

单词 unruly
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔boot out〕Schools are booting out record numbers of unruly pupils.学校开除了数量空前的难以管教的小学生。柯林斯高阶〔boot out〕Schools are booting out record numbers of unruly pupils.学校正在开除难以管教的小学生, 数量空前。外研社新世纪〔break down〕An unruly mob broke down police barricades and stormed the courtroom.一伙暴徒捣毁了警察设置的路障冲进法庭。柯林斯高阶〔child〕The children were quite unruly and ran around the house as if they owned it.孩子们很不守规矩,在房子里跑来跑去,像是在自己家里一样。牛津搭配〔disfavour〕She eyed his unruly collar-length hair with disfavour.她反感地盯着他那长及衣领的一头乱发。外研社新世纪〔disfavour〕She eyed his unruly collar-length hair with disfavour.她反感地盯着他那长及衣领的一头乱发。柯林斯高阶〔fighting〕You get a lot of unruly drunks fighting each other.有很多无法无天的醉鬼在相互斗殴。柯林斯高阶〔fractious〕Inclined to make trouble; unruly.难驾驭的:容易挑拨是非的;不听指挥的美国传统〔gang up〕A number of unruly youths ganged up and terrorized the district.一群不守法的青年结成一伙,使这个地区充满恐怖。21世纪英汉〔gang〕He ganged up with a group of unruly youths.他和一群目无法纪的青年结成团伙。英汉大词典〔hell-raiser〕A rowdy, troublesome, or unruly person.地狱创造者:指粗暴、令人讨厌、或是不守规矩的人美国传统〔law〕The unruly child obeys no law.这个顽皮不驯的孩子无法无天。英汉大词典〔line〕Unruly and out of control.举止粗鲁的,失去控制的美国传统〔manage〕It's like trying to manage an unruly child.这就像试图管住一个任性的孩子。牛津高阶〔neck〕Each unruly cow was necked to a gentle one.每头性子野的牛都跟一头性子温驯的套在一起。英汉大词典〔punish〕Regulations formerly permitted prison wardens to correct unruly inmates.规章制度从前曾允许监狱的典狱长惩罚不守规矩的犯人。美国传统〔rear〕The unruly beast presently reared himself.这不听话的畜牲立即用后腿站立起来了。英汉大词典〔thatch〕Teddy ran thick fingers through his unruly thatch of hair.泰迪用粗手指理了理浓密蓬乱的头发。外研社新世纪〔thatch〕Teddy ran thick fingers through his unruly thatch of hair.特迪用自己的粗手指头捋了一下浓密蓬乱的头发。柯林斯高阶〔tuck〕She tucked an unruly lock of hair behind her ear.她把一缕不听话的头发撩到耳后。朗文当代〔unruly〕It's not good enough just to blame the unruly children.对难管教的孩子, 光责备是不够的。外研社新世纪〔unruly〕It's not good enough just to blame the unruly children.对难管教的孩子只是责备是不够的。柯林斯高阶〔unruly〕She spent hours trying to tame her unruly hair.她花了几个小时试图梳理她那难以平整的头发。麦克米伦高阶〔unruly〕The man had a huge head of remarkably black, unruly hair.那个人有一头乱蓬蓬的黑发。柯林斯高阶〔unruly〕The man had a huge head of remarkably black, unruly hair.那个男人有着一头乱蓬蓬的黑发。外研社新世纪〔unruly〕They were shocked by her unruly behaviour.她毫无教养的行为令他们感到震惊。外研社新世纪〔untoward〕Hard to guide or control; unruly.失控的:难以引导或控制的;难于管教的美国传统An unruly crowd of demonstrators suddenly turned riotous as the police appeared.一群难控制的游行示威者在警察出现时突然骚乱起来。剑桥国际An unruly element causes/Unruly elements cause (= particular badly behaved people create) trouble for the others in the school.校中不受管教的学生给其他人造成麻烦。剑桥国际I had an unruly class of adolescents on Thursday that I used to dread teaching.星期四我有一个难管理的少年班, 我过去常常畏惧教这个班。剑桥国际The cowboy broke the unruly horse. 牛仔制服了这匹烈马。译典通With an unruly mop of black hair and one of his front teeth missing, he's quite an alarming sight.有一头难梳理的乱蓬蓬的黑头发, 前门牙也掉了一颗,他有吓人的外貌。剑桥国际




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