

单词 took
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔New World〕the silver that the Spaniards took home from the New World西班牙人从新大陆带回国的银器外研社新世纪〔all〕a conversation that took all of five minutes.花了整整五分钟的谈话美国传统〔birth〕an incident that took place before my birth; a Bostonian by birth.我出生前发生的一件事;波士顿出生的人美国传统〔bookish〕took a bookish rather than a pragmatic approach in solving the problem.以书呆子气的而不是务实的态度解决问题美国传统〔boredom〕took up a hobby to relieve the ennui of retirement; 养成一种嗜好以消除退休后的无聊;美国传统〔business〕took her business to a trustworthy salesperson.将她的主顾交给一个可靠的推销员美国传统〔calculated〕took a calculated risk.冒一次有备之险美国传统〔circular〕took a circular route to the office.绕道去办公室美国传统〔cosmetic〕made a few cosmetic changes when she took over the company.她接管公司后做了一些表面化的改革美国传统〔course〕took a northern course.向北行进美国传统〔custody〕took the robbery suspect into custody.拘捕抢劫嫌疑犯美国传统〔dark〕took a dark view of the consequences.对结果持悲观看法美国传统〔detriment〕took a long leave of absence without detriment to her career.See Synonyms at disadvantage 请长假而不会对其职业造成损害 参见 disadvantage美国传统〔different〕took different approaches to the problem.解决问题采取不同的方法美国传统〔dish〕took out the dishes and silverware; washed the dishes.拿出餐具和银餐具;洗涮餐具美国传统〔drink〕took a long drink from the fountain.喝了一大口泉水美国传统〔dutiful〕the dutiful way he took care of his sick mother 他尽心照顾生病母亲的方式韦氏高阶〔examination〕the candidates who took national examinations this year今年参加全国考试的人员外研社新世纪〔flying〕made a flying visit to the neighbors' house; took a flying glance at the report.到邻家的一次极短促的拜访;飞快地扫一眼报告美国传统〔form〕a political movement that first took form in the 1960s 一场始于20世纪60年代的政治运动韦氏高阶〔gangbuster〕came on like gangbusters at the start of his campaign; a career that took off like gangbusters.在他竞选初期带有极大的影响力;使人没有热情的事业美国传统〔hour〕an hour's work (=work that it took you an hour to do) 一小时的工作朗文当代〔lead〕took over the lead of the company.取得公司的领导权美国传统〔leave〕took leave of her with a heavy heart.心情沉重地和她道别美国传统〔liberty〕took foolish liberties on the ski slopes.在滑雪坡道上作愚蠢地冒险美国传统〔long〕took a long view of the geopolitical issues.深远的展望地缘政治学问题美国传统〔marathon〕when I took up the marathon.当我开始参加马拉松比赛的时候柯林斯高阶〔might〕two individuals who took on the might of the English legal system 挑战英国法律制度威严的两个人朗文当代〔mort〕after the mort of trouble sb. took 在某人历尽辛劳之后英汉大词典〔nationality〕a German-born composer who took British nationality 一位德国出生的英籍作曲家牛津搭配〔occasional〕took an occasional glass of wine.偶尔喝瓶酒美国传统〔piece〕took the clock apart piece by piece.一点一点地把钟表拆开美国传统〔postprandial〕took a postprandial walk through the woods.饭后去林中散步美国传统〔preprandial〕took a preprandial walk in the woods.饭前去林中散步美国传统〔prevent〕took steps to prevent the strike.采取步骤避免罢工美国传统〔secret〕took a surreptitious glance at his watch; 偷偷瞟了一下他的表;美国传统〔slurp〕took a slurp of grape juice.喝一大口葡萄汁美国传统〔small time〕a critical success that took her from the small time all the way to Hollywood.一次把她从第二流演员带入好莱坞演艺圈的关键性成功美国传统〔snap〕a snap my mother took last year.我母亲去年拍的照片柯林斯高阶〔spin〕took a spin in the new car.开着新车疾驰美国传统〔suppressant〕the brief period in her life when she took Dexedrine as an appetite suppressant.她服用德克塞根来抑制食欲的短暂时期柯林斯高阶〔take〕took a little soup for dinner.喝了点汤充作晚餐美国传统〔take〕took a picture of us.为我们拍了一张照片美国传统〔take〕took in the sights.饱览各个景色美国传统〔take〕took off the commuter special.取消了特殊通勤美国传统〔take〕took out the money owed in services.平衡各亏欠服务中心的钱美国传统〔take〕took the brake off.松开刹车美国传统〔take〕took the crown in horseracing.在赛马中获得冠军美国传统〔take〕took to the woods.躲到树林里美国传统〔take〕took up a friendly attitude.摆出友好的态度美国传统〔take〕took up with a fast crowd.与一群放荡的人为伍美国传统〔take〕a publisher who took the editors for granted.一位低估了其编辑作用的出版商美国传统〔take〕a wrestler who took on all comers.一个接受所有新手挑战的摔跤运动员美国传统〔test〕took the entrance examinations and tested high.参加入学考试并获得高分美国传统〔tone〕took an angry tone with the reporters.带着怒气与记者说话美国传统〔uncompromising〕took an uncompromising stance during the peace talks; displayed uncompromising honesty.在和平会谈中采取决不妥协的姿态;显示出坚定的诚实品质美国传统〔unholy〕took unholy risks to win the downhill race.为赢得下坡比赛冒可怕的风险美国传统〔unjustifiable〕took an unjustifiable risk.冒了一次错误的风险美国传统〔vain〕took the name of the Lord in vain.妄称上帝之名美国传统〔vote〕took a vote on the issue.在这个问题上采取投票美国传统




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