

单词 to appoint
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕His first move after taking office was to appoint four communists to his cabinet. 他上任后的第一步就是在内阁中任命了四名共产党人。朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕Women's organizations are trying to force the government to appoint more women to senior positions. 一些妇女组织正试图促使政府在高级职位上任命更多的妇女。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕They're going to appoint a new chairman - spread the news! 他们要任命一个新主席了—快告诉大家呀!朗文写作活用〔accredit〕To appoint as an ambassador to a foreign government.委派,派出:委任一驻外国政府的大使美国传统〔amend〕Until the constitution is amended, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president.在宪法修正之前,总统仍然有权任命部长。剑桥高阶〔appoint for〕We shall have to appoint another day for the picnic.我们得另找一天去野餐。21世纪英汉〔appoint〕We need to appoint a new school secretary.我们需要任命一名新的校秘书。麦克米伦高阶〔blue ribbon〕Critics asked the president to appoint a blue-ribbon commission to investigate police practices.评论员要求总统指派一个专家委员会调查警察工作。剑桥高阶〔bolt〕The company decided to appoint a Japanese manager as president of the company. The decision came as a bolt from the blue.公司决定任命一位日籍经理担任总裁。这个决定太出乎意料了。柯林斯高阶〔co-opt〕To appoint summarily.指派:简要地指定或任命美国传统〔constitute〕To appoint to an office, dignity, function, or task; designate.指派:指定…担任职位、官阶、委派…执行职责或任务;指派美国传统〔delegate〕Law To appoint (one's debtor) as a debtor to one's creditor in place of oneself.【法律】 债务转移:将自己的债务人转移给自己的债权人美国传统〔depute〕To appoint or authorize as an agent or a representative.委任:任命或授权作为工作人员或代表美国传统〔deputize〕To appoint or serve as a deputy.代理,成为代理美国传统〔due〕After due consideration, we have decided to appoint Mr Davis to the job.经过充分考虑之后,我们决定委任戴维斯先生负责这项工作。牛津高阶〔empower〕The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.总统有权任命最高法院的法官。朗文当代〔post〕To appoint to a naval or military command.委派:任命司令官或舰长美国传统〔preordain〕To appoint, decree, or ordain in advance; foreordain.预先任命、命令或注定;预先注定美国传统〔risk〕It was a calculated risk to appoint a man without management experience to such a senior post.任命一个没有管理经验的人担任这样高的职位,其风险是考虑过的。朗文当代〔surrogate〕To appoint (another) as a replacement for oneself.指定(另一人)来代替自己美国传统〔tsar〕He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。柯林斯高阶〔tsar〕He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.他承诺将任命一位特派员来应对艾滋病。外研社新世纪〔unanimous〕The decision to appoint Matt was almost unanimous.任命马特的决定几乎是一致通过的。朗文当代〔whom〕I have resigned, and they have a free hand to appoint whom they like in my place.我已经辞职了,他们可以放开手脚任命他们喜欢的人来顶替我的位置。柯林斯高阶Both parties to the dispute agreed to appoint an expert/independent arbitrator.争议双方均同意指定一名专业/独立仲裁人。剑桥国际One worry was that bosses were free to appoint their chums or their countrymen rather than the best people for the job.有一点担心就是老板能自由地指派他的朋友或同乡,而不是最好的人来做这项工作。剑桥国际Until the constitution is amended, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president.在修正宪法之前,任命部长的权力仍属于总统。剑桥国际We are looking to appoint a financial advisor as soon as possible.我们希望尽快任命一位财务顾问。牛津商务We've decided to appoint Browne to the post. He's very sound.我们决定任命布朗尼担任这一职务,因为他是个可靠的人。剑桥国际




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