

单词 travellers
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔SEE〕an eerie no-man's land where travellers see mirages 一个荒无人烟的恐怖地方,旅行者常在那里看到海市蜃楼朗文写作活用〔airfare〕travellers seeking cheap airfares寻求廉价机票的旅客外研社新世纪〔astray〕mark the trail so travellers will not go astray 给小路设置标志使行人不致迷路英汉大词典〔carbon offset〕carbon offset initiatives for air travellers 供航空旅客采用的碳补偿倡议牛津高阶〔connect〕business travellers wanting to connect to a long-haul flight.想换乘长途航班的商务旅行者柯林斯高阶〔connect〕business travellers wanting to connect to a long-haul flight想换乘长途航班的商务旅客外研社新世纪〔dawdling〕dawdling travellers 闲逛着的旅客英汉大词典〔itinerary〕itineraries for independent travellers who don't want to rough it, including four-star accommodation, private guides, and transfers包含四星级住宿、私人导游和换乘信息等的旅行指南, 适合不愿穷游的自由行游客外研社新世纪〔lone〕lone female travellers stranded by the roadside滞留在路边的孤身女游客外研社新世纪〔preclear〕preclear U.S.-bound travellers at their points of departure 在启程地点事先核准赴美旅客入境英汉大词典〔preclear〕to preclear US-bound travellers at their points of departure在启程地点事先核发赴美旅客的许可证21世纪英汉〔rate〕specially reduced rates for travellers using Gatwick Airport.为在盖特威克机场进出港的乘客提供的优惠价格柯林斯高阶〔spell〕an ancient city that still casts its spell over travellers 对旅游者依然具有魔力诱惑的一座古城朗文当代〔stormbound〕stormbound travellers 为暴风雨所阻的旅客英汉大词典〔stranded〕stranded travellers searching for shelter 无依无靠到处寻找栖身之地的旅行者英汉大词典〔traveller〕frequent travellers to France 经常去法国的人朗文当代〔traveller〕hotels that cater to business travellers 迎合商务旅客的酒店牛津搭配〔unwary〕unwary travellers 没有戒备的旅行者朗文当代〔voyage〕voyages of the early travellers 早期旅行家的航海游记英汉大词典〔waylay〕waylay travellers and rob them 拦路抢劫旅人英汉大词典〔weary〕jet-weary travellers 因乘坐喷气式飞机旅行而疲惫不堪的旅客们英汉大词典a new mag for travellers 面向旅行者的新杂志牛津商务hotels catering for top-end business travellers (= with most money to spend) 专为高端商务旅行者服务的酒店牛津商务the defection of business travellers to low-fare airlines 商务旅行者转向光顾低价航空公司牛津商务




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