

单词 work out
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLICATED〕Mike had worked out an elaborate system for categorizing his collection of CDs. 迈克设计出一个复杂的系统来为自己收藏的光盘分类。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕The light-hearted way in which the author has approached this book should take some of the hard work out of trying to lose weight. 作者写这本书的风趣笔调可使读者减轻一些减肥的辛苦。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕Some election campaigns work out better than others. 有些竞选活动很成功,有些则不然。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Mum always worked out the household budget according to what we could afford. 妈妈一向根据我们的经济情况制定出家庭预算。朗文写作活用〔UNCERTAIN〕It's not clear that the problems with the new computer system have been worked out. 新电脑系统的问题是否已经解决还不清楚。朗文写作活用〔be〕We were a week working out a plan.我们花了一星期时间制订计划。英汉大词典〔brain〕It doesn't take much brain to work out that both stories can't be true.用不着多想就知道两种说法都不可能是真的。牛津搭配〔budget〕Try to work out a monthly budget and stick to it.尽量做出每月的预算并且坚持贯彻下去。麦克米伦高阶〔compensate〕The official promise to compensate people for the price rise clearly hadn't been worked out properly.官方就物价上涨对民众进行补偿的承诺显然没有落实好。外研社新世纪〔day by day〕I don't know if our relationship is going to work out. I'm taking things day by day at this point.我不知道我们的关系是否会有结果。眼下只能慢慢来。韦氏高阶〔fit〕We need to work out the best fit between the staff required and the staff available.我们得算出所需人员与现有人员之间的最佳配比。牛津高阶〔follow〕They followed the plan that Elizabeth had worked out.他们采用了伊丽莎白的计划。朗文当代〔foolproof〕We're trying to work out a way to make the system foolproof.我们正努力想办法使这个系统简单易操作。牛津搭配〔formula〕They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in th e dispute.他们正在设法制订出一个争执双方都可以接受的和平方案。牛津高阶〔imagination〕It takes imagination and intellect to work out precisely what to do with it.要有应变能力和聪明才智才能想出到底应该怎么办。外研社新世纪〔nature〕If we can appeal to Charlotte's better nature(=persuade her to be kind) we can work out a compromise.某人的善良天性麦克米伦高阶〔obvious〕It was obvious that things weren't working out.显而易见,事情进展不顺利。韦氏高阶〔progression〕By a logical progression of thought, she worked out why the remark was considered offensive.通过一步步的逻辑思考,她明白了为什么那番话冒犯了别人。牛津搭配〔rota〕I suggest that you work out a careful rota which will make it clear who tidies the room on which day.我建议你制定一个详细的值班表,明确哪一天由谁整理房间。柯林斯高阶〔seating〕We need to work out seating arrangements.我们需要安排好座位。麦克米伦高阶〔tack on〕The childcare bill is to be tacked on to the budget plan now being worked out in the Senate.儿童保育款项将被追加到参议院正在审议的预算方案中。柯林斯高阶〔trainer〕He works out every morning with his personal trainer.他每天早上与他的私人教练一起训练。牛津搭配〔trust〕I'll just have to trust to luck that it works out okay.我只能靠运气,希望会有好的结果。朗文当代〔way〕Cheer up — these problems have a way of working out.振作起来,这些问题经常都是会解决的。朗文当代〔work out〕Huw works out in the gym two or three times a week.休每周在健身房锻炼两三次。剑桥高阶〔work out〕I'm not sure how the story will work out.我不确定这个故事将会怎样结束。韦氏高阶〔work out〕It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms' assets.估算破产公司的资产价值其实很困难。外研社新世纪〔work out〕Let's hope this new job works out well for him.希望这项新工作会非常适合他。剑桥高阶〔work out〕The deal just isn't working out the way we were promised.结果待遇根本不是他们对我们许诺的那样。柯林斯高阶〔work〕Can you work out on the map where we are now? 你能在地图上找到我们现在所在的位置吗?英汉大词典〔work〕He worked out the problems.他把那些问题解出来。文馨英汉〔work〕He works out with the team three times weekly.他一星期3次和全队一起训练。英汉大词典〔work〕He managed to work out the coded message.他解明了密码电报。文馨英汉〔work〕He never seems to be worked out.他好像永远不知疲倦似的。英汉大词典〔work〕If it doesn't work out, you can always come back here.如果那样不行,你可以随时回到这里。麦克米伦高阶〔work〕My first job didn't work out.我的第一份工作干得不好。牛津高阶〔work〕The mine was worked out long ago.那个矿早就开采尽了。英汉大词典〔work〕The new strategy may not work out.新战略也许不会有令人满意的效果美国传统〔work〕Things worked out pretty well in the end.最后事情相当成功。麦克米伦高阶〔work〕Things will work out, you'll see.情况会好起来的,看着吧。朗文当代I came within reach of solving (= I almost solved) the crossword, but there was one clue that I couldn't work out.我差点就解出了纵横字谜,可有一个提示我做不出。剑桥国际I knew his accent was Antipodean but I couldn't work out whether he was an Australian or a New Zealander.我知道他是澳洲口音,但我吃不准他究竟是澳大利亚人还是新西兰人。剑桥国际I've bought a new computer programme which is supposed to take the hassle out of working out my income tax position.我买了一个新的电脑程序,它能帮我解决计算所得税的麻烦。剑桥国际In gritty television commercials, he pumps iron and talks tough about working out.在一个宣扬勇敢的电视广告中,他举重并极力宣扬锻炼。剑桥国际It is highly necessary to work out an emergency package. 制定一整套应急措施是非常必要的。译典通It would work out cheaper to fly.算一算坐飞机要便宜些。牛津商务She'll worry at those figures until she's sure they've been worked out properly.她将绞尽脑汁计算这些数字,直到肯定计算结果正确。剑桥国际That works out at almost $500.那个算出来差不多是 500 元。牛津商务We should work out what our weekly costs are.我们应该算出我们每周的花费。剑桥国际You can now get computer software which helps drivers to work out the quickest route from A to B.现在你可以得到能帮助司机算出两地间最快路线的计算机软件。剑桥国际




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