

单词 the boys
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔beguile〕beguile the boys with sea stories 以航海故事吸引男孩们的兴趣英汉大词典〔blueprint〕draw up blueprints for educating the boys in summer schools 制订男孩暑期补习班的教育计划英汉大词典〔boy〕a night out with the boys 和弟兄们一同消遣的一夜牛津高阶〔boy〕play poker with the boys 和一群牌友打扑克英汉大词典〔bring〕defeat the enemy as quickly as possible and bring the boys home 尽快打败敌人并撤兵回国英汉大词典〔divide〕divided the boys from the girls for gym class.上体育课时把男孩跟女孩分开美国传统〔examinable〕to examine the boys in English考学生的英文21世纪英汉〔lay〕lay about the boys with whips 用鞭狠抽那些男孩 英汉大词典〔pretentious〕the pretentious daring of the boys in crossing the lake 孩子们在横渡湖泊时所表现的胆量英汉大词典〔prude〕a girl who's a prude with the boys 对小伙子们故作一本正经的姑娘英汉大词典




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