

单词 to express
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔EXPRESS〕when it is difficult to express ideas or feelings in words 难以用语言表达思想或情感朗文写作活用〔description〕a personal pain that goes beyond description(= is too great to express in words) 难以言表的个人痛苦牛津高阶〔heaven〕heavens Used in various phrases to express surprise: heavens 嗳呀,天哪:用在各种短语中表示惊讶:美国传统〔individuality〕choices that were intended to express his individuality; monotonous towns lacking in individuality.意在表现他个性的选择;缺乏个性的单调城镇美国传统〔precision〕learn to express one's thoughts with precision 学会明确表达自己的思想英汉大词典〔purport〕a letter that purports to express public opinion一封声称是表达了公众意见的信21世纪英汉〔wherever〕language which will allow the students in class or wherever to express their opinions.学生可以用来在课堂上或其他什么地方表达自己想法的语言柯林斯高阶




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