

单词 to advance
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORWARD〕In early 1940 the army began to advance across France. 1940年年初,部队开始横贯法国推进。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕Separatist rebels have used terrorism to advance their cause in the region. 分裂分子组成的叛军运用恐怖手段在该地区推进他们的事业。朗文写作活用〔MODERATE〕He will require the backing of the center-left in order to advance his center-right agenda. 他需要中间偏左派的支持,以便提出他的中间偏右的政治议程。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕First, take a look at what you personally can do to advance your career. 首先,想一想你自己可以做些什么来进一步发展你的事业。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The colonel ordered his men to advance. 上校命令士兵前进。朗文写作活用〔Trojan Horse〕Both factions accused each other of using the organization as a Trojan Horse to advance their causes.两派都指责对方利用这个组织作幌子以达到自己的目的。外研社新世纪〔Trojan horse〕Both factions accused each other of using the organization as a Trojan horse to advance their causes.两派都相互指责对方利用该组织作幌子以发展各自的事业。柯林斯高阶〔advance〕He will do anything to advance his career.为了发展他的事业,他什么都肯做。麦克米伦高阶〔advance〕He's just trying to advance (= improve) his own career.他只是在努力拓展自己的事业。剑桥高阶〔advance〕I asked the school to advance the funds for my trip.我向学校请求预付我的旅行费用。麦克米伦高阶〔advance〕It took us 30 minutes or more to advance to the head of the queue.移到队列前面用了我们至少30分钟。外研社新世纪〔advance〕Jameson agreed to the deal in an effort to advance his political career.詹姆森为了促进政治事业的发展而同意了这笔交易。朗文当代〔advance〕She was hired to advance for a best-selling author.她受雇为一名畅销书作者做广告。21世纪英汉〔advance〕The bank agreed to advance him 3,000 pounds.银行同意预先贷给他3,000英镑。外研社新世纪〔advance〕The bank is refusing to advance him any money.银行拒绝贷款给他。麦克米伦高阶〔advance〕The group's research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.这个小组的研究为增加我们对艾滋病病毒的了解作出了很大的贡献。朗文当代〔advance〕The troops were finally given the order to advance.部队终于收到前进的命令。牛津高阶〔advance〕They used propaganda to advance their cause.他们利用宣传来推动他们的事业。韦氏高阶〔advance〕They worked together to advance the cause of democracy.他们合力推动民主事业。牛津高阶〔advance〕This is not going to do anything to advance the cause of peace in the region.这不会对促进该地区的和平事业起到任何作用。外研社新世纪〔advance〕This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning.这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。牛津高阶〔advance〕Volunteers have been raising money to advance the work of the society.志愿者们一直在筹集资金推动社团工作。韦氏高阶〔advance〕Wages have continued to advance.工资持续上涨。韦氏高阶〔advance〕We are working to advance the cause of world peace.我们正致力于促进世界和平事业。麦克米伦高阶〔balk〕Baseball To make an illegal motion before pitching, allowing one or more base runners to advance one base.【棒球】 做犯规的假动作:在投球之前做出非法动作,使得一个或多个跑垒员前进一个垒位美国传统〔breakthrough〕Having made the breakthrough, the column was able to advance rapidly over lightly defended territory.该纵队成功突围后得以在防范松懈的领土上快速前进。外研社新世纪〔bring〕Law To advance or set forth (charges) in a court.【法律】 提起诉讼:在法庭上提议或提请(诉讼)美国传统〔calculation〕Careful, often cunning estimation and planning of likely outcomes, especially to advance one's own interests.深思熟虑:认真的、常是机敏的对可能结果的估计和计划,特指为提高个人的利益美国传统〔condescend〕She would not condescend to using her looks to advance in the company.她不愿堕落到利用自己的美貌在公司里得到提升。英汉大词典〔deploy〕The left wing,having deployed into line,began to advance.左翼部队以疏散开的横队向前推进。21世纪英汉〔fast-forward〕Press fast forward to advance the tape.按下快进键向前转带子。牛津高阶〔get〕To advance in years.年纪增长美国传统〔get〕To advance, especially in years.增加:增加,尤指年龄的增加美国传统〔goal〕A specified structure or zone into or over which players endeavor to advance a ball or puck.球门:某一特定的结构或区域,从中运动员努力进球或冰球美国传统〔improve〕These verbs mean to advance to a more desirable, valuable, or excellent state.这些动词都意味着改进到一个更良好的、更有价值的或更好的状态。美国传统〔lead〕Baseball To advance a few paces away from one's base toward the next while the pitcher is in the delivery. Used of a base runner.【棒球】 离垒:投球手在掷球过程中,跑垒者从自己所处的垒向下一垒稍前进几步。用于指棒球跑垒者美国传统〔leapfrog〕To advance (two military units) by engaging one with the enemy while moving the other to a position forward of the first unit.交互跃进:使(两支军事部队)前进,其中一支与敌军交锋,而同时将另一支部队调遣至第一支前方位置美国传统〔mark time〕The soldiers marked time until ordered to advance.士兵们原地踏步直至接到前进命令。韦氏高阶〔neuroscience〕Thanks to advances in neuroscience, we now know that adult brains can grow and change.由于神经科学的进展,我们现在知道成人大脑会继续增长和变化。剑桥高阶〔order〕The general gave the order to advance.将军下令前进。牛津高阶〔push〕To advance despite difficulty or opposition; press forward.奋勇向前:排除困难或反对而前进;推行美国传统〔sacrifice hit〕A bunt that allows a runner to advance a base while the batter is retired.牺牲打:能使跑垒者前进一垒而使打击者退场的一种打法美国传统〔social service〕Organized efforts to advance human welfare; social work.社会公益服务:有组织的提高社会福利的努力;社会福利工作美国传统〔steal〕Baseball To advance safely to (another base) during the delivery of a pitch, without the aid of a base hit, walk, passed ball, or wild pitch.【棒球】 偷垒:在一次投球后,没有击球员、游击手、传球手或外野手的帮助而安全跑入(另一垒 )美国传统〔travel〕To advance or proceed.前进,行进美国传统〔upstream〕Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back.学如逆水行舟,不进则退。文馨英汉〔wave〕The officer waved his men to advance.军官挥手令士兵前进。 英汉大词典〔wild pitch〕An erratic pitch that the catcher cannot be expected to catch and that enables a base runner to advance.暴投:接手无法接住的偏投,使跑垒员可以前进美国传统Much of the pressure for changing the law has come from special interest groups (= groups of people who want to advance a particular principle).很多修改法律的压力来自于特殊利益集团。剑桥国际Studying for new qualifications is one way to advance your career.考取新的任职资格是促进你事业发展的一种途径。牛津商务




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