

单词 travellers
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕We shared the train compartment with an odd assortment of fellow travellers. 我们和一群各色各样古里古怪的同路人同坐在一个火车包厢里。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕The travellers were hot, tired, and thirsty. 旅行者们又热又累又渴。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Travellers to India are advised to get vaccinated against infectious diseases such as typhoid before they go. 建议去印度旅行的人在出发前打疫苗以防止染上伤寒等传染病。朗文写作活用〔New Age traveller〕New Age travellers were on the road again today, looking for a place to hold their midsummer festival.新时代旅行者今天再次驱车上路,寻找仲夏节的举办地点。剑桥高阶〔PROMISE〕The airline has assured travellers there will be no further delays. 那家航空公司向旅客保证不会再发生延误。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕Travellers in Spain who are worried about the situation are advised to contact the British Embassy in Madrid. 在西班牙旅行的人如对形势感到担心,建议与位于马德里的英国大使馆联系。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕Most air travellers would be prepared to pay more to be sure of travelling safely. 多数乘飞机的旅客都愿意多付点钱以确保飞行安全。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Armchair travellers can now visit the world's most exotic countries via the Internet. 安坐家中的神游旅行家现在可以通过互联网游访世上最具异国情调的国家了。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The travellers were guided around the Hindu Kush by local people who had lived there all their lives. 当地人带领游客游览兴都库什山脉,他们一辈子都在那里生活。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕After a while the two travellers fell into conversation. 过了一会,那两个游客开始攀谈起来。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕One angry passenger claimed travellers were not told about the mechanical problems. 一名气愤的乘客说没人告知旅客出了机械故障。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕Snow in Boston closed down the airport, causing even more delays for weary travellers. 波士顿下的那场雪使得机场关闭,给疲倦不堪的旅客造成了更多的延误。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕Many travellers find that facilities for young children are often inadequate. 许多游客认为供幼儿使用的设施往往不足。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The drug smugglers used innocent travellers to carry the drugs through customs. 毒品走私者利用无辜旅客将毒品带过海关。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕Travellers to the country have been urged to avoid large crowds, which have occasionally turned violent in the past. 前往该国的游客被呼吁避免去人群聚集的地方,在过去这有时会演变成暴力事件。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕I've put our passports in your handbag with the travellers cheques. 我把我们的护照和旅行支票一起放在你的提包里了。朗文写作活用〔aggravating〕Aggravating delays still plague business travellers.令人恼火的延误仍然困扰着商务旅客。外研社新世纪〔armchair〕Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers.她写自己冒险经历的那些书给神游者带来了享受和刺激。朗文当代〔asylum〕The travellers sought asylum from the storm.起了暴风雨,旅行的人寻找避难所。牛津同义词〔bargain〕Last-minute travellers can still find plenty of bargain fares to New York.最后一刻决定出行的游客仍然可以找到大量去纽约的廉价机票。外研社新世纪〔bemist〕A lot of travellers have been bemisted.许多游客被薄雾所笼罩。21世纪英汉〔bound〕Strike-bound travellers face long delays.因罢工滞留的旅客要耽搁很长时间。牛津高阶〔bring〕Travellers brought back news of the outside world.旅行者带回了外面世界的消息。麦克米伦高阶〔budget〕Travellers on a budget might prefer to camp.钱不多的旅游者可能更喜欢野营。朗文当代〔cAMP〕The travellers camped under the shade of trees.这些旅行者在树阴下露宿。21世纪英汉〔captive〕Airlines consider business travellers a captive market.航空公司把商务旅行者视为垄断性市场。柯林斯高阶〔company〕A company of travellers are (或is) expected to arrive soon.预计一批旅客很快就要到来。英汉大词典〔consideration〕Show consideration for other rail travellers.体谅其他铁路乘客。柯林斯高阶〔deadline〕The remaining 'New Age' travellers left Kerry just 30 minutes before the deadline set for their eviction.就在离被驱逐的最后期限仅有 30 分钟时,其余的“新世纪”旅行者也离开了凯里。柯林斯高阶〔descend on〕Armed thieves descended on the travellers.武装强盗袭击了旅游者。21世纪英汉〔detain〕The bad weather detained the travellers for several hours.恶劣的天气耽搁了旅行者几个小时。21世纪英汉〔direct〕Signposts direct travellers.路标为旅行者指路。英汉大词典〔drench〕A heavy rain drenched the travellers.一阵大雨把游客都淋得湿透了。21世纪英汉〔elementary〕Millions of travellers fail to take even the most elementary of precautions.上百万的旅行者甚至没有采取最基本的预防措施。剑桥高阶〔exercise〕Britain has warned travellers to exercise care.英国提醒游客要多加小心。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕Britain has warned travellers to exercise prudence and care.英国已经警告游客要谨慎小心。柯林斯高阶〔fellow〕Our fellow travellers were mostly Spanish-speaking tourists.我们同行的旅伴大多是讲西班牙语的游客。剑桥高阶〔firm〕Bali has become a firm favourite with travellers.巴厘岛已经成为旅游者一直向往的天堂。外研社新世纪〔flake out〕Tired out by their journey,the travellers flaked out as soon as they reached their hotel room.旅客们旅途十分疲乏,到达旅馆房间后很快就入睡了。21世纪英汉〔flop into〕The travellers were so tired that they flopped into bed and fell asleep at once.旅行者们太累了,一头倒在床上就进入了梦乡。21世纪英汉〔generation〕Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers.就在不到一代人的时间里, 坐飞机已经成了很多旅行者的出行方式。外研社新世纪〔generation〕Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers.就在不到一代人的时间里,坐飞机已经成了很多旅行者的出行方式。柯林斯高阶〔hunt〕The travellers were hunted by the pests.旅客遭受害虫的袭扰。外研社新世纪〔ice〕We were all looking like Arctic travellers, well iced-up.我们浑身上下全是冰,看上去活像北极的旅行者。英汉大词典〔inconvenience〕Travellers are complaining of having to suffer the inconvenience of delayed flights.旅客们在抱怨被迫忍受航班晚点所带来的不便。麦克米伦高阶〔incurious〕She gave the travellers a swift, incurious glance.她漫不经心地飞快向旅客们扫了一眼。英汉大词典〔inoculation〕Travellers in the tropics should have typhoid inoculations.在热带地区旅行的人应该注射伤寒预防针。英汉大词典〔knocking〕Never knock charter flights; they are opening up the world for budget-conscious travellers.绝不要挑剔包机航班;他们使精打细算的乘客能够去往世界各地。柯林斯高阶〔lodge〕There is a lodge at the street corner that rents rooms to travellers.街角有家旅舍出租房间给旅客居住。英汉大词典〔madden〕The travellers were maddened with hungry.旅行者们饿得发疯了。21世纪英汉〔mindful〕Travellers ought to be mindful of their surroundings.旅行者应该注意他们的周围环境。麦克米伦高阶〔minimize〕The rail company is bringing in more trains in an effort to minimize disruption to travellers.铁路公司正投入更多的列车来减少旅客的不便。朗文当代〔mirage〕The travellers found that the oasis was only a mirage.旅行者发现绿洲只是海市蜃楼而已。英汉大词典〔necessity〕Good maps are a necessity to travellers.好的地图是出门旅行必不可少的。英汉大词典〔note〕Please note that all travellers must have a valid passport.请注意,所有旅行者必须持有效护照。麦克米伦高阶〔odds〕Budget travellers want to avoid paying over the odds for hotels.经济型游客想避免在旅馆上多花钱。外研社新世纪〔on-the-spot〕Rail travellers who try to avoid paying their fares could face on-the-spot fines.坐火车逃票的乘客会被当场罚款。柯林斯高阶〔panic-stricken〕Panic-stricken travellers fled for the borders.惊慌失措的旅行者逃往边境。外研社新世纪〔panic-stricken〕Panic-stricken travellers fled for the borders.惊慌失措的旅行者逃往边境。柯林斯高阶〔patron saint〕St Christopher, patron saint of travellers 圣克利斯托弗,旅行主保牛津高阶〔patron saint〕St. Christopher, the patron saint of travellers 圣克里斯托弗,旅行者的主保圣人朗文当代〔pester〕The poor children pestered the travellers for money.穷孩子们纠缠着旅游者要钱。21世纪英汉〔prowl〕Their fellow travellers are a mix of honeymooners, single girls on the prowl and elderly couples.他们的旅伴中有度蜜月的新人,有寻觅伴侣的单身女孩,也有老年夫妇。柯林斯高阶〔refresh〕The travellers stopped at a wayside inn to refresh themselves.游客们在一家路边客栈歇息进食。英汉大词典〔rescind〕The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded.事实证明,航空公司向素食乘客收取素餐费的做法不得人心,因而已被取消。剑桥高阶〔revolutionary〕Jet-weary travellers would like to see the development of a revolutionary drug capable of instantly shifting circadian rhythms over to destination times.疲于喷气式飞行的旅客都希望看到一种革命性新药的研制,这种药物可立即把昼夜生理节律调节到飞行目的地的时间轨道。英汉大词典〔ring〕The platform rang with the hurrying feet of the belated travellers.月台上响起迟到旅客急促的脚步声。英汉大词典〔set〕After a three-day rest, the travellers set out again.休息了3天之后,旅行者们又上路了。麦克米伦高阶〔shake〕The travellers shook down with blankets in the inn parlour.旅客们在客栈休息室里睡毯子铺成的临时铺。英汉大词典〔smilingly〕He opened the gate and smilingly welcomed the travellers home.他打开了大门,微笑着欢迎出行的人归来。柯林斯高阶〔span〕Travellers get from one side to the other by walking across a footbridge that spans a little stream.游客通过一座横跨小溪的步行桥从一边来到另一边。柯林斯高阶〔stealth〕These thieves operate with terrifying stealth - they can easily steal from the pockets of unsuspecting travellers.这些窃贼偷起东西来神不知鬼不觉——他们轻而易举就能从毫无戒备的游客口袋中偷走东西。剑桥高阶〔stopover〕This village is a delightful stopover for travellers.这个村庄对旅人来说是个令人愉快的中途停留地。英汉大词典〔stranded〕Air travellers were left stranded because of icy conditions.由于出现结冰的天气情况,飞机乘客被滞留。朗文当代〔target〕The billboards had been targeting travellers at airports.这些广告牌一直是针对机场旅客的。麦克米伦高阶〔traveller〕Attractive discounts are available to frequent travellers.常旅客可以享受诱人的折扣。牛津搭配〔traveller〕He passed the time chatting with fellow travellers.他与同行的旅客闲聊消磨时间。牛津高阶〔traveller〕His travel books have given pleasure to generations of armchair travellers.他的旅游书给一代代足不出户的神游者带来了乐趣。牛津搭配〔traveller〕I got to know my fellow travellers quite well in the course of the three-day journey.经过 3 天的旅行,我对我的旅伴们都很熟识了。牛津搭配〔traveller〕Independent travellers often steer clear of the most touristy spots.不跟团的旅行者常常避开游客最多的景点。牛津搭配〔traveller〕Local tribesmen earn their living guiding travellers across the mountains.当地族人靠给翻越大山的游客领路谋生。牛津搭配〔traveller〕Many air travellers suffer puffy ankles and feet during long flights.很多坐飞机出行的旅客在长途飞行中脚踝和脚会浮肿。柯林斯高阶〔traveller〕Many air travellers suffer puffy ankles and feet.很多乘飞机出行的旅客脚踝和脚会浮肿。外研社新世纪〔traveller〕New Age travellers 经常迁移的新时代人牛津高阶〔traveller〕Rail travellers are furious at the proposed seven per cent increase in fares.乘坐火车的旅客对票价上涨7%的提议非常愤怒。麦克米伦高阶〔traveller〕This hotel is for serious travellers, rather than tourists on two-week holidays.这家旅馆接待真正热衷旅行的人士,而不是那些度假两星期的游客。剑桥高阶〔troop〕Amy was aware of the little troop of travellers watching the two of them.埃米知道那一小队旅行者正在看着她们俩。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕The travellers were turned back at the frontier.旅游者在边境被挡了回来。英汉大词典〔unknown〕It is not unknown for travellers to forget their passports.旅客忘带护照的事时有发生。外研社新世纪〔warn〕Travellers to Africa are being warned about the danger of HIV infection.到非洲去旅行的人被提醒要注意预防艾滋病的感染。朗文当代〔waylay〕Bandits lie in wait to waylay unsuspecting travellers.强盗埋伏起来, 拦路抢劫毫无戒备的路人。外研社新世纪〔wits〕Travellers need to keep their wits about them.旅行者需要随机应变。外研社新世纪〔wit〕Travellers need to keep their wits about them.旅行者需要随机应变。柯林斯高阶Travellers are being ad- vised to stagger their journeys this weekend as long delays are expected on main roads.旅行者被建议这周末错开他们行程因为在干道上可能会堵车。剑桥国际Travellers to this part of South America are advised to take water-purifying tablets with them.到南美这个地区旅游的游客被建议带上净化水的药片。剑桥国际Travellers who are willing to fix their own itinerary are able to avoid the tourist crowds.愿意制订自己的旅行计划的旅行者可以避开成群的游客。剑桥国际Air travellers continue to face disruptions with more strikes threatened by airport workers.空港职员威胁要举行更多次的罢工,坐飞机旅行的人依旧面临停运。剑桥国际Business travellers demand the best treatment and we are happy to oblige.商务旅客要求最好的待遇,我们很乐意效劳。牛津商务Business travellers no longer need to spend time on the telephone arranging their trips.商务旅行者再也不必花时间打电话安排行程了。牛津商务Fellow travellers who acted as apologists for the bill were badly treated here.那些充当该法案的辩护士的同情者在这里受到了令人不快的对待。剑桥国际Millions of travellers fail to take elementary precautions.数以百万计的旅客都没有基本的预防措施。剑桥国际Most of the restaurants in the square are expensive tourist traps that are avoided by seasoned travellers.在广场里的饭馆大多很贵,有经验的游客不会去中其圈套挨斩。剑桥国际One in ten business travellers flies standby.十分之一的商务旅客都是临时购买飞机票出行的。牛津商务Our fellow travellers were mostly Spanish-speaking tourists.我们的旅伴大多是说西班牙语的旅游者。剑桥国际The travellers set up a camp near the river. 旅游者在河边架起了帐篷。译典通The airline is popular with business travellers.这家航空公司很受商务旅行者的喜爱。牛津商务The airline relies more on business travellers than the leisure market (= people who travel or buy products for pleasure).这家航空公司依赖商务旅客市场而非休闲市场。牛津商务The airport provides good facilities for business travellers.这个机场为商务旅客提供良好的设施。牛津商务The hotel is largely patronized by business travellers.这家旅馆的客人主要是商务旅客。牛津商务The hotel offers a complimentary cellphone for business travellers.酒店为商务旅行者提供免费手机。牛津商务The key to increased profitability is market segmentation, or carving out services that will appeal to particular groups of travellers.提高利润的关键是划分市场,或者划分出吸引某些特定游客群的服务。剑桥国际The rescue team raked the area for a trace of lost travellers. 营救队在这一地区仔细搜寻迷途旅人的踪迹。译典通The service caters mainly to business travellers.这项服务主要是迎合商务旅客的需要。牛津商务The space travellers made a successful landing on the moon. 太空旅行者成功地登上月球。译典通The villagers took pity on the hungry travellers and gave them hot food. 村民们很同情饥饿的旅行者,端出热的食物给他们吃。译典通These thieves operate with terrifying stealth--they can easily steal from the pockets of unsuspecting travellers.这些贼偷起东西来人不知,鬼不觉----他们能从毫无戒备的游客的口袋中轻易地偷东西。剑桥国际They held the travellers for ransom. 他们将旅客当作人质索取赎金。译典通This hotel is for serious travellers, rather than tourists on two-week package holidays.这家旅馆面向把旅行当成一回事的人,而不是那些作两星期包价旅行的游客。剑桥国际Where scheduled flights are cancelled or rerouted, travellers will be offered alternative flights.当预定的航班被取消或改变路线时,会为旅客提供其它可供选择的航班。剑桥国际




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