

单词 to ban
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕European governments are trying to conclude a treaty to ban certain atmospheric tests. 欧洲各国政府正在设法缔结条约,禁止某些大气试验。朗文写作活用〔DISCUSS〕The committee, after much discussion, had decided to go ahead with the proposal to ban cigarette advertising. 该委员会经过多次讨论以后,已经决定执行禁止香烟广告的提议。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕Until the Food Protection Bill became law, the ministry had no power to ban dangerous pesticides. 要到《食品保护法案》被确立为法律,这个部门才有权力禁止使用有毒杀虫剂。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Apparently, moves are afoot to ban smoking in public places. 看来,公共场所禁烟的行动正在酝酿中。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕You could legitimately argue that the best way to bring down pollution levels is to ban cars completely. 你可以正当地提出理由,说明减少污染的最佳办法就是完全禁止使用汽车。朗文写作活用〔alliance〕The government, in alliance with the army, has decided to ban all public meetings for a month.政府和军队结成联盟,决定禁止所有公众集会,为期一个月。牛津搭配〔ban〕Congress has voted to ban online gambling.国会已投票决定禁止网上赌博。牛津搭配〔ban〕FIFA's decision to ban him for six games国际足联对他禁赛6场的决定外研社新世纪〔ban〕They threatened to ban the book.他们威胁要查禁此书。21世纪英汉〔campaign〕There's been a campaign by local fishermen to ban imported cod.当地的渔民发起禁止进口鳕鱼的运动。麦克米伦高阶〔catch-phrase〕Norvelle, whose catchphrase is 'Chase Me', asked magistrates not to ban him after he admitted doing 83mph in a 50mph zone.喜欢把“追我啊”挂在嘴边的诺维尔承认在限速50英里的地段开到了83英里/小时,并请求地方治安官不要吊销他的驾驶证。柯林斯高阶〔circulate〕The group circulated petitions calling for a federal law to ban handguns.该团体在散发要求联邦法律禁用手枪的请愿书。朗文当代〔crass〕Trying to ban something they haven't seen is crass stupidity.试图取缔他们还没见过的东西是愚蠢透顶的。外研社新世纪〔empower〕The Act of 1936 empowered the police to ban political processions.1936年的法令授权警方可取缔政治游行。外研社新世纪〔far〕Anti-racist campaigners are urging the Government to ban all far-Right groups.反种族主义活动家正在力促政府取缔所有极右组织。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕If you follow that idea to its logical conclusion, we'd have to ban free speech altogether.如果把那种想法的逻辑推理到极致,那我们就必须要完全禁止言论自由了。朗文当代〔genetically modified〕Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.大品牌超市即将下架许多转基因食品。柯林斯高阶〔hear〕Have you heard about the plan to ban cars from the city centre?你听说要在市中心禁止汽车通行的计划了吗?外研社新世纪〔impracticable〕It would be impracticable to ban all food additives.禁用所有的食物添加剂是行不通的。英汉大词典〔incensed〕Fans were incensed at the decision to ban the song.歌迷们对禁止这首歌的决定极为愤怒。朗文当代〔kind〕They responded in kind, threatening to ban imports from Japan.他们以牙还牙,威胁要禁止从日本进口商品。麦克米伦高阶〔legislation〕The government is pushing through legislation to ban smoking in all public places.政府正在力促通过立法,禁止在公共场所吸烟。牛津搭配〔majority〕The Trust's annual meeting has decided by a narrow majority to ban deer hunting.国民托管组织的年度会议以微弱的多数票决定禁止猎鹿。柯林斯高阶〔march〕The police decided not to ban the march.警方决定不禁止这次示威游行。朗文当代〔more〕The police are more than likely to ban the match.警方很可能会禁止这场比赛。朗文当代〔move〕The government announced its move to ban smoking in public spaces.政府宣布了在公共场所禁烟的举措。牛津搭配〔outlive〕Good books have a way of outliving those who want to ban them.优秀的书籍总是比那些想要禁掉它们的人更长寿。朗文当代〔perform〕There are plans to ban circuses with performing animals.有计划禁止马戏团使用动物进行表演。剑桥高阶〔they〕They're going to ban foxhunting, I hear.我听说政府要禁止猎狐。麦克米伦高阶〔tobacco〕I believe it is time to ban the advertising of tobacco altogether.我认为到了彻底禁止烟草广告的时候了。外研社新世纪〔tobacco〕I believe it is time to ban tobacco advertising altogether.我认为该完全禁止烟草广告了。柯林斯高阶〔trade〕Steps were taken to ban the trade in ivory.已采取措施禁止象牙交易。牛津搭配〔vote〕The committee voted unanimously to ban alcohol from the concert.委员会一致决定在音乐会上禁酒。麦克米伦高阶〔whilst〕Whilst I agree that boxing is dangerous, I also believe that it would be wrong to ban it.虽然我同意拳击很危险,但我也认为禁止拳击是不对的。麦克米伦高阶A court of appeal overturned the decision to ban the drug.上诉法院撤销了禁止这种药物的决定。牛津商务Almost all countries say they want to ban the use of chemical weapons.几乎所有的国家都声称他们要禁止使用化学武器。剑桥国际Because of the impact of Islamic terrorism, the candidate Donald Trump is proposing to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. Many people think he is putting the cart before the horse. 因为回教恐怖主义的冲击,候选人川普主张禁止回教徒进入美国。许多人认为他这是本末倒置。译典通Increased car use was the inevitable result of the council's misbegotten decision to ban buses from the middle of the town.增长的汽车使用是市政会禁止公共汽车在市中心通行的拙劣决定所带来的必然结果。剑桥国际Many doctors want to see a law banning/ to ban all tobacco advertising. 许多医生希望看到有部禁止一切香烟广告的法律。剑桥国际Many people support the campaign to ban fox and stag hunting.许多人支持禁止猎狐和猎鹿的运动。剑桥国际Over ninety countries ratified an agreement to ban the use of these chemicals. 九十多个国家批准了一项禁止使用这些化学品的协议。译典通The authorities are planning to ban scantily-dressed tourists from entering the church.当局正打算禁止穿着暴露的旅游者进入教堂。剑桥国际The council is making a move (= taking action) to ban traffic in some parts of the city.市政会正采取措施,封闭城市某些区域的交通。剑桥国际The council plans to ban circuses with performing animals.委员会打算禁止使用动物表演的马戏团。剑桥国际The government has decided to ban tobacco advertising and in doing so (=and because of this) has made a great contribution to the nation's health.政府决定禁止烟草广告,这样做对国民的健康有很大好处。剑桥国际The perfume commercial was so steamy that the TV company decided to ban it.这香水广告非常色情,电视公司决定禁放。剑桥国际There have been calls for the local government to ban prostitution. 人们不断要求地方政府取缔卖淫。译典通They decided to ban company-wide emails.他们决定在全公司范围内禁止使用电子邮件。牛津商务They threatened to ban the book. 他们威胁要禁止该书。译典通We have not so far made any inroads with our campaign to ban traffic from the city centre.我们为禁止车辆在市中心进出而进行的运动尚未取得任何进展。剑桥国际




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