

单词 to take all
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RUDE〕We had to take all the swear words out of the play. 我们只得把剧中所有的骂人话都删去。朗文写作活用〔STRANGE〕In his statement the chief of police said, ‘We are dealing with a warped mind, and we have to take all precautions.’ 警察局长在他的声明中说:“我们面对的是一个思想怪诞的人,我们必须采取一切预防措施。”朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Do you want me to take all this down? 你要我把这些都记下来吗?朗文写作活用〔belongings〕Remember to take all your personal belongings from the overhead locker when you leave the plane.记住下飞机时拿走头顶行李箱里的所有个人物品。麦克米伦高阶〔blame〕You can't expect Terry to take all the blame .你不能指望特里承担全部责任。朗文当代〔credit〕It would be wrong for us to take all the credit.如果我们把所有功劳都揽到自己身上,那就不对了。柯林斯高阶〔credit〕It would be wrong for us to take all the credit.我们独占所有的功劳是不对的。外研社新世纪〔heart〕A card game in which the object is either to avoid hearts when taking tricks or to take all the hearts.收全红:一种通过技巧避免获得或赢得所有的红桃牌的纸牌游戏美国传统〔leave〕For the moment, I leave you to take all decisions.我把决定权暂时全交给你。柯林斯高阶〔personal〕Passengers are reminded to take all their personal belongings with them when they leave the plane.乘客们被提醒下飞机时要带走所有个人物品。剑桥高阶〔pill〕Why do I have to take all these pills?我为什么非得服下所有这些药丸呢?外研社新世纪〔possession〕Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when you leave the aircraft.下飞机时请记得携带好所有个人物品。剑桥高阶〔showing〕Parliamentary leaders agreed to take all such decisions by a show of hands.议会领导人同意所有这样的决定都要举手表决。柯林斯高阶〔take in〕It's hard to take all this information in at once.很难一下子把全部信息消化掉。韦氏高阶〔take〕To take all the money or possessions of, as in a divorce action.获得全部财产:(比如在一场离婚裁决中)获得…所有的钱或财产美国传统〔take〕That bookcase is big enough to take all our books.那个书橱足够大, 放得下我们所有的书。外研社新世纪〔thing〕Sara told him to take all his things and not to return.萨拉叫他带着他的全部家当离开,再也别回来。柯林斯高阶〔why〕Why do we have to take all these tests? 我们为什么一定要参加这些测验?朗文当代At the end of term I have to take all my things home from college, then I have to take the whole bag of tricks back again at the beginning of the next term.学期结束时我得把所有的东西从学院带回家,而下学期开学时我还得全部带回去。剑桥国际Passengers are reminded to take all their personal belongings with them when they leave the plane.旅客们被提醒离开飞机时带走所有的私人物品。剑桥国际You'll need an oversize suitcase to take all those things with you.要把那些东西全带上,你需要一只特大的衣箱。剑桥国际




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