

单词 trip
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔all expenses paid〕an all expenses paid trip to New York 免费去纽约的旅行剑桥高阶〔along〕have sb. along on a trip 带上某人一起旅行英汉大词典〔annual〕an annual trip to Paris.一年一度的巴黎之行美国传统〔chronological〕a chronological account of their trip 按时间顺序对他们旅行的记述韦氏高阶〔coach〕a coach trip to Scotland 到苏格兰的长途公共汽车之行朗文当代〔contemplation〕buy tents in contemplation of a camping trip 为了作一次野营远足购置帐篷英汉大词典〔day trip〕a day trip to France 法国一日游牛津高阶〔defray〕defray the expenses of the trip 支付旅行费用英汉大词典〔down〕a trip down Mexico way 往南向墨西哥的旅行朗文当代〔eastern〕an eastern trip 东行旅次英汉大词典〔end〕a trip to end all trips 所有旅行中最好的一次英汉大词典〔excitement〕a trip filled with excitement and adventure 充满刺激和冒险的旅行韦氏高阶〔expediency〕doubt the expediency of cancelling the trip 怀疑取消此次旅行是否合宜英汉大词典〔expense〕an all-expenses-paid trip 费用全数报销的公差牛津高阶〔fantastic〕a fantastic trip to Europe.美好的欧洲之旅美国传统〔field trip〕a geography field trip 地理实地考察剑桥高阶〔field trip〕a geography field trip 地理课的实地考察朗文当代〔fitting〕a fitting end to what was a memorable trip 一次难忘旅行的恰当收尾朗文当代〔flying〕a flying trip 匆促的旅行[访问]文馨英汉〔gruel(l)ing〕the most gruel(l)ing part of a trip 旅程中最累人的一段英汉大词典〔homeward〕his homeward trip 他归家的旅程朗文当代〔intended〕an intended trip abroad next month.下个月的一次出国旅行美国传统〔log〕a computer log; a trip log.电脑日志;旅行日志美国传统〔matter-of-fact〕a matter-of-fact account of the trip 干巴巴的旅行记述英汉大词典〔midway〕at the midway point of our trip 我们旅行的中途韦氏高阶〔motor〕a motor trip 乘汽车的旅行英汉大词典〔now〕trip out on now words 沉迷于花哨的新词英汉大词典〔outbound〕an outbound trip to Norway 去挪威的国外旅行英汉大词典〔penultimate〕the penultimate stop of a trip 旅程的最后第二站英汉大词典〔pictorial〕a pictorial record of the trip 旅行的图片记录韦氏高阶〔picturesque〕a picturesque account of his trip to New York 对他纽约之行绘声绘色的描述朗文当代〔plan〕to plan a trip 计划一次旅行牛津高阶〔prospecting〕a prospecting trip 探矿之行英汉大词典〔reporting〕a reporting trip to the Middle East 去中东的采访报道之行英汉大词典〔round trip〕a 30-mile round trip to work 上班往返 30 英里的路程牛津高阶〔route〕route one's trip 安排旅行路线 英汉大词典〔schedule〕scheduled a trip in June; was scheduled to arrive Monday.计划在六月进行一次旅行;计划星期一到达美国传统〔seaside〕a trip to the seaside 去海滨旅行牛津高阶〔seaside〕a trip to the seaside 去海滨的旅行朗文当代〔to〕our weekly trip to the supermarket 我们每周一次的超级市场之行朗文当代〔travel〕my first trip to the States 我的第一次美国之行朗文当代〔trip〕trip a mine near the border 使边界附近的一枚地雷脱扣自爆英汉大词典〔trip〕trip sb. up by the heels 用脚后跟绊倒某人英汉大词典〔trip〕a trip of goats (seals) 一小群山羊(海豹)英汉大词典〔trip〕a trip to Brazil 巴西之旅麦克米伦高阶〔trip〕a trip to the seaside.海滨之行。牛津同义词〔trip〕a bad trip 不舒服的一阵迷幻感觉朗文当代〔trip〕a business/school/shopping trip 出差;学校旅行;去商场购物牛津高阶〔trip〕a fishing/camping/sightseeing trip 垂钓/露营/观光旅行麦克米伦高阶〔trip〕a five-minute trip by taxi 乘出租车 5 分钟的路牛津搭配〔trip〕a geography field trip to study a limestone landscape 研究石灰岩地貌的野外地理考察牛津搭配〔trip〕a round-the-world trip 环球旅行牛津高阶〔trip〕a school trip to Washington, DC 到华盛顿特区的学习之旅牛津搭配〔trip〕go on a business trip abroad 出差去国外英汉大词典〔trip〕her dream trip to New Zealand 她去新西兰的梦之旅牛津搭配〔trip〕make a bus trip to town 乘公共汽车进城英汉大词典〔trip〕the SM-70 trip mine SM-70脱扣自爆地雷英汉大词典〔win〕the chance to win the trip of a lifetime 赢取一次终生难遇的旅游的机会牛津搭配a round trip between New York and Chicago 纽约和芝加哥之间的往返旅程牛津商务to go on a shopping trip 踏上购物之旅牛津商务




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