

单词 that many
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DETAIL〕A close study of the small print will reveal that many of these insurance policies do not cover the cost of repairing storm damage. 如果把细则仔细研究一下,就会发现这其中许多保险单不包括风暴所造成的损坏的修理费。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕A Police Force working party concluded that many people found the police intimidating. 一个警察部门的工作组得出结论—很多人觉得警察令人望而生畏。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕Surprisingly, police statistics show that many of these thefts were carried out by people from well-to-do families. 令人吃惊的是,警方的统计显示这些偷窃行为有许多是出身富有的人干的。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕The fact that many people still do not understand this basic concept is both puzzling and troubling. 很多人仍然不明白这基本的概念,这真令人费解和忧心。朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕The system is so biased that many citizens simply do not register to vote. 这体制倾向性太大,许多公民压根就不去登记投票。朗文写作活用〔a raw deal〕He said that many children in the city's schools were getting/being given a raw deal by being taught in classes that were too large.他说,城里许多小学生在教育方面没有得到公正的待遇,因为班级人数太多了。剑桥高阶〔apprehensive〕It's a strategy that many teachers are apprehensive of using.这是许多老师害怕使用的一种策略。麦克米伦高阶〔ball〕The company just won't be able to keep that many balls in the air.同时出现那么多的问题,公司根本招架不住。朗文当代〔chance〕They were crammed so tight that many stood no chance of escaping.他们被紧紧地挤在一起, 很多人都没有逃脱的机会。外研社新世纪〔circulation〕I had been out of circulation for a month and knew that many friends would be there.我有一个月深居简出,不过我知道许多朋友正等着我。柯林斯高阶〔circulation〕I had been out of circulation for a month and knew that many friends would be there.我已经有一个月没有参加社交活动了, 不过我知道许多朋友会去参加的。外研社新世纪〔come as〕It should come as no surprise that many people oppose the plan.许多人反对这一计划,没什么大惊小怪的。韦氏高阶〔contempt〕Small wonder that many voters hold their politicians in contempt.许多选民对政客们不屑一顾, 这不足为奇。外研社新世纪〔crunch〕One problem is that many managers are actually softies when it comes to the crunch.一个问题是, 到了关键时刻许多经理却表现得很软弱。外研社新世纪〔despair〕There are signs that many voters have already despaired of politicians.有迹象表明, 许多选民对政客已经不抱希望。外研社新世纪〔dicriminalize〕Marijuana is so common in the U.S. that many want to decriminalize it.抽大麻在美国相当普遍,以致很多人提议对此免刑或减刑。21世纪英汉〔direction〕The new chairman instituted a change of direction that many board members were unhappy with.新任董事长对方针进行了修改, 让很多董事会成员很不高兴。外研社新世纪〔eyeball〕When you have that many troops lined up eyeball to eyeball along a tense border, anything can happen.大量部队在形势紧张的边界地区面对面对峙时, 什么事都可能会发生。外研社新世纪〔freeze ... out〕The competition became so keen that many of smaller companies were frozen out.竞争是如此激烈,许多较小的公司被排挤了出来。21世纪英汉〔high-flown〕It is highly probable that many of the Service's personnel were put off by such high-flown rhetoric.很可能该部门的许多工作人员都对这种华而不实的虚夸言辞感到反感。外研社新世纪〔insofar〕They cooperated fully insofar that many of their projects were jointly conducted.他们只在许多共同进行的研究项目方面通力合作。英汉大词典〔language〕Mr Harris has not been afraid to use language that many in his party despise.哈里斯先生素来不怕使用为许多党内人士所不齿的言辞。柯林斯高阶〔latent〕We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realizing it.我们正在努力挖掘许多人自身具有但却没有意识到的潜在艺术才能。剑桥高阶〔lifestyle〕They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.他们享有很多人都会妒忌的收入和生活方式。外研社新世纪〔mean〕The high cost of housing means that many young people can't afford to buy a house.房价高意味着很多年轻人买不起房子。朗文当代〔mention〕At this point, it is worth mentioning that many people who were adopted as babies have no desire to meet their biological parents.说到这里,应该提一下,很多从婴儿时就被领养的人都无意与亲生父母相认。牛津搭配〔moreover〕There is growing opposition to capital punishment. Moreover, there is now evidence that many executed prisoners were innocent.越来越多的人反对死刑。此外,有证据表明许多被处死的人是无辜的。麦克米伦高阶〔nausea〕I felt a sense of disgust and nausea at the sheer poverty that many of these people lived in.看到这么多人生活赤贫, 我深感不快与厌恶。外研社新世纪〔nothing〕When a car has done that many miles, it's worth nothing.一辆车行驶了这么多里程,根本不值钱了。朗文当代〔noticeable〕It was noticeable that many of them avoided answering the question.显而易见,他们中的许多人对这个问题都避而不答。朗文当代〔reveal〕The survey revealed that many consumers are aware of the risks involved.调查显示许多消费者都意识到了所涉及的危险。麦克米伦高阶〔smug〕He had the smugness that many lawyers show.他有着许多律师身上都有的那种自命不凡。柯林斯高阶〔span〕It'll be difficult to hire that many new staff in such a short time span .在这么短的时间里要想招聘到那么多新员工是很难的。朗文当代〔submission〕In its submission to the Commission, the association claimed that many prisoners are innocent.在呈交委员会的声明中,该协会声称许多犯人是无辜的。麦克米伦高阶〔such〕Skills shortages were such that many nurses were recruited overseas.技术人员的缺乏十分严重, 许多护士只能从海外招聘。外研社新世纪〔war〕If this country goes to (= starts to fight in a) war we will have to face the fact that many people will die.如果这个国家参战,我们将不得不面对很多人都要送命的现实。剑桥高阶〔weaken〕The recession has weakened so many firms that many can no longer survive.经济衰退使许多公司实力大损,不少难以为继。柯林斯高阶〔witness〕He was as much a journalist as a storyteller: witness the fact that many of his concerns are still relevant today.他是一个记者,也是一个讲故事的高手:比如他所关心的许多事情至今仍有重大意义就是明证。麦克米伦高阶〔worried〕The unions are worried that many jobs will disappear.工会担心很多工作岗位会消失。外研社新世纪A lack of incinerators has meant that many of the 22 000 cattle that have died from the disease have been buried.焚化炉的短缺意味着22 000头因这种疾病而死的牲畜中有许多是被掩埋掉的。剑桥国际He's got the sort of physique that many top athletes would envy.他具有许多顶尖运动员都要羡慕的体格。剑桥国际His teachers said that many of his problems stemmed from being the child of pushy parents.他的老师们说他的许多问题出自于他那急于求成的父母。剑桥国际I've always regarded bird-watching as a rather aimless activity, but I know that many people enjoy it.我一向认为野鸟习性观察是一种颇无目的的活动,但我知道许多人都喜欢这样做。剑桥国际If this country goes to (= starts to fight in a) war we will have to face the fact that many people will die.假如国家参战,我们将面临的现实就是许多人将为此送命。剑桥国际The Bishop made some doctrinal statements (= on matters to do with his Church's teachings) that many disagreed with.大主教发表了遭到许多人反对的有关教义的声明。剑桥国际The Gay Liberation movement of the late 1960s set out to challenge the stereotyped ideas that many people had about homosexuals. 20 世纪60年代晚期的同性恋解放运动开始向许多人对同性恋者所抱有的成见进行挑战。剑桥国际The actress was so temperamental that many people refused to work with her. 那位女演员喜怒无常,许多人都拒绝和她合作。译典通The survey showed that many workers want a higher level of employee involvement.调查显示许多工人希望职工有更高层次的参与。牛津商务Tour operators (= companies which arrange holidays for people) report that many people are booking their holidays early this year.旅行社报道说今年年初许多人就在预订假期旅行。剑桥国际We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realising it.我们试图把许多人拥有的但没有意识到的潜在的艺术才能激发出来。剑桥国际




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