

单词 to place
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔800 number〕Call our 800 number to place an order or ask questions.拨打我们的800电话号码下订单或咨询业务。韦氏高阶〔bewitch〕To place under one's power by or as if by magic; cast a spell over.迷惑:通过或似通过魔力施加某人力量;用符咒迷惑美国传统〔bird of passage〕A person who moves from place to place frequently.经常从一地迁居到另一地的人美国传统〔bottle〕To place in a bottle.装入瓶中美国传统〔check〕Games To place a chess opponent's king in check.【游戏】 将军:对下棋对手的“国王”将军美国传统〔chin〕Music To place (a violin) under the chin in preparation to play it.【音乐】 将(小提琴)放于下巴下准备演奏美国传统〔circulation〕The passing of something, such as money or news, from place to place or person to person.流通,散布:一些事物从地区到地区或从人到人之间的传递,如金钱或消息美国传统〔commit〕To place officially in confinement or custody, as in a mental health facility.收监,收押:置于官方限制或保护,如在精神健康设施美国传统〔cradle〕To place or retain in or as if in a cradle.放在摇篮里:把…放置或留在摇篮里或似摇篮物里美国传统〔drifter〕One that drifts, especially a person who moves aimlessly from place to place or from job to job.漂泊者:漂泊的人,尤指漫无目的从一个地方到另一个地方,从一个工作至另一工作的人美国传统〔earmark〕To place an identifying or distinctive mark on.打上标志:打上可识别的明显的戳记美国传统〔entomb〕To place in or as if in a tomb or grave.埋葬:放置或如同放置在坟墓中美国传统〔from one place to another〕Wires carry the information from place to place. = They carry it from one place to another.电缆将信息从一处传送到另一处。韦氏高阶〔ground〕To place on or cause to touch the ground.把…放在地上,使落地美国传统〔hand〕Her hand lifted to place a cigarette in her mouth.她抬手把香烟送到口中。牛津搭配〔hospitalize〕To place in a hospital for treatment, care, or observation.使…住院:使…进入医院进行治疗、照顾或观察美国传统〔inject〕To place into an orbit, a trajectory, or a stream.置于:放入一个轨道、弹道或潮流中美国传统〔interrelate〕To place in or come into mutual relationship.相互联系:使或形成相互联系美国传统〔juxtapose〕To place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.把…并置,把…并列:并列放置,尤指为了比较或对照美国传统〔lay〕To place in or bring to a particular state or position.使处于:放入或使达到一特定状态或位置美国传统〔lay〕Games To place (a bet); wager.【游戏】 下注;打赌美国传统〔line〕To place in a series or row.成线状排列美国传统〔narcotize〕To place under the influence of a narcotic.使麻醉:使处在麻醉的影响美国传统〔new age〕New Age travellers(= people in Britain who reject the values of modern society and travel from place to place, living in their vehicles) 新时代思潮的不时迁移者(摒弃现代社会价值的到处旅行者)牛津高阶〔niche〕To place in a niche.放置在壁内美国传统〔of〕Jet travel has made moving from place to place less of an ordeal.乘飞机旅行使人们感到从一个地方到另一个地方不那么折磨人了。麦克米伦高阶〔oppose〕To place opposite in contrast or counterbalance.相对:放在某事物对面以对比或平衡美国传统〔order〕I would like to place an order for ten copies of this book.这本书我想订购十册。牛津高阶〔order〕Please wait in this line to place your order.请排队点单。韦氏高阶〔pedestal〕To place on or provide with a pedestal.放到基座上或提供一个基座美国传统〔pouch〕To place in or as if in a pouch; pocket.放入袋中:放入或似乎放入袋中;封入美国传统〔rack〕Sports To place (billiard balls, for example) in a rack.【体育运动】 放于框子中:把(例如台球)放到架子中美国传统〔recess〕To place in a recess.将…放入壁龛;把…放置于凹室美国传统〔register〕To place or cause placement of one's name in a register.登录姓名:使自己的名字记录下来美国传统〔sepulcher〕To place into a sepulcher; inter.埋葬:放入坟墓中;埋葬美国传统〔set〕To place in an upright position.直立:放于竖直位置美国传统〔shelter〕These nouns refer to places affording protection, as from danger, or to the state of being protected.这些名词都指提供保护的场所,如防止危险或被保护的状态。美国传统〔sling〕To place or carry in a sling.吊,悬:放到吊带里或用吊带装美国传统〔socialize〕To place under government or group ownership or control.使社会主义化:置于社会或集体所有或控制之下美国传统〔step〕Nautical To place (a mast) in its step.【航海】 把桅杆放在桅座中美国传统〔tax〕To place a tax on (income, property, or goods).对…征税:对(收入,财产或商品)征税美国传统〔tour〕To travel from place to place, especially for pleasure.观光:从一地旅行到另一地,尤指为了娱乐美国传统〔to〕Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place.她的童年是在不断迁移中度过的。牛津高阶〔to〕They wandered from place to place.他们四处游荡。外研社新世纪〔trustee〕To place (property) in the care of a trustee or to function or serve as a trustee.移交(财产)给受托人或当受托人美国传统〔unadoptable〕Difficult to place in an adoptive home.难以收养的:很难安置在收养院的美国传统〔warehouse〕To place or store in a warehouse, especially in a bonded or government warehouse.存库:把…放入或存入仓库,尤其是有担保的或政府的仓库美国传统I bet on Parker's Mood to place (= finish in Br second or third place/Am second place in the horse race).我赌帕克的穆德赛马获得第二名(在英国第二或第三名)。剑桥国际I don't want you going around/round/about (= spending time moving to places and doing things) with people like that.我不愿意你和那样的人为伍。剑桥国际The government is trying to attract industry to the area (=to persuade people to place their industry there).政府试图将工业吸引到这个地区。剑桥国际




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