

单词 the bottom line
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAIN〕The bottom line is, he's gone and he's not coming back. 主要问题是他走了,不回来了。朗文写作活用〔MAIN〕Most people want to work in a place where they feel valued. That's the bottom line. 大多数人希望在感觉到自己受重视的地方工作,这是基本要求。朗文写作活用〔bottom line〕The bottom line for 2008 was a pre-tax profit of £85 million.*2008 年最终获得税前利润 8 500 万英镑。牛津高阶〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that he lied to Parliament.最基本的问题是他对议会撒谎。麦克米伦高阶〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of everybody.最关键的问题是这不能使每个人充分发挥自己的长处。柯林斯高阶〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that it's not profitable.最重要的一点是它无利可图。柯林斯高阶〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that it's not profitable.最根本的问题是无利可图。外研社新世纪〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that we have to make a decision today.底线是,我们今天必须作出决定。牛津高阶〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project.基本问题是我们还需要一万美元来完成这个项目。剑桥高阶〔bottom line〕A student with special needs can stress a school's budget, but the bottom line is that the state must provide for the child's education.有特殊需求的学生可能增加学校财政负担,但归根结底,国家必须给孩子提供受教育的机会。韦氏高阶〔bottom line〕He keeps a careful eye on the bottom line.他密切注视着盈亏一览结算线。麦克米伦高阶〔bottom line〕He's always got his eye on the bottom line.他总是盯着盈亏情况。韦氏高阶〔bottom line〕If our flight is late, we will miss our connection. That's the bottom line.如果飞机晚点,我们就会错过转机。这是关键。韦氏高阶〔bottom line〕In radio you have to keep the listener listening. That's the bottom line.干电台工作你得吸引听众来听,这是起码的要求。朗文当代〔flourish〕Bill signed on the bottom line with a flourish.比尔在最后一行用花体字签了名。牛津搭配〔name〕In business, the name of the game is the bottom line.做生意最要紧的就是盈亏的数目。英汉大词典〔sign〕Sign your name on the bottom line.在底部横线上签你的名字。韦氏高阶〔soprano clef〕The C clef positioned to indicate that the bottom line of a staff represents the pitch of middle C.高音谱号:放置用以表示五线谱中的底线代表中央C音音高的C谱号美国传统The bottom line for 2005 was a pre-tax profit of €60 million.2005 年的损益表底线是 6 000 万欧元的税前利润。牛津商务The bottom line is that we have to make a decision today.最关键的是,我们今天必须作出决定。牛津商务The bottom line is that we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project.基本问题是我们还需要一万美元来完成这个项目。剑桥国际The bottom line, however, is that he has escaped. 然而,结果是他已经逃脱了。译典通A good rainmaker can be invaluable to the bottom line of a business.优秀的生意介绍人对公司的赢利与否至关重要。牛津商务




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