

单词 the centre
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BROKEN/NOT BROKEN〕The only heating was from a temperamental iron stove in the centre of each hut. 唯一的取暖设备就是在每间小茅屋中央的那个时好时坏的铁炉。朗文写作活用〔MIDDLE〕It was a huge room with a high ceiling and an oak table in the centre. 那是个很大的房间,屋顶很高,中央放着一张橡木桌子。朗文写作活用〔MIDDLE〕The women all wore a red dot right in the centre of their foreheads. 那些妇女的额头正中都画着一粒红点。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕The centre gives advice to women who find the demands of marriage and work incompatible. 这个中心为那些觉得婚姻和工作互不相容的妇女提供建议。朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕The property is ideally placed for access to the centre and the ring road. 这房产的位置很理想,到城中心和环城公路均很方便。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕We approached the big empty square that characterizes the centre of Chinese cities. 我们走近了空旷的大广场,这样的广场是中国城市中心的特征。朗文写作活用〔attention〕Rob loves being the centre of attention (=the person who everyone is interested in, listens to etc) .罗布喜欢成为人们关注的焦点。朗文当代〔attraction〕Susan was plainly the centre / center of attraction in the room.苏珊显然是屋子里最抢眼的人。牛津搭配〔block〕Some students blocked a highway that cuts through the centre of the city.一些学生封堵了一条横穿市中心的公路。外研社新世纪〔centre〕Bake until light golden and crisp around the edges and slightly soft in the centre.烤至边缘浅黄松脆而中心稍软。外研社新世纪〔centre〕In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of violent controversy.伽利略在自己的一生中成了当时人们激烈争论的中心人物。英汉大词典〔centre〕The rest of the cast was used to her being the centre of attention.她是人们关注的焦点, 其余演员都已经习以为常。外研社新世纪〔curtain off〕Something was going on around a bed in the centre of the ward, but it had been curtained off from prying eyes.病房中央的病床周围有事发生, 但是一条布帘挡住了众人窥探的眼睛。外研社新世纪〔dominate〕A huge bed dominated the centre of the room.一张大床独占房间的中心。英汉大词典〔elbow〕Brand elbowed his way to the centre of the group of bystanders.布兰德挤到看热闹的人群中央。柯林斯高阶〔famine〕Baidoa is regarded as the centre of the famine zone.拜多阿被视为饥荒地带的中心。外研社新世纪〔fold〕Make a fold across the centre of the card.在卡片中间折一道线。剑桥高阶〔found〕He founded the Centre for Journalism Studies at University College Cardiff.他在加的夫大学学院成立了新闻学研究中心。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕He will attend an outdoor concert in his honour in the centre of Paris.他将出席在巴黎市中心特地为他举办的一场露天音乐会。外研社新世纪〔meander〕The small river meandered in lazy curves down the centre.小河缓缓地绕着中心地区迤逦流过。柯林斯高阶〔mental〕The centre provides help for people suffering from mental illness .这个中心为精神病患者提供帮助。朗文当代〔most〕Most of us work in the centre of town.我们中的大多数人在市中心工作。外研社新世纪〔necessity〕The President pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a regrettable, but temporary necessity.总统辩解说,实行高度的中央集权虽不尽如人意,但暂时来说却是必要的。柯林斯高阶〔necked〕Fracture begins at the centre of the necked region.狭颈部分的中心先出现裂缝。英汉大词典〔offer〕The Centre offers a wide range of sports facilities.该中心提供各式各样的体育运动设施。朗文当代〔outreach〕The centre was awarded a grant for outreach to the homeless.这个中心被授予一笔资金用于为无家可归者提供外展服务。剑桥高阶〔plop〕Just plop the noodles over the centre of the sauce.把面条轻放在调味汁中间就行了。外研社新世纪〔rearward〕The centre of pressure moves rearward and the aeroplane becomes unbalanced.气压中心后移使飞机失去平衡。柯林斯高阶〔speed〕The cab speeded them into the centre of the city.出租汽车载着他们迅速驶往市中心。牛津高阶〔springy〕Steam for about 12 mins until the cake is risen and springy to touch in the centre.蒸上 12 分钟左右,直到蛋糕膨起,中心摸起来很有弹性。柯林斯高阶〔stage〕She was forced to the centre of the political stage.她被推到了政治舞台的中心。牛津高阶〔switch back〕There are 12 months to the next election, the public mood could switch back to the centre by then.离下次选举还有12个月, 到那时民心可能会重新倒向中间党派。外研社新世纪〔take up〕He had taken up a position in the centre of the room.他占据了房间中心的位置。柯林斯高阶〔unsatisfied〕The centre helps people who are unsatisfied with the solicitors they are given.该中心为那些对给他们安排的律师不满意的人提供帮助。柯林斯高阶〔upraised〕A soldier stood on the centre line of the road, his arm upraised.一名士兵站在道路中心线上, 一只胳膊高高举起。外研社新世纪〔vibration〕Vibrations were felt hundreds of miles from the centre of the earthquake.距震中数百英里范围内都有震感。剑桥高阶〔water sth down〕The party has watered down its ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.为了吸引中间力量,该党已经淡化了其理想。剑桥高阶〔weekday〕The centre is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.本中心星期一至星期五上午 9 点至下午 6 点开放。牛津高阶〔world〕The sun is the centre of our world.太阳是我们宇宙的中心。英汉大词典〔your〕The centre can provide help when you've lost your job.当你失业时,这个中心会提供帮助。麦克米伦高阶The centre is run on a non-profit basis.这个中心的运作不以赢利为目的。牛津商务The centre of the town was barred to/(Am usually) barred off to football supporters.镇中心地区禁止足球迷搞活动。剑桥国际At the centre of the play is O'Neill, a Northern Irish chieftain who made a gallant stand against the English invaders.这部戏的中心是奥尼尔,一位英勇抗击英国侵略者的北爱尔兰首领。剑桥国际He owns some extremely valuable properties (= buildings or land) in the centre of London.他在伦敦市中心有几处极有价值的房地产。剑桥国际People used to think that the earth was (at) the centre of the universe.以前人们以为地球是(位于)宇宙的中心。剑桥国际She's the centre of attention (=Everyone wants to talk to her) everywhere she goes.无论她走到哪里,总是众人瞩目的中心。剑桥国际The publicity leaflet claimed that the centre was the start of something new in leisure facilities.传单宣称这个中心是新娱乐设施的开端。剑桥国际The sun is the centre of our solar system.太阳是太阳系的核心。剑桥国际Vibrations were felt hundreds of miles from the centre of the earthquake.地震中心几百英里以外都感觉得到震动。剑桥国际You can't drive into the centre of the city/the city centre because it's pedestrianised.你不能开车到市中心去,因为那是步行区。剑桥国际




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