

单词 the British
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Fellow〕Fellow of the British Academy不列颠学院院士外研社新世纪〔GOVERNMENT〕India was ruled by the British for a very long time. 印度被英国统治了很长时间。朗文写作活用〔Grand Prix〕He never won the British Grand Prix.他从未在国际汽车大奖赛英国站获胜。外研社新世纪〔Hessian〕A German mercenary in the British army in America during the Revolutionary War.黑森雇佣兵:在美国革命战争时期,在美国的英国军队中的德国雇佣兵美国传统〔King's Bench〕A division of the British superior court system that hears criminal and civil cases. Used when the sovereign is a man.英国高等法院:英国高等法院系统的分院,审理刑事和民事案件。当掌权人是男性时使用此词美国传统〔POLITICS〕He asked me to explain the British political system. 他要我解释英国的政治体系。朗文写作活用〔Ranjit Singh〕Indian leader of the Sikhs who founded a kingdom uniting the Sikh provinces and maintained an alliance with the British.兰季特·辛格:印度锡克人领袖,他统一了锡克族各省,建立了锡克王国,并与英国人维持了联盟关系美国传统〔allcomers〕He set the British allcomers record.在英国所有参赛者中, 他创造了比赛纪录。外研社新世纪〔army〕He was in command of the British Army in Egypt.他统帅驻扎在埃及的英国军队。牛津搭配〔bellwether〕For decades the company was the bellwether of the British economy.几十年来, 这家公司都是英国经济的风向标。外研社新世纪〔breath〕Osborne's play brought a breath of fresh air to the British theatre.奥斯本的剧本给英国的戏剧带来一股新的气息。朗文当代〔ceremony〕Today's award ceremony took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo.今天的颁奖典礼在东京的英国大使馆举行。外研社新世纪〔commander in chief〕The Queen is Commander in Chief of the British armed forces.女王是英国军队的最高统帅。朗文当代〔comparison〕By/In comparison with the French, the British eat far less fish.与法国人相比,英国人吃鱼要少得多。剑桥高阶〔dig〕Americans are always quick to have a dig at the British.美国人总是动不动就嘲讽英国人。柯林斯高阶〔famously〕Harold Macmillan famously declared that the British had 'never had it so good'.众所共知, 哈罗德•麦克米伦曾宣称, 英国人“日子从来也没有这么好过”。外研社新世纪〔finance〕The project was financed jointly by the British and French governments.该项目由英法两国政府联合出资。牛津搭配〔flag up〕Joining John Whitaker will be his brother Michael also riding under the British flag.约翰·惠特克将与他的兄弟迈克尔一起代表英国参加这场自行车赛。柯林斯高阶〔flamboyance〕Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the British hard rock scene.弗雷迪·摩克瑞是英国硬摇滚乐界一颗耀眼的明星。柯林斯高阶〔frontal〕After the election, the party launched into a frontal assault on the British media.大选过后,该党派对英国媒体发起了正面抨击。朗文当代〔government〕This crisis could bring down the British government.这次危机可能会使英国现政府下台。牛津搭配〔lull〕The award helped the British music scene out of its lull.这次获奖帮助英国乐坛走出低谷期。麦克米伦高阶〔most〕Dunnet Head is the northernmost part of the British mainland (= the part that is farther to the north than any other part).顿耐特亥德是英国大陆最北端。剑桥高阶〔nationalist〕Some nationalists would like to depict the British monarchy as a purely English institution.一些民族主义者喜欢把英国的君主政体描绘为纯粹的英格兰制度。柯林斯高阶〔post〕Either of two bugle calls in the British Army, sounded in the evening as a signal to retire to quarters.熄灯号:英军的两个熄灯号之一,在晚上吹响以作为就寝的信号美国传统〔pursuivant〕An officer in the British Colleges of Heralds who ranks below a herald.纹章院属官:英国纹章院中地位低于纹章官的一种官员美国传统〔reflect on〕The affair hardly reflected well on the British.这件事没给英国人带来什么好影响。外研社新世纪〔run-down〕This full-colour supplement includes full race details, plus a comprehensive run-down on all the British hopefuls.这份全彩附录包含了完整的比赛信息和对所有可能获胜的英国运动员的详细介绍。柯林斯高阶〔should〕All visitors should register with the British Embassy.所有游客均应在英国大使馆登记。外研社新世纪〔side〕Canadian coins have a picture of the British Queen's head on one side.加拿大硬币的一面有女王的头像。剑桥高阶〔strengthen〕If the Government wants to save the Pound it should start by strengthening the British economy.如果政府想挽救英镑, 就应该首先加强英国的经济。外研社新世纪〔successively〕He successively won the British, European and World championships.他一口气拿下了英国、欧洲和世界冠军。外研社新世纪〔telex〕He sent a telex to the British High Commission in Delhi.他给德里的英国高级专员公署发了份电传。柯林斯高阶〔trough〕Troughs of low pressure will cross the British Isles.若干低压槽将穿过不列颠群岛。英汉大词典Defectors from the British Labour and Conservative Parties formed the Social Democratic Party.脱离英国工党和保守党的变节者组成了社会民主党。剑桥国际Having reached the Final, the British have come a cropper against the more experienced German team.英国队进入决赛时,遇上了经验更为丰富的德国队而惨遭失败。剑桥国际He continued to subscribe to the British journal ‘The Economist’while he was living in the States.他住在美国时继续订阅英国杂志《经济学家》。剑桥国际He has decided on a career in the British Army.他决定投身于英军的戎马生涯。剑桥国际He manages to combine two strands of the British character which is an innate conservatism with flashes of eccentricity.他把英国性格中的两个方面结合了起来,即天生的保守加上瞬间的怪癖。剑桥国际If the British were as bountiful (= generous) as the Americans, donations to charities would more than treble.如果英国人像美国人那样慷慨,那么给慈善业的捐赠将超过现在的三倍。剑桥国际In the British system of government, the Queen is supposed to be above (= not be involved with) party politics.在英国的政府体系中,女王应该是不卷入党派政治的。剑桥国际John Bull is traditionally depicted as a short fat man wearing a waistcoat with the British flag on it.约翰牛传统上被描绘成一个矮矮胖胖的男人,穿着件上有英国国旗的马甲。剑桥国际Many members of the British government went to Oxbridge (= a college at either Oxford or Cambridge).英国政府中的很多官员上过牛津、剑桥大学。剑桥国际Prince Charles is first in line to the British throne (= will become king after the present Queen) .查尔斯王子是英国王位的第一继承人。剑桥国际Students from tropical countries are often unprepared for the British climate. 热带国家的学生往往对英国的气候毫无准备。译典通The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国国会相当于英国议会。译典通The Mahatma instigated several campaigns of passive resistance against the British government in India.圣雄甘地在印度发动了几次反对英国政府的非暴力抵抗运动。剑桥国际The interests of British citizens living abroad are protected by the British Embassy.居住在国外的英国公民的利益受到英国大使馆的保护。剑桥国际The open fire used to be the focal point (=centre) of the British living room whereas now it's usually the television.火炉过去是英国起居室的中心,而如今通常是电视机了。剑桥国际We went to London specifically to visit the British Museum.我们为参观英国博物馆而特意来到了伦敦。剑桥国际




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