

单词 tried
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔arrange〕tried to order my chaotic life; 试图整理我杂乱无章的生活;美国传统〔block〕a memory so terrible that she tried to block it out 她努力想抹去的可怕记忆朗文当代〔broach〕tried to keep the boat from broaching to.试图使船免受突然横转美国传统〔buy〕tried to buy a judge.试图贿赂法官美国传统〔catch〕tried to catch at the life preserver.试图抓住救生用具美国传统〔center〕tried to center the discussion on the main issues.尽力使讨论集中于主要问题上美国传统〔conjure〕tried to conjure away the doubts that beset her.设法除去她心中的疑虑美国传统〔consequent〕tried to prevent an oil spill and the consequent damage to wildlife.尽量避免漏油以及随之发生的对野生动植物的破坏美国传统〔conserve〕tried to conserve on fuel during the long winter.设法在漫长的冬天里尽量节省燃料美国传统〔defend〕tried to defend his reputation.试图保护他的声誉。美国传统〔dissuade〕tried to dissuade the general from taking disciplinary action; 极力劝将军不要采取惩戒行动;美国传统〔eke〕homeless children who tried to eke a living from the refuse tips靠在垃圾场拾荒勉强度日的无家可归的孩子们外研社新世纪〔entrench〕officials who have tried to entrench themselves in office 努力巩固自己职位的官员韦氏高阶〔erase〕tried to efface prejudice from his mind.试图使他忘掉偏见。美国传统〔excess〕tried to avoid engaging in emotional excesses such as hysteria and fits of temper.尽量避免陷于象歇斯底里这样的感情冲动美国传统〔facedown〕tried to avert a facedown between the two nations; a political facedown during the primaries.尽量避免在这两国之间形成对峙;在初选中的政治对峙美国传统〔fix〕tried to fix the conversation in her memory.把这次对话留在她的记忆中美国传统〔hit〕tried to hit me up for a loan.试图请求我贷款美国传统〔hush〕tried to hush up the damaging details.试图掩饰有破坏性的细节美国传统〔imitate〕tried to copy her cultivated accent; 尽力地模仿她优雅的口音;美国传统〔infiltrate〕tried to infiltrate key government agencies with spies.派间谍试图渗透进政府的关键职位美国传统〔inject〕tried to inject a note of humor into the negotiations.试图给谈判带来一点幽默美国传统〔insanity〕tried to jump out of the fortieth-floor window in a moment of utter lunacy.在突发的精神失常中试图从四楼的窗户跳出去。美国传统〔instant〕the instant case being tried 目下正在审理中的案件英汉大词典〔interconnect〕tried to interconnect the two theories.试图融汇贯通这两个理论美国传统〔keep〕tried to keep the ice from melting.防止冰融化美国传统〔keep〕unsuccessfully tried to keep up with his associates.没能赶上他的同事们美国传统〔line〕tried to get a free line.试着拨通一电话线路美国传统〔loophole〕tried to close/plug a loophole in the new legislation 努力堵住新法律的漏洞韦氏高阶〔manipulate〕tried to manipulate stock prices.试图操纵股票价格美国传统〔matted〕tried to push through the matted undergrowth.试图穿过大树下面缠绕成一团的灌木丛美国传统〔mental〕tried to get a mental picture of him from her description.我试图根据她的描述想象出他的样子。朗文当代〔muzzle〕tried to muzzle the opposition.竭力钳制反对派言论美国传统〔obstinacy〕the door of the shop which obstinately stayed closed when he tried to push it open.他怎么使劲也推不开的店门柯林斯高阶〔oil〕an attorney who tried to oil the judge's hand in order to obtain a directed verdict favorable to his client.为使判决导向有利于其委托人的局面而试着向法官行贿的律师美国传统〔palliate〕tried unsuccessfully to palliate the widespread discontent.不成功地尽力去减轻普遍的不满美国传统〔payable〕tried to balance inventory, payables, and receivables.尽力平衡清单、欠债和收入美国传统〔perspective〕tried to keep my perspective throughout the crisis.试图在整个危机中保持我的洞察力美国传统〔preserve〕tried to preserve family harmony.See Synonyms at defend 努力维持家庭和睦 参见 defend美国传统〔put〕tried to put a lie over, but to no avail.试图用谎言瞒过去,但没有成功美国传统〔put〕tried to put her views across during the hearing.在听讼过程中试图使她的观点能被清楚地理解美国传统〔quibble〕tried to get her to stop nitpicking all the time; 试图让她不要总是找茬;美国传统〔rebuild〕tried to rebuild society.试图改造社会美国传统〔ride〕an author who tried to take his publisher for a ride.企图欺骗出版商的作者美国传统〔scene〕tried not to make a scene.尽量别当众吵闹美国传统〔square〕a party in litigation that tried to square the judge.一个在诉讼案中竭尽全力贿赂法官的党派美国传统〔stay〕tried to stay with the lead runner.试图与领先的跑步者并驾齐驱美国传统〔tamper〕tried to tamper with the decedent's will; tampering with the timing mechanism of the safe.竭力篡改死者的遗嘱;胡乱拨弄保险箱的计时装置美国传统〔test〕tried and tested techniques 经过检验的技术牛津搭配〔tried〕tried and tested 经过考验的文馨英汉〔tried〕tried and tested safety procedures 经实践反复验证的安全程序朗文当代〔tried〕a tried method 经试验证明可靠的方法英汉大词典〔trust〕tried and trusted techniques 屡试不爽、可以信赖的技术牛津搭配〔try〕tried to ski.试着滑冰美国传统〔unlearn〕tried to unlearn smoking.竭力改掉抽烟的习惯美国传统〔upstage〕a vice president who repeatedly tried to upstage the president.屡次欲抢总统镜头的副总统美国传统〔use〕tried to be of use in the kitchen.设法在厨房里能合用美国传统〔way〕tried to find the shortest way home.努力找出回家的最短路线美国传统〔way〕tried to take the easy way out.试着走捷径美国传统tamper-evident security labels (= ones which show if sb has tried to remove them or change them) 防窃取安全标签牛津商务




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