

单词 to abandon
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕Despite their arguments, I still saw no reason to abandon my agnosticism. 虽然他们论据充足,但我仍觉得没有理由放弃不可知论。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Retreating troops were told to abandon their weapons and run as fast as they could towards the beach. 撤退的部队被命令丢弃武器,尽快跑到海滩去。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕Pragmatic considerations led the government to abandon pure Marxist policies. 现实的考虑使政府放弃了纯粹的福利主义原则。朗文写作活用〔abandon ship〕The captain gave the order to abandon ship.船长下令弃船。韦氏高阶〔abandon〕George almost persuaded me to abandon my studies and join him.乔治差点就说服了我放弃学业跟他合作。麦克米伦高阶〔abandon〕Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles.大雪迫使许多驾驶者弃车步行。牛津高阶〔abandon〕The government does not propose to abandon the project altogether.政府并不打算完全放弃这个计划。牛津搭配〔abandon〕The officer refused to abandon his post.这位军官拒绝离开自己的岗位。韦氏高阶〔abandon〕The officers and crew prepared to abandon ship in an orderly fashion.全体船员秩序井然地准备弃船。柯林斯高阶〔abandon〕The scheme's investors, fearful of bankruptcy, decided to abandon the project.因为担心破产,该计划的投资者决定放弃这个项目。柯林斯高阶〔abandon〕They had to abandon their attempt to climb the mountain.他们被迫中止登山计划。剑桥高阶〔abandon〕We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control.我们不敢放纵自己的情感,以免显得太过软弱或缺乏自制。柯林斯高阶〔abandon〕We had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way.我们只好弃车,走完剩下的路。朗文当代〔abandon〕We had to abandon the car.我们不得不弃车而去。剑桥高阶〔abandon〕We were afraid to abandon ourselves to our feelings.我们不敢放纵自己的情感。外研社新世纪〔abandon〕We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to abandon ship.我们的船下沉得很快,船长下令弃船。剑桥高阶〔apostatize〕To abandon one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.变节,脱党,叛教:放弃某人的宗教信仰、脱离某政党、改变其原则或奋斗目标美国传统〔aspire〕Broadcasters tried to abandon their native regional accents and aspire to BBC pronunciation.广播员们力图去掉自己的乡音,渴望达到BBC的发音标准。英汉大词典〔bail〕To abandon a project or enterprise.放弃,撒手:放弃某项计划或事业美国传统〔case〕Perhaps safety was an issue. In any case, the decision was taken to abandon this particular pit.安全性也许是个问题。但可以肯定的是, 已经决定废弃这个矿坑。外研社新世纪〔check〕To abandon the proper game and follow baser prey. Used of trained falcons.退而求其次:放弃应捕猎物而去追次要的猎物。用于指猎鹰美国传统〔constraint〕Their decision to abandon the trip was made because of financial constraints.他们决定放弃这次出游是因为财力有限。柯林斯高阶〔constraint〕Their decision to abandon the trip was made because of financial constraints.他们决定放弃这次旅行是因为财力有限。外研社新世纪〔desert〕To abandon (a military post, for example) in violation of orders or an oath.誓绝:以命令或以誓言强制放弃(军队官职等)美国传统〔desperately〕I decided not to abandon John when he was in such a desperate position.我决定不在约翰走投无路的时候抛弃他。柯林斯高阶〔disloyal〕It would be disloyal to abandon them.抛弃他们是不守信义的。韦氏高阶〔fierce〕A fierce storm forced the crew to abandon the yacht.猛烈的暴风雨迫使船员们弃船逃生。麦克米伦高阶〔irresponsibility〕It would be irresponsible of me not to advise my company to abandon this project.若我不建议公司放弃这个项目,那我就是不负责任。柯林斯高阶〔multilateral〕Many want to abandon the multilateral trade talks in Geneva.很多国家想退出在日内瓦举行的多边贸易会谈。柯林斯高阶〔neutrality〕Sweden isn't likely ever to abandon its traditional neutrality.瑞典永远不可能放弃其传统的中立立场。剑桥高阶〔non-intervention〕The British government may have to abandon its policy of non-intervention .英国政府可能必须放弃其不干涉政策。朗文当代〔one〕He was at one with Wheatley on the need to abandon free trade.他和惠特利意见一致,认为有必要中止自由贸易。朗文当代〔pressure〕Pressure to abandon the new motorway is increasing.要求放弃修建这条新的高速公路的呼声与日俱增。剑桥高阶〔pull〕She resisted the pull to abandon her principles to make more money.她抵住了放弃原则来多挣钱的诱惑。韦氏高阶〔reappraise〕It did not persuade them to abandon the war but it did force them to reappraise their strategy.那并没有说服他们放弃战争,但的确迫使他们重新评估了自己的战略。柯林斯高阶〔reprobate〕Theology To abandon to eternal damnation.【神学】 摈弃:为上帝摈弃而永世受罚美国传统〔run〕They ran out of money and had to abandon the project.他们的钱用光了,不得不放弃这个项目。朗文当代〔self-preservation〕It was his instinct for self-preservation that led him to abandon his former friends and transfer his allegiance to the new rulers.正是他自保的本能驱使他抛弃了以前的朋友,转而效忠于新的统治者。剑桥高阶〔ship〕The captain gave the order to abandon ship.船长下令弃船。牛津搭配〔start over〕We decided to abandon the first draft of the report and start over.我们决定把报告的第一稿推翻重写。剑桥高阶〔time〕I remember one time(= once)we had to abandon our car in the snow.我记得有一次我们迫于无奈把汽车丢弃在雪地里。牛津高阶〔want〕We had to abandon our project for want of a few pounds.因为缺几英镑钱,我们只得放弃计划。牛津同义词〔wrongheaded〕He is too wrongheaded to abandon his original objective.他太固执,不会放弃自己的原定目标。英汉大词典I was obliged to abandon that idea. 我不得不放弃那个想法。译典通It was his instinct for self-preservation that led him to abandon his former friends and transfer his allegiance to the new rulers.他自保其身的本能使他抛弃了以前的朋友,转而效忠于新的统治者。剑桥国际She argued with such vehemence against the proposal that they decided to abandon it.她竭力反对那项提议,他们只得决定放弃。剑桥国际The government was forced to abandon the one-to-one currency peg with the dollar.政府被迫放弃与美元一对一的挂钩。牛津商务The group has been forced to abandon its plan to raise capacity by 8%.这集团被迫放弃提高生产能力 8% 的计划。牛津商务The leading yacht was forced to abandon the race after it struck an iceberg.原本领先的快艇因与冰山相撞而被迫放弃比赛。剑桥国际They had to abandon (=stop) their attempt to climb the mountain.他们不得不放弃攀登这座山的念头。剑桥国际




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