

单词 to surface
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Q-ship〕A decoy ship, especially an armed ship disguised as a merchant ship to entice submarines to surface so that they may be attacked with gunfire.伪装猎潜船:一种诱捕船,尤指假扮商船的武装舰艇,引诱潜水艇浮出水面后实施炮火攻击美国传统〔level〕These adjectives are applicable to surfaces without irregularities in the form of elevations or depressions.这些形容词表示高度或深度形式较规则的平面。美国传统〔periphyton〕Sessile organisms, such as algae and small crustaceans, that live attached to surfaces projecting from the bottom of a freshwater aquatic environment.固着生物:固着生物体,如海藻和小型甲壳动物,固着在突出淡水水底环境的表面上美国传统〔several〕The report is just one of several to surface in the press recently.该报道只是最近见诸报端的几篇之一。外研社新世纪〔suction〕The pneumatic robot uses air to move and sticks to surfaces by suction.气动机器人利用空气来移动, 靠吸力附着于各种表面。外研社新世纪〔suppression〕The Professor said that deep sleep allowed suppressed anxieties to surface.教授说深度睡眠可以使压抑的焦虑情绪得以释放。柯林斯高阶〔surface〕Do you want to surface your secrets to me?你想把你的秘密告诉我吗?21世纪英汉〔surface〕Don't expect Jennifer to surface before noon.别指望珍妮弗会在中午前起床。麦克米伦高阶〔surface〕Doubts are beginning to surface about whether the right decision has been made.人们开始对这个决定是否正确表示质疑。剑桥高阶〔surface〕Doubts began to surface.质疑声开始出现。牛津高阶〔surface〕In the aftermath of the trial, charges of corruption have begun to surface.这场审讯的后果就是对腐败的指控已开始出现。麦克米伦高阶〔surface〕Rumors about the killings have begun to surface in the press.有关这些杀人事件的传闻开始见诸于报端。朗文当代〔surface〕The divers were forced to surface after their equipment was damaged.潜水员在潜水设备受损后被迫浮出水面。麦克米伦高阶〔surface〕We used asphalt to surface over the driveway.我们使用沥青铺设马路与道的路面美国传统〔zoophyte〕Any of various invertebrate animals, such as a sea anemone or sponge, that attach to surfaces and superficially resemble plants.植形动物:一种无脊椎动物,附着在表面而且看上去象植物一样,例如海葵和海绵美国传统Concern for the children never took long to surface. 对小孩的关切总是不用很久就显露出来。译典通Doubts are beginning to surface about whether the right decision has been made.关于这一决定是否正确的怀疑开始显露了。剑桥国际We are going to surface this road. 我们将要为这条路铺路面。译典通




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