

单词 to appear
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕I didn't like to ask him to explain more clearly because I didn't want to appear ignorant. 我不想请他再解释得清楚些,因为我不愿显得无知。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕Hiding in the hedge a safe distance from the truck, she waited for the man to appear. 她躲在离卡车有一段安全距离的树篱中,等待那男子出现。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕Not wishing to appear thick, but what exactly are you doing? 我不想让自己显得很傻,可你到底在干什么?朗文写作活用〔abscond〕He was ordered to appear in court the following day, but absconded.他被传唤于第二天出庭, 可是他逃跑了。外研社新世纪〔amplitude〕His poems, striking in their amplitude, began to appear in the newspaper.他的诗开始在报纸上发表,数量惊人。英汉大词典〔appear〕Cracks began to appear in the ceiling.天花板上开始出现裂缝。麦克米伦高阶〔appear〕He had to appear before the magistrate.他必须出庭接受地方法官的审判。外研社新世纪〔appear〕He has been asked to appear as a witness for the defence.他已被传唤出庭为被告作证。牛津高阶〔appear〕He is due to appear in court today.他将在今天出庭。麦克米伦高阶〔appear〕I don't want to appear rude.我不想显得无礼。朗文当代〔appear〕She was instructed to appear in court the next morning.她被要求第二天早上出庭。韦氏高阶〔appear〕The airplanes seemed to appear out of nowhere.这些飞机不知从何处突然飞来。韦氏高阶〔appear〕The presidency is beginning to appear a political irrelevance.总统一职似乎正在沦为政治上的摆设。外研社新世纪〔appear〕This was when sushi began to appear on restaurant menus in London.这是寿司第一次出现在伦敦餐馆的菜单上。麦克米伦高阶〔appear〕You've got to appear (to be) calm in an interview even if you're terrified underneath.在面试时,即使内心很怕,也要显出很镇定的样子。剑桥高阶〔break〕She longed to break in on their conversation but didn't want to appear rude.她很想打断他们的谈话,但又不愿显得粗鲁。牛津高阶〔conversation〕I tried to make conversation(= to speak in order to appear polite).我设法找些话题。牛津高阶〔court〕He's due to appear in court again on Monday.他定于周一再次出庭。剑桥高阶〔diminish〕To make smaller or less or to cause to appear so.减少:使减少或使似变少美国传统〔distance〕To cause to appear at a distance.使显得遥远美国传统〔dressing room〕He waited in his dressing room until it was time for him to appear on stage.上台前,他一直在化妆室里等候。韦氏高阶〔fade〕To cause to appear or be heard gradually. Used of a cinematic or television image or of a sound.渐强:使逐渐出现或被听见。用于电影或电视的图象或声音美国传统〔imitate〕To appear like; resemble.像;类似美国传统〔moral〕The Democrats are attempting to capture the moral high ground (= are trying to appear more honest and good than the other political parties).民主党试图显出在道义上占优势。剑桥高阶〔near〕As election day neared, reports of new scandals began to appear in the press.随着选举日期的临近,有关新的丑闻的报道开始见诸报端。麦克米伦高阶〔one〕When Sam failed to appear one evening, my worry increased.有一个晚上萨姆没有露面,我变得越来越担心。麦克米伦高阶〔phantom〕The phantom used to appear unexpectedly.那个鬼魂过去常常出人意料地出现。外研社新世纪〔rude〕He didn't wish to appear discourteous.他不想显得没礼貌。牛津高阶〔same〕Dwight Eisenhower possessed much the same ability to appear likeable.德怀特·艾森豪威尔也具备上述做出讨人喜欢的样子的能力。柯林斯高阶〔scire facias〕A writ requiring the party against which it is issued to appear and show cause why a judicial record should not be enforced, repealed, or annulled.告知令状:说明判决何以不应执行、撤销或宣告无效的理由令状美国传统〔serve〕Each person served with a summons will be given six weeks before they have to appear in the Magistrates' Court.每一个收到传票的人在地方法院出庭之前都有6个星期的时间。剑桥高阶〔shift〕They waited for the day shift to appear.他们等待日班工人到来。 英汉大词典〔sink〕To appear to move downward, as the sun or moon in setting.下落:看起来在向下沉,例如太阳或月亮的下沉运动美国传统〔summons〕A call by an authority to appear, come, or do something.召唤,命令:上级或有权威的人发出的出现、到来或做某事的号令或召唤美国传统〔summons〕He had been accused of a drug offence but police had been unable to serve a summons on him (=officially order him to appear in court) .他被指控犯有贩卖毒品罪,但警方无法把传票送达给他。朗文当代〔summons〕He was given/served with a summons to appear in court.他被传唤出庭。剑桥高阶〔summons〕She received a summons to appear in court.她收到出庭的传唤。牛津搭配〔summon〕Law To order to appear in court by the issuance of a summons.【法律】 传唤:发送传票而命令某人出庭美国传统〔top〕Well, I've been asked to appear on a TV show later this year, so top that! 我被邀请今年晚些时候参加一个电视节目,你有这样的好事吗?朗文当代〔unease〕Garland tried to appear casual, but he couldn't conquer his unease.加兰努力装出无所谓的样子,可是他没法克服自己的局促不安。柯林斯高阶A common mirage is a sheet of water that seems to appear on a road in hot weather.一种普通的蜃景是在热天里在路上似乎飘浮着一大片水。剑桥国际Each person served with a summons will be given six weeks before they have to appear in the magistrates court.每一个收到传票的人都将在六星期后在地方法院出庭。剑桥国际Exposure to sunlight temporarily causes freckles to darken and new ones to appear.晒太阳会暂时引起雀斑颜色变深并长出新的雀斑。剑桥国际Fine lines and wrinkles tend to appear around the eyes and mouth as you get older.当你年龄增大时,眼部与嘴部周围往往会出现细微的条痕与皱纹。剑桥国际He was bailed to appear in court on 15 March.他获得保释,3 月 15 日到庭候审。牛津商务His concern (=wish) to appear sophisticated amused everyone.他要显得老练些的愿望令人莞尔。剑桥国际I wanted to appear friendly and approachable but I think I gave the converse impression.我想显得友好、平易近人些,却发觉给人印象恰恰相反。剑桥国际I've noticed that smaller cars are starting to appear (=be produced or sold) again.我注意到小型汽车现在又开始出现了。剑桥国际The Democrats are attempting to capture the moral high ground (= are trying to appear more honest and good than the other political parties).民主党正试图占据道德优势。剑桥国际The major oil companies were jockeying to appear the most environmentally concerned.各大石油公司千方百计以最关心环境的形象出现。剑桥国际




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