

单词 to assume
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOGICAL〕Given that the patient smokes 50 cigarettes a day, it would be reasonable to assume there is some lung damage. 鉴于病人一天抽50支烟,说他肺部有一定程度的损坏是有道理的。朗文写作活用〔LOGICAL〕If they did not leave until yesterday, then it is logical to assume that they will arrive some time tomorrow. 如果他们是昨天才走的,按理说明天会到。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕It is reasonable to assume watching a lot of television at an early age interferes with development. 假设儿童年幼时看电视太多会影响发育是有道理的。朗文写作活用〔assume〕Everyone accepted she was telling the truth, although in fact this was quite a lot to assume.每个人都认为她在讲真话,虽然实际上有很大程度是想当然的。麦克米伦高阶〔assume〕I think we can safely assume that he's coming. = I think it's safe to assume that he's coming.我觉得我们可以肯定他会来。韦氏高阶〔assume〕It is reasonable to assume (that)the economy will continue to improve.认为经济将继续好转是有道理的。牛津高阶〔assume〕It's all too easy to assume that people know what they are doing.很容易想当然地认为别人会知道自己在做什么。牛津搭配〔assume〕The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions .问题开始显出其严重性。朗文当代〔attention〕Used as a command to assume an erect military posture.(口令)立正:用作要求军人立正姿势的口令美国传统〔bell〕To assume the form of a bell; flare.使呈钟状;张开美国传统〔conceited〕It's very conceited of you to assume that your work is always the best.你认为你的工作总是最好的,真是太自大了。牛津高阶〔crystallize〕To assume a crystalline form.使结晶:采取晶体的形态美国传统〔curl〕To assume a spiral or curved shape.呈现盘旋状,呈现螺旋状美国传统〔ease〕Used as a command for troops to assume a relaxed position.稍息:用于让队伍呈放松姿势的口令美国传统〔extent〕A writ allowing a creditor to assume temporary ownership of a debtor's property.暂时所有权令:许可债权人临时占有借债人的财产的一种书面命令美国传统〔feminize〕To cause (a male) to assume feminine characteristics.使…带女孩子气:使(男性)具有女性的特点美国传统〔fill〕To assume someone's position or duties.取代某人的职位或责任美国传统〔guess〕To assume, presume, or assert (a fact) without sufficient information.猜测,臆测:没有足够的材料而推断、假设或断言(某一事实)美国传统〔illogical〕It is illogical to assume you can do the work of three people.认为你一个人能干三个人的活儿是不合理的。朗文当代〔irresponsible〕Law Not mentally or financially fit to assume responsibility.【法律】 无责任能力的:智力或财力上不适于承担责任的美国传统〔irresponsible〕Law One who is mentally or financially unfit to assume responsibility for one's actions.【法律】 无责任能力的人:智力上或财力上不适于对自己的行为负责的人美国传统〔logical〕Since she helped us before, it's logical to assume that she'll help us again.她之前就帮过我们,因此可以合理地推测,她还会帮我们的。韦氏高阶〔lycanthropy〕In folklore, the magical ability to assume the form and characteristics of a wolf.使人变成狼:传说中用神奇的力量使人具有狼的外形和特征美国传统〔mantle〕She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of the presidency.她想接任总统,但未成功。剑桥高阶〔masculinize〕To cause (a female) to assume masculine characteristics, as through hormonal imbalance or male hormone therapy.变性:使(女性)具有男性特征,通过荷尔蒙失衡或男性荷尔蒙疗法美国传统〔mistake〕It is a great mistake to assume that your children will agree with you.想当然地认为孩子们会和你意见一致是大错特错了。牛津搭配〔mistake〕It would be a mistake to assume that we can rely on their help.如果认为我们可以依靠他们的帮助,那就错了。韦氏高阶〔order arms〕A command to assume order arms.立正持枪的命令美国传统〔personate〕Law To assume the identity of, with intent to deceive.【法律】 假冒,冒充:为了欺骗而假冒身份美国传统〔pillow〕To assume the shape of a pillow.当作枕头:假定为枕头形状美国传统〔posture〕To assume a pose.摆姿势美国传统〔posture〕To assume an exaggerated or unnatural pose or mental attitude; attitudinize.装模作样,做出夸张的姿势:呈现夸张或不自然的姿势或心理态度;装模作样美国传统〔prim〕To assume a prim expression.做出一本正经的样子美国传统〔pyramid〕To assume the shape of a pyramid.呈金字塔形状美国传统〔reasonable〕It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen.有理由认为他事先就知道会发生这样的事。牛津高阶〔reasonable〕It seems reasonable to assume they've been tested.似乎有理由认为它们都是已经测试过的。朗文当代〔risky〕It's risky to assume that we know what voters will be thinking in a year's time.自以为我们了解投票人在一年后的想法是很危险的行为。柯林斯高阶〔safe〕It's safe to assume (that)there will always be a demand for new software.可以肯定地认为,人们对新的软件一直有需求。牛津高阶〔safe〕It's safe to assume that she isn't married.大可认为她还未婚。韦氏高阶〔sickle〕To assume an abnormal crescent shape. Used of red blood cells.呈现出一种异常的月牙状用于指红血细胞美国传统〔sneer〕To assume a scornful, contemptuous, or derisive facial expression.讥笑:显示出一种鄙视、瞧不起或自得的面部表情美国传统〔tone〕To assume a particular color quality.呈现悦目色调:呈现出某种特定的色彩或色调美国传统〔underwrite〕To sign (an insurance policy) so as to assume liability in case of specified losses.通过保单承担:签署(一保险单)以便承担一定损失情况下的责任美国传统〔vice president〕An officer ranking next below a president, usually empowered to assume the president's duties under conditions such as absence, illness, or death.副总统:比总统职位低的官员,通常在总统空缺、生病或者死亡时充当总统职责美国传统〔wrong〕We were wrong to assume she'd agree.我们错误地以为她会同意。牛津高阶It is logical to assume that they will attend. 按理他们是会出席的。译典通It is reasonable to assume (that) sales will improve.认为销售量会提高是有道理的。牛津商务Owners of a small businesses have to assume a number of different roles.小企业的老板不得不兼任多种不同的角色。牛津商务She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency.她试图接任总统职务,但未成功。剑桥国际When a man and a woman are dining together, our waiters are cautioned not to assume that the man is picking up the tab or ordering the wine.当一位男士和一位女士一起吃饭的时候,侍者们被告诫不要以为男士买单或点酒。剑桥国际




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