

单词 wild
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔GUESS〕the wild speculation that surrounded Princess Diana's death 围绕戴安娜王妃之死的胡乱猜测朗文写作活用〔Wild West〕a Wild West show 西大荒演出韦氏高阶〔animal〕lions, tigers, and other wild animals 狮子、老虎和其他野生动物麦克米伦高阶〔beast〕wild beasts.野兽。牛津同义词〔beast〕a wild beast 野兽剑桥高阶〔chicken〕roast chicken with wild mushrooms.野山菌烤鸡柯林斯高阶〔clang〕the clang of wild geese大雁的尖叫声外研社新世纪〔creature〕the wild creatures of the forest 森林里的野生动物牛津搭配〔creature〕the wild creatures of the woods 林中的飞禽走兽英汉大词典〔critter〕wild critters 野生的生物牛津高阶〔cultivated〕a mixture of wild and cultivated varieties.野生品种和栽培品种的混作柯林斯高阶〔duck〕wild ducks 野鸭牛津高阶〔fancy〕a child's wild flights of fancy 孩子的异想天开牛津高阶〔flower〕wild flowers 野花剑桥高阶〔gather〕gather flowers; gather wild foods.摘花;采野食美国传统〔gay〕lead a gay and wild life 过着放荡不羁的生活英汉大词典〔go〕with sth The crowd was going wild with excitement.人群欣喜若狂。朗文当代〔hauntingly〕the haunting calls of wild birds in the mahogany trees.红木树林中野鸟令人难忘的鸣叫声柯林斯高阶〔haunt〕the haunt of wild deer 野鹿的生息地英汉大词典〔heritage〕an organization whose aim is to protect our heritage of wild plants 旨在保护我们的野生植物遗产的组织牛津搭配〔inspire〕a range of designs inspired by wild flowers 从野花中得到灵感的一系列设计朗文当代〔marauding〕safe from danger, such as marauding wild animals远离了诸如掠食野兽之类的危险外研社新世纪〔marinate〕marinate the wild game in milk 把野味浸泡在牛奶中英汉大词典〔mastery〕get mastery of a wild horse 驯服一匹野马英汉大词典〔pack〕a pack of wild dogs 一群野狗剑桥高阶〔piquant〕a piquant wild mushroom sauce 开胃的野蘑菇酱朗文当代〔pot〕pot a sitting wild duck 射击一只栖息的野鸭英汉大词典〔romantically〕the romantically named, but very muddy, Cave of the Wild Horses.一个有着动听名字但泥泞不堪的地方——野马洞柯林斯高阶〔run〕runs with a wild crowd.与一群野蛮的人为伴美国传统〔savage〕to be savaged by a wild horse被野马踢伤21世纪英汉〔scene〕a bad scene; a wild scene.糟糕的情形;狂乱的情形美国传统〔shotgun〕to shotgun some flying wild ducks用猎枪打一群飞着的野鸭21世纪英汉〔sort〕a sort of wild flower.某种野花。牛津同义词〔stave〕stave off wild animals 把野兽赶走英汉大词典〔subject〕a disorder in which the person's mood is subject to wild swings from mania to depression.患者情绪在狂热和抑郁之间疯狂起伏的紊乱状态柯林斯高阶〔sweetness〕the sweetness of the wild rose 野玫瑰的芬芳朗文当代〔tribe〕a tribe of artists with wild hair and casual manners 一群头发凌乱、行为随意的艺术家韦氏高阶〔west〕the Wild West 蛮荒的西部剑桥高阶〔wild oat〕wild oats Misdeeds and indiscretions committed when young. wild oats 年轻时的过错和轻率美国传统〔wild〕wild accusations/claims 胡乱的指责/轻率的断言麦克米伦高阶〔wild〕wild accusations; a wild guess.胡乱指控;胡乱猜测美国传统〔wild〕wild animals 野生动物英汉大词典〔wild〕wild animals/flowers 野生动物;野花牛津高阶〔wild〕wild enthusiasm.激动的热情。牛津同义词〔wild〕wild fantasies 狂想英汉大词典〔wild〕wild laughter 狂笑朗文当代〔wild〕wild locks of long hair.乱糟糟的长头发美国传统〔wild〕wild moorland 荒凉的高沼地牛津高阶〔wild〕wild places high in the mountains 山巅渺无人烟之处韦氏高阶〔wild〕wild revelers 疯狂的饮酒者韦氏高阶〔wild〕wild weather.暴风雨天气美国传统〔wild〕a wild night 暴风雨之夜英汉大词典〔wild〕a wild stretch of land 一大片荒地英汉大词典〔wild〕a wild tribe 原始部落英汉大词典〔wild〕animals both wild and domesticated 野生动物和家养动物朗文当代〔wild〕go wild with joy 欣喜若狂英汉大词典〔wild〕just wild about the new music.对于新音乐大感兴趣美国传统〔wild〕recalled his wild youth with remorse.带着悔恨回忆他年轻时的放荡生活美国传统〔wild〕remote, wild country.遥远而荒凉的乡野美国传统〔wild〕shoot wild 胡乱射击英汉大词典




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