart.凶手将匕首刺进她的心脏。英汉大词典〔thrust〕The realization that she was gone was like a knife thrust.意识到她走了感觉心像刀扎了一样。牛津搭配〔thrust〕The rock thrust 200 feet above the water.那块岩石矗立在水中,离水面有200英尺高。英汉大词典〔thrust〕The stage is thrust forward into the auditorium.舞台向前突出,伸入观众席。英汉大词典〔thrust〕The tree thrusts its branches high.这树的树枝伸得很高。21世纪英汉〔thrust〕The whole thrust of the project was to make money.计划的核心在于赢利美国传统〔thrust〕They thrust him into the back of a jeep.他们将他推进吉普车的后部。外研社新世纪〔thrust〕This has had a great influence on the broad thrust of social and economic policy.这对社会和经济政策的总方向已产生了很大影响。英汉大词典〔thrust〕This hydrofoil action of the bird's wings results in rapid forward thrust, so the bird can 'fly' underwater.这种鸟翅膀的水翼行为产生向前的快速推力, 使其可在水下“飞行”。外研社新世纪〔thrust〕Two of the knife thrusts were fatal.有两处刀伤是致命的。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕Why has such sadness been thrust upon us?为什么要把这种悲伤强加在我们身上?外研社新世纪〔thrust〕With two quick thrusts of its tail, the shark was upon her.那条鲨鱼猛甩了两下尾巴,向她扑去。英汉大词典〔tilt〕A thrust or blow with a lance.用长矛刺或打美国传统〔turbofan〕A turbojet engine in which a fan supplements the total thrust by forcing air directly into the hot turbine exhaust.涡轮风扇喷气发动机:一种涡轮喷气发动机带有一个风扇,通过将空气直接压入热的涡轮排气管而补充总推力美国传统〔turbojet〕A jet engine having a turbine-driven compressor and developing thrust from the exhaust of hot gases.涡轮喷气发动机:一种喷气式发动机,有一个涡轮推动的压气机,通过排出热气而产生推力美国传统〔upheave〕To be lifted or thrust upward.被提起或被向上抛起美国传统〔upthrust〕An upward thrust, especially of part of the earth's crust.挤压上升:向上推挤,尤指地壳部分的上升美国传统〔upthrust〕To thrust or be thrusted upward. Used especially of the earth's crust.挤压上升:向上推挤或被向上推挤。尤其用于指地壳美国传统〔way〕She thrust her way into the crowd.她挤进了人群。柯林斯高阶A thrust with the pin broke the balloon. 用针一戳,气球就爆了。译典通A helicopter needs a tail rotor to produce a sideways thrust that stops the whole machine spinning round in the opposite direction to the main rotor.直升飞机需要一个尾部旋翼来产生一股横向推进力,该推进力会阻止整个机器与主旋翼方向相反的旋转。剑桥国际Charles's body was discovered with an antique dagger thrust to the hilt into his chest.查尔斯的尸体被发现了,尸身上有一把古式匕首刺入胸膛直至刀柄。剑桥国际He thrust at(=moved suddenly towards) me with a knife.他用刀子向我刺过来。剑桥国际He thrust back the chair and rushed out of the room .他把椅子向后一推,冲出房间。剑桥国际He thrust his hands deep in(to) his pockets.他把手深插在口袋里。剑桥国际He thrust the tickets into my hand. 他把票塞进我手里。译典通Her door was thrust open, and Mrs. Page burst in. 她的门被猛地推开,蓓姬太太冲了进来。译典通She thrust the money into his hand.她把钱塞进他手中。剑桥国际She thrust the papers at me (=towards me).她把报纸塞给我。剑桥国际She enjoys/hates the cut and thrust (=the lively arguments) of party politics.她欣赏/痛恨党派政治中的唇枪舌剑。剑桥国际The invading army made a sudden thrust to the north. 入侵部队突然向北猛攻。译典通The practical thrust of the rules is to create an incentive for the networks themselves. 这些规定的实际目的是为网路自身创造一个动力。译典通The tree thrusts its branches high. 那树的枝条往上伸得高高的。译典通The woman thrust past me into the room. 那女人从我身边挤进房间。译典通They thrust a microphone in front of me and made me speak.他们把麦克风推到我面前,让我讲话。剑桥国际They thrust him into the back room and tied him up. 他们将他推入后房并把他捆了起来。译典通They thrust the boy into the car and drove off.他们把孩子推进汽车,然后把车开走了。剑桥国际




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