

单词 the city
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔activity〕the noise and activity of the city 城市的喧嚣和忙碌朗文当代〔alien〕the alien environment of the city 这座城市陌生的环境朗文当代〔best〕one of the best-known men in the city 城里最知名的人士之一英汉大词典〔blighted〕blighted areas of the city 城市中脏乱差的地区韦氏高阶〔block〕a ten acre block near the city 离城市不远的一块十英亩土地朗文当代〔bomb〕a bomb attack on a crowded bus in the city centre 市中心一辆拥挤的公共汽车上的炸弹袭击事件朗文当代〔cooperative〕a co-operative venture between the City Council and the police 市政会和警方的一个合作项目朗文当代〔deity〕a shrine to the patron deity of the city 供奉这座城市的守护神的圣坛牛津搭配〔depiction〕an honest depiction of life in the city 城市生活的真实描写韦氏高阶〔disadvantaged〕disadvantaged areas of the city 城市贫困地区朗文当代〔district〕to district the city into three election districts.把该市划分成三个选区21世纪英汉〔doyenne〕the doyenne of piano teachers in the city 该市钢琴教师中的女中泰斗朗文当代〔editor〕the editor of the city paper 城市报的编辑韦氏高阶〔fierce〕fierce fighting in the city 城里的激烈战斗朗文当代〔fringe〕industrial developments situated on the northern fringe of the city 这座城市北郊的工业开发麦克米伦高阶〔fringe〕the southern fringe of the city 城市的南部边缘剑桥高阶〔front〕undeveloped land fronting the city convention centre城市会议中心对面未开发的土地外研社新世纪〔gallery〕details of museums and art galleries in the city 市内各博物馆和美术馆的详细介绍朗文当代〔gift〕a keen philanthropist who gifted the city a library给该城市赠送了一座图书馆的热心慈善家外研社新世纪〔guide〕a guided tour of the city 在导游带领下浏览该市剑桥高阶〔hard by〕in a house hard by the city gate 在城门边上的一座房子里朗文当代〔heart〕a quiet hotel in the very heart of the city 一家位于市中心的安静的旅馆牛津高阶〔image〕black-and-white images of the city 这座城市的黑白影像韦氏高阶〔imposition〕the imposition of a ban on cycling in the city centre市中心自行车禁行令的实施外研社新世纪〔influx〕the daily influx of sightseers to the city 每日涌入该市的观光者牛津搭配〔inside〕inside of the city wall 在城墙内英汉大词典〔limit〕within the city limits 在市区内英汉大词典〔mixture〕the mixture of different people living in the city 生活在这座城市里形形色色的人们朗文当代〔modernity〕an office block that astonished the city with its modernity.现代化程度令市民叹为观止的一幢办公楼柯林斯高阶〔operate〕planes that operate into and out of the city 在该城市降落和起飞的飞机英汉大词典〔patrol〕police on patrol in the city centre 在市中心巡逻的警察朗文当代〔periphery〕a residential area on the periphery of the city 一个位于城市边缘的住宅区朗文当代〔policing〕the policing of the city 该城的警务工作朗文当代〔problem〕a major cause of traffic problems in the city 城市交通问题的主因麦克米伦高阶〔profile〕a campaign to raise the profile of the city as a cultural leader 一场提升该城市作为文化引领者形象的运动牛津搭配〔recapture〕an attempt to recapture the city 收复这座城市的尝试朗文当代〔refuse〕haul refuse to the city dump 运垃圾到城市的垃圾场英汉大词典〔remodel〕remodel the city centre 重建城市中心 英汉大词典〔scream〕scream the news all over the city 大喊大叫着把消息传遍全城英汉大词典〔shroud〕a shroud of dust hanging over the city 高悬在城市上空的一片尘埃英汉大词典〔spread〕the spread of the city 城市的扩展英汉大词典〔takeout〕do a major takeout on violent crime in the city 就城市暴力犯罪写一篇重要专稿英汉大词典〔teeming〕the teeming streets of the city 熙熙攘攘的城市街道朗文当代〔teeming〕the teeming streets of the city 熙熙攘攘的城市街道牛津高阶〔touristy〕one of the less touristy parts of the city 该城游客较稀少的地区之一英汉大词典〔uptown〕the uptown club in the city where they are based他们所在城市远离商业区的那家俱乐部外研社新世纪〔vandal〕young graffiti vandals who blight the city with their scrawls 胡乱涂鸦影响市容的年轻人牛津搭配〔wall〕wall out the noise of the city 隔绝城市噪声英汉大词典〔whizzkid〕financial whizzkids in the City 伦敦商业区的金融神童朗文当代the commercial heart of the city 城市的商业中枢牛津商务




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