

单词 tunic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TIDY〕Ten minutes later she reappeared, immaculately dressed in a red linen tunic with matching pumps. 十分钟后她再次出现了,穿了件红色亚麻布短上衣,配了双半高跟鞋,打扮得十分整洁。朗文写作活用〔ao dai〕The traditional dress of Vietnamese women, consisting of a long tunic that is slit on the sides and worn over loose trousers.袄代:越南妇女的一种传统服装,两边开叉的束腰长袍,穿在宽松的裤子外边美国传统〔blouse〕The service coat or tunic worn by the members of some branches of the U.S. armed forces.美军服的短衣:美国军队某些分支部门的穿的外套和紧身上衣美国传统〔caftan〕A westernized version of this garment consisting of a loose, usually brightly colored waist-length or ankle-length tunic.西洋式长袍:西洋样式的这种长袍,多有一宽松的、有光亮色彩的长及腰部或踝部的外袍美国传统〔camise〕A loose shirt, shift, or tunic.妇女宽衬衣:一种宽松的衬衫、长汗衫或罩衫美国传统〔chiton〕A tunic worn by men and women in ancient Greece.宽大长袍:古希腊男人和女人所穿的一种长达膝盖的短袖束腰外衣美国传统〔ciliary body〕A thickened portion of the vascular tunic of the eye located between the choroid and the iris.睫状体:眼睛血管膜的增厚部分,在脉络膜和虹膜之间美国传统〔cosplay〕This Star Trek tunic is perfect for cosplay or conventions.这条《星际迷航》束腰短袍用来参加角色装扮活动或大会是最合适的了。剑桥高阶〔glitter〕Decorate the tunic with sequins or glitter.用些圆形小金属片或发光小亮片装饰这件女式短上衣。柯林斯高阶〔glitter〕Decorate the tunic with sequins or glitter.用亮片或金葱粉装饰这件束腰外衣。外研社新世纪〔hauberk〕A long tunic made of chain mail.锁子甲:用带链子的铠甲制成的紧身长上衣美国传统〔kirtle〕A man's knee-length tunic or coat.柯特尔男外衣:男人穿的一种长达膝部的束腰外衣或外套美国传统〔nuzzle〕The stallion began to nuzzle his tunic.那匹种马开始用嘴蹭他的长袍。外研社新世纪〔pantaloons〕Hallah wears the stylish tunic and pantaloons common in Kurdistan.哈拉穿着库尔德斯坦常见的漂亮束腰上衣和马裤。柯林斯高阶〔rosary〕Estrada took a rosary from his tunic and ran the beads through the fingers of one hand.埃斯特拉达从法衣里取出一串念珠,用一只手捻动起来。柯林斯高阶〔seam〕The seam of her tunic was split from armpit to hem.她的无袖衫线缝从腋窝到褶边开线了。外研社新世纪〔surcoat〕A tunic worn in the Middle Ages by a knight over his armor.外衣:中世纪时骑士等穿在铠甲外的无袖锃甲罩袍美国传统〔tabard〕A tunic or capelike garment worn by a knight over his armor and emblazoned with his coat of arms.骑士短披风:骑士穿在盔甲外面并饰以纹章的制服式或披风式的衣服美国传统〔tunicate〕Anatomy Having a tunic.【解剖学】 有被膜的美国传统〔tunicate〕Botany Having a tunic, as the bulb of an onion.【植物学】 有膜皮的,有鳞片的,如洋葱球的茎美国传统〔underdress〕An outer garment, such as a dress beneath a tunic or coat, that is worn as part of a costume or suit.衬裙:穿在束腰长套衫或外套里边,作为装束或套装一部分的外衣美国传统The girl wore a girdle around her gym tunic. 这女孩在体操衫外束了一条腰带。译典通




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