

单词 to applaud
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAPPEAR〕As the last notes of the song faded away, the audience began to applaud. 随着这首歌最后的几个音符渐逝,听众开始鼓掌。朗文写作活用〔applaud〕Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage.所有人起立为他不可磨灭的英勇之举鼓掌。柯林斯高阶〔applaud〕Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage.大家都起身对他令人难忘的英勇之举交口称赞。外研社新世纪〔applaud〕He started to applaud and the others joined in.他开始鼓掌,其他人也跟着鼓起掌来。牛津高阶〔applaud〕They rose to applaud the speaker.他们起立向演讲者鼓掌。牛津高阶〔claque〕A group of persons hired to applaud at a performance.捧场者:演出时雇来鼓掌的一帮人美国传统〔man〕The audience rose as one man to applaud the singers.观众全体起立向歌手们鼓掌。朗文当代〔shoulder〕Blacks and whites stood shoulder to shoulder in the stands to applaud.黑人和白人并肩站在看台上鼓掌。朗文当代〔stay〕A few people came to boo but remained to applaud.很多人开始讥笑并不断地鼓掌。美国传统Everyone stood up to applaud. 全体起立鼓掌。译典通




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