

单词 to suggest
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISCUSS〕The offer is negotiable, so feel free to suggest changes. 这个报价可以商讨,所以有不同建议的话尽管提出来。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕It was dishonest of him to suggest that he actually had a degree from Oxford - he was just there for one term. 他不诚实地说他确实拥有牛津大学学位,实际上他仅在那里读了一个学期。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕The victim had marks on his neck which seemed to suggest he had been strangled. 死者的脖子上留有印迹,这似乎显示出他是被掐死的。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕It is legitimate to suggest that taxes should affect people with higher incomes more than they affect poorer people. 建议税收应该对高收入人士而不是低收入人士影响更多,这是合理的。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕To suggest that people are only honest when it can benefit them, is a damning comment on the human character. 说人只是在有利可图的时候才会诚实,这是人性可悲的写照。朗文写作活用〔archaic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of words and language that were once common but are now used chiefly to suggest an earlier style or period.古体的,已不通用的:曾经通用而现在不再使用主要指早期风格或时代的单词或语言的,与之有关的或具有其特征的美国传统〔color-field〕A style of painting that features large flat areas of color spread across the entire canvas to suggest that they extend beyond the canvas into infinity.色域绘画:为画图的风格,特色为涂抹过整个画布的大且平坦的颜色区域,来暗示已延伸出画布,到达无限的空间美国传统〔credulity〕Lord de Ramsey is perfectly entitled to use a car. It stretches credulity to suggest he should be seen standing at a bus stop.拉姆齐大人完全有资格使用汽车。竟然有人提议他应当站在车站等公交车, 简直匪夷所思。外研社新世纪〔evidence〕Scientists have found fresh evidence to suggest that a huge explosion led to the extinction.科学家发现的新证据表明一次大爆炸导致了它们的灭绝。牛津搭配〔evidence〕There is no scientific evidence to suggest that underwater births are dangerous.没有科学证据证明水中分娩有什么危险。剑桥高阶〔expert system〕A program that uses available information, heuristics, and inference to suggest solutions to problems in a particular discipline.专家系统:一种计算机程序,用可用信息、探试法和推理来提出解决特定科目中问题的方案的美国传统〔galling〕She had the gall to suggest that I might supply her with information about what Steve was doing.她竟然厚颜无耻地说或许我可以向她透露一些史蒂夫正在做的事。柯林斯高阶〔gall〕She had the gall to suggest that I might supply her with information about what Steve was doing.她竟然有脸让我给她提供史蒂夫正在干什么的情况。外研社新世纪〔heresy〕He said it was a heresy to suggest that women should not conduct services.他声称女性不应该主持宗教仪式的观点是一种异端邪说。外研社新世纪〔heresy〕It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.提出这样一个观点可能会被视为异端邪说。柯林斯高阶〔heretical〕It would be heretical to suggest changing company policy.建议改变公司政策纯属旁门左道。韦氏高阶〔impertinence〕She had the impertinence to suggest I needed a rest.她居然无礼地提议说我需要休息。牛津搭配〔insult〕The instructions are so easy they are an insult to your intelligence (= they seem to suggest you are not clever if you need to use them).说明如此简单,简直是在侮辱你的智商。剑桥高阶〔involvement〕There is no evidence to suggest criminal involvement.没有证据显示与犯罪有牵涉。牛津搭配〔judgement〕The inspector's function is not merely to pronounce judgement, but also to suggest improvements.检查员的职责不仅仅是公布评判结果,还要提出改进建议。牛津搭配〔lie〕There is evidence to suggest that some blame lies with the police.有证据表明警方负有一定的责任。麦克米伦高阶〔link〕These pieces of information link up to suggest who the thief was.这些情况串连在一起就向人们暗示谁是贼。英汉大词典〔long-distance〕I phoned Nicola long distance to suggest it.我给妮古拉打了长途电话,向她作此提议。柯林斯高阶〔ludicrous〕It is ludicrous to suggest that I was driving under the influence of alcohol.说我酒后驾车,这真是太荒唐了。朗文当代〔ludicrous〕It was ludicrous to suggest that the visit could be kept secret.认为此次访问能够保密真是可笑。外研社新世纪〔no〕It would be unfair to suggest that he will be no more effective than his predecessors.暗示他不会比前任们更有作为是不公平的。柯林斯高阶〔phenomenon〕There's evidence to suggest that child abuse is not just a recent phenomenon.有证据表明虐待儿童并不是近来才有的现象。剑桥高阶〔predisposed〕There is evidence to suggest that certain factors predispose some individuals to criminal behaviour.有证据表明,特定的因素会使某些人产生犯罪倾向。柯林斯高阶〔predispose〕There is evidence to suggest that certain factors predispose some individuals to criminal behaviour.有证据表明, 某些因素使一些人有犯罪倾向。外研社新世纪〔slap sb down〕I tried to suggest ways in which the plans could be improved, but he slapped me down.我试图提出可以改进那些计划的方法,但被他一口否决了。剑桥高阶〔such〕Surrender? No one would have dared to suggest such a thing.投降?没有人会有胆量作出这样的建议。麦克米伦高阶〔suggest〕I do not mean to suggest that the poem is purely biographical.我并非想说那首诗纯粹是对个人生平的记录。牛津搭配〔suggest〕It is not far-fetched to suggest a connection between them.说他们之间有联系,这并不牵强。牛津搭配〔suggest〕It is wrong to suggest that there are easy alternatives.如果认为有更容易的选择,那就错了。柯林斯高阶〔suggest〕The stage was bare, with only the lighting to suggest a prison.舞台上空无一物,只有灯光使人联想到监狱。朗文当代〔suggest〕There is nothing to suggest that the two events are connected.没有迹象显示这两个事件有关联。韦氏高阶〔temerity〕He had the temerity to suggest that a few changes might be needed.他竟敢建议可能需要进行几处改动。外研社新世纪〔tyranny〕Women, the play seems to suggest, must resist the tyranny of domesticity.这部戏似乎表明,妇女必须抵制家务的束缚。剑桥高阶〔unfair〕It is grossly unfair to suggest that the school was responsible for this accident.非常不公平的麦克米伦高阶〔unmitigated〕She had the unmitigated gall to suggest that it was all my fault.她竟有脸说都是我的错。韦氏高阶〔venture〕He got angry at me when I ventured to suggest that things could have been worse.当我小心翼翼地提到情况可能会更糟糕时,他对我大为光火。韦氏高阶〔venture〕I ventured to suggest that she might have made a mistake.我小心地提醒说她可能出了差错。牛津高阶〔wear〕I was going to suggest Fiji for our holiday, but I don't think father will wear it.我准备建议去斐济度假,但我想父亲不会答应。英汉大词典〔would〕It would be wrong to suggest that police officers were not annoyed by acts of indecency.要是认为警官对粗鄙行为不气不恼,那可就错了。柯林斯高阶To suggest that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads is to misunderstand the nature of the problem.建议通过修建更多的路来解决交通问题是对问题本质的误解。剑桥国际I beg to suggest a different plan. 请允许我提出一个不同的计划。译典通It would be quite wrong to suggest that she told a lie.暗示说她撒了谎会是十分错误的。剑桥国际Once we've got our heads around this problem, we can start to suggest solutions.我们一旦能够理解这个问题,就可以开始寻求解决办法。牛津商务There may be some evidence to suggest she's guilty, but it's hardly conclusive.也许有些证据表明她有罪,但它们并没有说服力。剑桥国际There's ample evidence to suggest that the lawyer in question knew exactly what she was doing.有充分的证据表明,本案的律师十分清楚她的所为。剑桥国际




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