

单词 trail
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-guzzling〕The plane was deafeningly noisy, guzzled fuel, and left a trail of smoke.这架飞机发出震耳欲聋的噪音,耗油量大,而且留下一路烟迹。柯林斯高阶〔BALANCE〕A walking stick is good for balance on rough trails. 在高低不平的小道上用根拐杖对保持平衡大有帮助。朗文写作活用〔Coming right up〕With the election coming up, both candidates are spending all their time on the campaign trail.随着选举的临近,两位候选人把他们所有的时间都投入到竞选游说中来。韦氏高阶〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕A rough gravel trail was the only way into town. 一条粗糙的碎石小路是进城的唯一的路。朗文写作活用〔FOLLOW〕It would be impossible to trail anyone across this type of ground. 在这种地面上跟踪人是不可能的。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕After a while, the trail we were on merged with another, bigger trail. 过了一会,我们走的那条小路汇入了另一条稍宽广一些的路。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕Penn State trail West Virginia by only 1 point. 宾州队仅以1分之差落后于西弗吉尼亚队。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕Sweden was trailing by 2 games to 1. 瑞典队以二负一胜落后。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕These two top drivers have left the others trailing behind. 这两名领先的车手已经把其他人甩在了后面。朗文写作活用〔ONCE〕At one stage in the match, he was trailing by three games, but he managed to fight back. 比赛中有一段时间他落后三局,但他最终反败为胜。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕There are bike trails to the highest spot on the island, which has magnificent views of San Francisco. 那里有自行车道通往岛上的至高点,在那里能看到圣弗朗西斯科的壮丽景色。朗文写作活用〔RETURN〕Part of the trail was flooded, so we had to go back the way we had come. 小径的部分路段已经被水淹了,因此我们只得按原路返回。朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕The trail follows the river most of the way to Avalanche Lake. 这小径大部分都沿河而行,通向堰塞湖。朗文写作活用〔SQUASH〕The dog hurtled through the garden, leaving a trail of crushed plants. 那只狗飞奔着穿过花园,使花草倒了一路。朗文写作活用〔South Pass〕A broad valley in southwest Wyoming at the southern end of the Wind River Range. It was a gateway for immigration to the Far West along the Oregon Trail.南道:美国怀俄明州西南部的一片宽阔山谷,位于温德河岭的南端,是沿俄勒冈小道向远西地区移民的通道美国传统〔UP〕Our guide led us uphill along a steep trail. 导游领我们沿着一条陡峭的小路上山。朗文写作活用〔arbutus〕The trailing arbutus.藤地莓:岩梨属蔓生植物美国传统〔arc〕The jet trail formed a perfect arc in the sky.喷气式飞机的飞行轨迹在空中形成一个完美的弧形。牛津搭配〔audit trail〕The lack of a physical audit trail in electronic commerce increases the possibilities for tax avoidance.电子商务缺少实有的审计线索,这增加了避税的可能性。朗文当代〔automatic pilot〕My body was on autopilot as I trailed through passport control, baggage reclaim and customs.我机械性地跟着通过了过境检查、行李认领和海关。柯林斯高阶〔beam〕We could just pick out the trail in the weak beam of the flashlight.我们借着手电筒微弱的光仅能勉强认清路。剑桥高阶〔bindweed〕Any of various similar trailing or twining plants, such as the black bindweed.旋花属植物:一种相似的蔓生或缠绕植物,如黑旋花美国传统〔blaze a trail〕The company blazed a trail with the first small computers.这家公司凭借第一批小型计算机开拓了市场。韦氏高阶〔blaze〕A mark cut or painted on a tree to indicate a trail.在树上砍或涂以指示道路的痕迹美国传统〔blaze〕The trail was marked with yellow blazes.那条小路有刻在树上的黄色记号做路标。韦氏高阶〔blaze〕These surgeons have blazed the trail in the treatment of bomb victims.这些外科医生在治疗炸伤方面开辟了新的道路。柯林斯高阶〔bleach〕The bones of oxen were bleaching in the sun beside the trail.小路旁边,一堆牛骨在阳光的炙烤下正慢慢失去颜色。剑桥高阶〔blunder〕We blundered along through the woods until we finally found the trail.我们在树林里跌跌撞撞地穿行,最后终于找到了那条小路。韦氏高阶〔broaden〕The trails broadened into roads.羊肠小道变成了宽阔的公路。柯林斯高阶〔climber〕Novice climbers will find the trail markings helpful.登山新手会发现路标非常管用。外研社新世纪〔coldly〕He could follow a cold trail over hard ground and even over stones.他能循着地面上甚至是石头上留下的淡淡的痕迹展开追踪。柯林斯高阶〔cold〕He could follow a cold trail over hard ground and even over stones.他能循着地面上甚至是石头上留下的淡淡痕迹展开追踪。外研社新世纪〔come back〕The team was trailing after the first half, but they came back and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。韦氏高阶〔comeback〕The player is on the comeback trail after a serious knee injury.这名运动员经历了严重的膝伤之后正准备复出。牛津搭配〔comeback〕The team was trailing after the first half, but they made/staged a comeback and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。韦氏高阶〔cool〕The trail of the fox is cool.狐狸的臭迹隐淡。英汉大词典〔descend〕The winding trail descends the mountain.曲折的小道向山下延伸。英汉大词典〔destruction〕The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it.龙卷风所经之地留下了一片狼藉。牛津搭配〔devastation〕The storm left behind it a trail of devastation.风暴过后留下一片狼藉。剑桥高阶〔devastation〕The tornado left a trail of devastation in its wake.龙卷风过后留下了破坏的痕迹。牛津搭配〔dirt bike〕A motorbike or bicycle designed for use on rough surfaces, such as dirt roads or trails.泥土路摩托车:设计用来在粗糙路上行驶的摩托车或自行车,如泥土路或小径上美国传统〔drag〕To cause to trail along a surface, especially the ground.拖地而行:沿平面,特别是地面拖动美国传统〔drop pass〕A pass, as in hockey or soccer, in which the passer advances beyond the puck or ball, leaving it for a trailing teammate.留(递)球:曲棍球或足球中的传球,传球球员继续向前,将冰球或足球留给跟在后面的队友美国传统〔dusting〕Tanks raise huge trails of dust when they move.坦克开动时扬起大量尘土。柯林斯高阶〔early〕They were trailing by a touchdown early in the fourth quarter.第四节开始时,他们落后一次达阵。韦氏高阶〔fit〕You need to be very fit to hike the Inca Trail.徒步印加古道必须具备强壮的体魄。剑桥高阶〔flap〕A variable control surface on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, used primarily to increase lift or drag.襟翼:飞机后翼上最初用来增加上升力或拖力的可灵活控制的辅助翼美国传统〔going〕Once we left the trail the going was rough.一旦我们离开路径,路面就变得崎岖不平美国传统〔gone to/into the lead〕He was trailing in the polls last week, but now he has regained the lead.在上周的民意测验中,他排位落后,但现在他已经重新回到排名第一的位置。韦氏高阶〔gourd〕Any of several trailing or climbing plants related to the pumpkin, squash, and cucumber and bearing fruits with a hard rind.葫芦:任何一种蔓生攀援植物,如黄瓜,西瓜或南瓜,果实结在硬皮里美国传统〔gracefully〕Her long hair trailed gracefully behind her.她的一头长发优雅地飘曳在身后。外研社新世纪〔hang〕Dogs hung to the trail.猎狗紧跟踪迹。英汉大词典〔hare and hounds〕A game in which one group of players leaves a trail of paper scraps for a pursuing group to follow.兔子与猎犬:一种一组游戏者在前面撒纸屑跑而另一组在后追逐的儿童游戏美国传统〔hiker〕On sunny days the trails are full of hikers.天气晴朗的日子里,这些小径上远足者络绎不绝。剑桥高阶〔hike〕We hiked some of the shorter trails.我们走了一些短途路线。韦氏高阶〔hole〕They found themselves in a hole, trailing by 10 points with not much time left in the game.他们身处窘境:落后10分,而比赛时间所剩无几。韦氏高阶〔hoofprint〕She crouched down by the deer trail beside him, inspecting the hoofprints.她在他旁边鹿留下的踪迹前俯下身, 仔细辨查起蹄印来。外研社新世纪〔hop〕A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them.一只棕色的小鹿蹦跳着穿过他们面前的那条小路。柯林斯高阶〔icky〕The trail was icky with mud.小路上满是泥浆,真讨厌。韦氏高阶〔imprint〕We saw an imprint of a bike tire on the dirt trail.我们在土道上看到了自行车轮胎的压痕。韦氏高阶〔intersect〕A dry stream bed intersects the trail in several places.小路多处被一道干涸的小河床所切断。韦氏高阶〔late〕They were trailing by a touchdown late in the fourth quarter.在第四节比赛的最后时刻,他们以六分落后于对手。韦氏高阶〔lead〕A narrow trail of blood led directly into the cave.一条细细的血迹一直通到山洞里。剑桥高阶〔leave〕He drove off, leaving behind him a trail of blue smoke.他开车走了,身后留下一股青烟。朗文当代〔leave〕The hurricane left a trail of destruction in its wake.飓风过后, 满目疮痍。外研社新世纪〔leave〕Wherever army ants go, they leave a chemical trail for other ants to follow.行军蚁所到之处都会留下化学痕迹以便让其他蚂蚁追随。麦克米伦高阶〔long〕She walked long past the end of the trail.她走到小径遥远的尽头美国传统〔merge〕After a while the narrow trail merges with a wider path.过了一会儿,窄道并入了一条较宽的路。剑桥高阶〔mind〕Mind out for falling rocks on this part of the trail.走这段小路时要当心落石。剑桥高阶〔moonrid〕More and more mountain bikers are moonriding — speeding down trails.越来越多骑山地车的人喜欢骑车沿小道飞速而下。21世纪英汉〔nature trail〕A trail, as through woods or by a seashore, usually with natural features labeled especially for study.自然小径:通过森林或海岸的小经,通常用自然外貌标记,尤指为研究之用美国传统〔nose〕The hounds ran ahead, following their noses on the trail of the fox.猎狗顺着狐狸的臭迹跑在前面。英汉大词典〔off〕There are many paths off the main trail around the mountain.环山主要路线有许多小岔道。韦氏高阶〔on her trail〕The dogs were following her trail. = The dogs were on her trail.这些狗在跟着她。韦氏高阶〔orientation〕The winding trail caused the hikers to lose their orientation.弯弯曲曲的小径使徒步旅行者迷失方向。英汉大词典〔paper trail〕Criminals are very reluctant to leave a paper trail.罪犯非常不愿意留下案底。外研社新世纪〔paper trail〕Criminals are very reluctant to leave a paper trail.罪犯非常不愿意留下案底。柯林斯高阶〔paper trail〕They covered up the fraud and were careful not to leave a paper trail.他们掩盖了骗局,尽量不留下书面记录。韦氏高阶〔parallel〕This trail was roughly parallel to the border.这条小路与边境线大致平行。柯林斯高阶〔parallel〕This trail was roughly parallel to the border.这条小道与边境线大致平行。外研社新世纪〔partway〕We walked partway along the trail until we came to a stream.我们沿小路走了一段,然后来到一条小溪旁。麦克米伦高阶〔precaution〕The trails are well marked, but carrying a map is a wise precaution.虽然路上有清楚的标志,不过带上地图仍不失为一种明智的做法。朗文当代〔pug〕A footprint, track, or trail, especially of an animal; a pugmark.兽迹:尤指动物的脚印、痕迹或踪迹;兽迹美国传统〔rally〕We were trailing for most of the game, but we rallied in the fourth quarter and ended up winning.比赛的大部分时间我们队一直处于劣势,但在第四节我们重振士气,最终取得了胜利。韦氏高阶〔reward〕A leisurely walk down this trail will reward the summer visitors with solitude and spectacular scenery.沿这条小道悠闲地散散步,避暑客可尽享幽静和胜景。英汉大词典〔run〕A trail or way made or frequented by animals.(动物经常出没)的路径美国传统〔scent〕The trail of a hunted animal or fugitive.踪迹:遭追捕的动物或逃亡者的踪迹美国传统〔seed〕The jungle trails were seeded with mines and traps.丛林小道上布下了地雷和陷阱。英汉大词典〔sinuous〕They followed the sinuous trail deep into the mountains.他们沿着弯弯曲曲的小径进入深山。朗文当代〔slot〕The track or trail of an animal, especially a deer.足迹,踪迹:动物所留下的踪迹或痕迹,特指鹿美国传统〔spoor〕The track or trail of an animal, especially a wild animal.动物的行踪或踪迹,尤其指野生动物美国传统〔start〕The trail starts immediately behind the hotel.这条路就是从酒店后面开始的。朗文当代〔string〕Scouts strung lanterns along the trail.童子军沿着小路挂灯笼。韦氏高阶〔sweep〕To trail, as a long garment.拖曳,如长袍的下垂部分美国传统〔tamely〕Many Britons worry that Blair has trailed too tamely behind Mr Bush.很多英国人对布莱尔亦步亦趋地跟着布什先生感到担忧。外研社新世纪〔tracer bullet〕A bullet that leaves a luminous or smoky trail.曳光弹:留下一条明亮的或带烟雾的轨迹的子弹美国传统〔trace〕A path or trail that has been beaten out by the passage of animals or people.小路:由动物或人通过而踩出来的一条道路或小径美国传统〔trail away/off〕His voice trailed off as he saw the look on her face.当他看到她脸上的表情时,他的说话声越来越小,最后听不见了。剑桥高阶〔trail away/off〕She started asking him a question, but then her voice trailed off.她开始向他提出一个问题,但随后她的声音越来越小,最后不作声了。韦氏高阶〔trail off〕His voice trailed off into silence.他的声音渐趋沉寂。21世纪英汉〔trail〕Trailing his coat in the dirt, he turned towards home.他把外套拖在地上,调头往家走去。麦克米伦高阶〔trail〕A jeep trailing a cloud of dust was speeding in my direction.一辆吉普车拖着一股扬尘,朝我疾驰而来。牛津高阶〔trail〕A recent poll shows the Democrats trailing the Republicans.最近的一项民意测验表明民主党落后于共和党。麦克米伦高阶〔trail〕A tear trailed down her cheek.一滴眼泪顺着她的脸颊缓缓流下。韦氏高阶〔trail〕Detectives are on the trail of a serial killer.侦探们在追踪一名连环杀手。麦克米伦高阶〔trail〕During a recent speech on the campaign trail, he was interrupted by hecklers.在最近的一次竞选巡游演讲中,他被起哄者中途打断。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕Everywhere in the house was a sticky trail of orange juice.家里到处是泼洒的橙汁留下的黏糊糊的痕迹。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕He trailed along after me.他慢吞吞地跟在我后面走。21世纪英汉〔trail〕He trailed mud into the house.他把污泥带进了屋里。21世纪英汉〔trail〕He trailed through the wet Manhattan streets.他没精打采地走过曼哈顿湿漉漉的街道。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕He had tears trailing down his cheeks.他的眼泪顺着双颊流了下来。牛津高阶〔trail〕He left a trail of broken hearts and broken promises.他留下了一串破碎的心和一大堆没有实现的诺言。朗文当代〔trail〕He left a trail of dirty marks all over the house.满屋子都是他留下的脏印儿。外研社新世纪〔trail〕He let his fingers trail in the water.他把手伸进水里,任水流滑过指间。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕Her interest in the work trailed off.她对这项工作的兴趣逐渐减退。英汉大词典〔trail〕Her voice trailed off as she realized he wasn't listening.由于意识到他没在听,她的声音逐渐低了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔trail〕His voice trailed away to nothing.他的声音越来越小,最后消失了。牛津高阶〔trail〕His voice trailed off in confusion.困惑中他的声音逐渐变小美国传统〔trail〕His voice trailed off into a whisper.他的声音越来越轻,变成了耳语。英汉大词典〔trail〕I trailed her to a shop in Kensington.我跟踪她来到肯辛顿的一家商店。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕Katherine, your skirt's trailing in the mud! 凯瑟琳,你的裙子拖在泥里了!剑桥高阶〔trail〕Manchester United were trailing by two goals to one.曼联队以一比二的比分落后。朗文当代〔trail〕My husband usually trails glumly behind me when I shop.我购物时,丈夫总是没精打采地跟在后面。麦克米伦高阶〔trail〕Part of her dress was trailing on the floor.她的裙子有一部分拖曳在地板上。外研社新世纪〔trail〕Police trailed the suspect for six blocks.警方跟踪了这个嫌疑犯六个街区。韦氏高阶〔trail〕Police believe they are hot on the trail of a drug-smuggling gang (=they are close to finding them) .警方相信他们很快就能找到贩毒团伙。朗文当代〔trail〕Police tracked him to Valencia and there the trail went cold (=they could not find any signs of him) .警方追踪他到了巴伦西亚,可是在那里又失去了他的踪迹。朗文当代〔trail〕Sefton hits the cup trail tomorrow, following today's win.开始尝试麦克米伦高阶〔trail〕She trailed her classmates.她落后于她的同班同学。21世纪英汉〔trail〕She trailed her skirt through the dust.她拖着长裙走过满是尘埃的地面。英汉大词典〔trail〕She trailed off, silenced by the look Kris gave her.她看到克里斯给她的眼色,说话声越来越小,最后不作声了。朗文当代〔trail〕She came down the stairs slowly, trailing the coat behind her.她慢慢走下楼梯,大衣在身后拖曳着。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕Stay on the trail if we get separated.如果我们走散,就在这条小路上等着,不要离开。韦氏高阶〔trail〕Susie trailed along behind her parents.苏茜慢吞吞地跟在父母身后。朗文当代〔trail〕The trail had gone cold.臭迹已经消失了。牛津高阶〔trail〕The trail led over Boulder Pass before descending to a lake.那条小路穿过博尔德山口,然后往下通向一个湖。朗文当代〔trail〕The trail wends its way through dark forests.这条小径穿过黑暗的森林。牛津搭配〔trail〕The President is trailing in the polls as the election approaches.临近选举时,总统在民意测验中处于下风。韦氏高阶〔trail〕The act of trailing.拖拽:拖拽的行为美国传统〔trail〕The car left a trail of smoke as it sped off.汽车飞快驶过,留下一股烟尘。韦氏高阶〔trail〕The child was trailing a toy cart.孩子正拖着玩具车走。英汉大词典〔trail〕The couple laid a false trail to escape the press photographers.为了逃避摄影记者,那对情侣假造了踪迹。牛津搭配〔trail〕The delegates trailed back into the conference room for the afternoon session.代表们没精打采地回到会议室,准备开下午的会。剑桥高阶〔trail〕The dog had picked up the trail of a rabbit.狗嗅到了野兔留下的气味。牛津搭配〔trail〕The fox had crossed a stream, and the hounds lost the trail.狐狸穿过了小溪,猎狗失去了它的臭迹。牛津搭配〔trail〕The hunters lost the tiger's trail in the middle of the jungle.猎人们在丛林中央找不到那只老虎的踪迹了。朗文当代〔trail〕The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.飓风过后满目疮痍。牛津高阶〔trail〕The kids trailed around after us while we shopped for clothes.我们在商店买衣服时,孩子们无精打采地跟在后面。牛津高阶〔trail〕The lawyer is on the trail of new proof in the case.律师在寻找案情的新证据。英汉大词典〔trail〕The little girl's teddy bear trailed behind her.小女孩的玩具熊被拖在她身后。韦氏高阶〔trail〕The police admit that the robbers have left no trail for them to follow up.警方承认小偷没有留下可供他们追踪的线索。剑桥高阶〔trail〕The police were hot on his trail.警方正全力追捕他。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕The polls showed the Tories trailing behind the Government by 17 per cent.民调显示,保守党落后于政府 17 个百分点。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕The typhoon left a trail of devastation .台风过后,满目疮痍。朗文当代〔trail〕There is a large area of woodland with hiking and walking trails.有一大片设有远足和散步路线的林地。外研社新世纪〔trail〕They had to find the kidnappers before the trail went cold.他们必须在线索变得模糊之前找到绑架者。牛津搭配〔trail〕This country is still trailing badly in scientific research.这个国家在科研方面仍然大大滞后。牛津高阶〔trail〕This restaurant is off the tourist trail.这家餐馆不在游客路线上。牛津搭配〔trail〕United were trailing 2-0 at half-time.联队在半场时以0比2落后。外研社新世纪〔trail〕We spent the afternoon trailing around the shops.我们整个下午都在慢悠悠地逛商店。朗文当代〔trail〕We were trailing by 3 runs at the end of the 6th inning.我们在第6局结束时还落后3分。韦氏高阶〔trail〕We were trailing by five points.我们落后五分。牛津高阶〔trail〕We were following the winding trail into the mountains.我们沿着弯弯曲曲的小道进山。麦克米伦高阶〔train〕A part of a gown that trails behind the wearer.裙裾:拖在穿戴者后面的睡衣的一部分美国传统〔train〕To let drag behind; trail.拖,拉:让拖在后面;拖拽美国传统〔troll〕To fish by trailing a line, as from a moving boat.拖钓曳绳钓鱼,如从移动的船上美国传统〔underbrush〕The trail was steep and thick with underbrush.小径陡峭, 灌木茂密。外研社新世纪〔underbrush〕The trail was steep and thick with underbrush.那条小路非常陡峭,而且长满了灌木丛。柯林斯高阶〔unscarred〕A foot trail leads through heavy, unscarred woods.一条小道穿过未砍伐过的茂密的树林。英汉大词典〔vote〕I vote that you try to pick out the trail for us.我提议由你来选我们该走哪条小路。柯林斯高阶〔wake〕Adam stumbles on, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.亚当跌跌撞撞地向前走, 身后留下了一条毁坏的痕迹。外研社新世纪〔wake〕The hurricane left a trail of devastation in its wake.飓风过后, 留下了一片毁坏的痕迹。外研社新世纪〔wake〕The storm left a trail of destruction in its wake.暴风雨过处满目疮痍。牛津高阶〔walk〕We walked the whole trail.我们步行走完了这条小路。韦氏高阶〔war bonnet〕A ceremonial headdress used by some Plains Indians consisting of a cap or band and a trailing extension decorated with erect feathers.战帽:北美大草原印第安人用的礼仪性头饰,包括一顶帽子或帽带和一个用直立羽毛装饰的拖带延伸物美国传统〔west〕There's a beautiful pond to the west of the trail.小路的西边有一个美丽的池塘。韦氏高阶〔wilderness〕The trail passes through a federally designated wilderness.这条小路途经联邦政府划定的荒野区。牛津搭配〔yield〕When entering a trail or starting a descent, yield to other skiers.进入滑雪道或开始下滑时,要给其他滑雪者让路。柯林斯高阶Analysts expect the company to be on the acquisition trail next year.分析员预计这家公司明年也将寻求收购。牛津商务Elvis Presley blazed a trail in pop music.埃尔韦斯·普雷斯利开创了流行音乐的先河。剑桥国际He established a paper trail to show that they had links with the company.他建立的文件档案表示他们与这家公司有关联。牛津商务He was easy to find, he left a paper trail (= documents that showed a record of his activities) a mile wide.很容易找到他的,因为从他写的东西中我们可以找到很多线索。剑桥国际His winter collection looked weirdly futuristic with massively shoulder-padded jackets and trailing cloaks.他参展的冬季服装中,外套有着宽大垫肩,披风拖地,看上去十分怪异,很有未来派风格。剑桥国际Hunters can trail (= follow the marks left by) wild animals through the forest.猎人能在森林里跟踪野生动物。剑桥国际Income from advertising increased in the first half of the year, but then trailed off.今年上半年广告收入有所增长,但随后逐渐减少。牛津商务Mind out for (= Be careful of) falling rocks when you're on this part of the trail.走在这部分小道上要当心落下的石头。剑桥国际New business jet orders typically trail a recovery by nine to twelve months.商务飞机新订单往往比经济复苏晚 9 至 12 个月到来。牛津商务She remembered as a child trailing after (=behind) her older brothers, wanting to join in their games.她想起自己还是孩子的时候,跟在哥哥们的后面,想要加入他们的游戏。剑桥国际She went on the campaign trail (=to the places where someone who wants to be elected goes to make speeches) around the Southern states with Clinton before the 1992 election.她在1992年的大选前,同克林顿一起去南方各州参加一系列的竞选活动。剑桥国际The trail can be skied. 这条小道上可以滑雪。译典通The Swiss team are trailing by 6 points.瑞士队输了6分。剑桥国际The company had destroyed large parts of the audit trail.公司已销毁了大部分的审计线索。牛津商务The dangerous trail was railed to protect tourists. 这条危险的小道围了栏杆,以保护游客。译典通The delegates trailed back into the conference room for the afternoon session.代表们拖拖拉拉地走回会议室,出席下午的会。剑桥国际The dogs are specially trained to follow the trail left by the fox.狗经过特殊训练能够追踪狐狸留下的踪迹。剑桥国际The entrance to the cave is overhung with trailing plants (= Plants hang over the entrance).山洞的入口处垂挂着蔓延的植物。剑桥国际The revenues were slightly better than trailed.收入比预先宣传的稍好些。牛津商务The storm left behind it a trail of devastation.风暴留下一片荒芜的痕迹。剑桥国际The three men went to the Bahamas, on the trail of (= searching for) a sunken 17th-century galleon full of treasure.这三个人到巴哈马去,寻找一艘装满了财宝的沉没了的17世纪西班牙大帆船。剑桥国际They were chosen to scout the trail. 他们被选去探路。译典通




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